mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 15:18:24 +00:00
This will eliminate the bug when pledge.oldPledge is a canceled project w/ a plugin and the plugin rejects transfers when canceled. This would prevent the pledge from being canceled. We address this by transfering the pledge amount to the oldestPledgeNotCanceled.
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//File: contracts/ILiquidPledgingPlugin.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
contract ILiquidPledgingPlugin {
/// @notice Plugins are used (much like web hooks) to initiate an action
/// upon any donation, delegation, or transfer; this is an optional feature
/// and allows for extreme customization of the contract
/// @param context The situation that is triggering the plugin:
/// 0 -> Plugin for the owner transferring pledge to another party
/// 1 -> Plugin for the first delegate transferring pledge to another party
/// 2 -> Plugin for the second delegate transferring pledge to another party
/// ...
/// 255 -> Plugin for the intendedProject transferring pledge to another party
/// 256 -> Plugin for the owner receiving pledge to another party
/// 257 -> Plugin for the first delegate receiving pledge to another party
/// 258 -> Plugin for the second delegate receiving pledge to another party
/// ...
/// 511 -> Plugin for the intendedProject receiving pledge to another party
function beforeTransfer(
uint64 pledgeManager,
uint64 pledgeFrom,
uint64 pledgeTo,
uint64 context,
uint amount
) returns (uint maxAllowed);
function afterTransfer(
uint64 pledgeManager,
uint64 pledgeFrom,
uint64 pledgeTo,
uint64 context,
uint amount);
//File: contracts/LiquidPledgingBase.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
/// @dev This is declares a few functions from `Vault` so that the
/// `LiquidPledgingBase` contract can interface with the `Vault` contract
contract Vault {
function authorizePayment(bytes32 _ref, address _dest, uint _amount);
function () payable;
contract LiquidPledgingBase {
// Limits inserted to prevent large loops that could prevent canceling
uint constant MAX_DELEGATES = 20;
uint constant MAX_SUBPROJECT_LEVEL = 20;
uint constant MAX_INTERPROJECT_LEVEL = 20;
enum PledgeAdminType { Giver, Delegate, Project }
enum PaymentState { Pledged, Paying, Paid } // TODO name change Pledged
/// @dev This struct defines the details of each the PledgeAdmin, these
/// PledgeAdmins can own pledges and act as delegates
struct PledgeAdmin { // TODO name change PledgeAdmin
PledgeAdminType adminType; // Giver, Delegate or Project
address addr; // account or contract address for admin
string name;
string url;
uint64 commitTime; // In seconds, used for Givers' & Delegates' vetos
uint64 parentProject; // Only for projects
bool canceled; //Always false except for canceled projects
ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin; // if the plugin is 0x0 then nothing happens if its a contract address than that smart contract is called via the milestone contract
struct Pledge {
uint amount;
uint64 owner; // PledgeAdmin
uint64[] delegationChain; // list of index numbers
uint64 intendedProject; // TODO change the name only used for when delegates are precommiting to a project
uint64 commitTime; // When the intendedProject will become the owner
uint64 oldPledge; // this points to the Pledge[] index that the Pledge was derived from
PaymentState paymentState;
Pledge[] pledges;
PledgeAdmin[] admins; //The list of pledgeAdmins 0 means there is no admin
Vault public vault;
// this mapping allows you to search for a specific pledge's index number by the hash of that pledge
mapping (bytes32 => uint64) hPledge2idx;//TODO Fix typo
// Modifiers
modifier onlyVault() {
require(msg.sender == address(vault));
// Constructor
/// @notice The Constructor creates the `LiquidPledgingBase` on the blockchain
/// @param _vault Where the ETH is stored that the pledges represent
function LiquidPledgingBase(address _vault) {
admins.length = 1; // we reserve the 0 admin
pledges.length = 1; // we reserve the 0 pledge
vault = Vault(_vault);
// Adminss functions
/// @notice Creates a giver.
function addGiver(string name, string url, uint64 commitTime, ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin
) returns (uint64 idGiver) {
idGiver = uint64(admins.length);
event GiverAdded(uint64 indexed idGiver);
///@notice Changes the address, name or commitTime associated with a specific giver
function updateGiver(
uint64 idGiver,
address newAddr,
string newName,
string newUrl,
uint64 newCommitTime)
PledgeAdmin storage giver = findAdmin(idGiver);
require(giver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver); //Must be a Giver
require(giver.addr == msg.sender); //current addr had to originate this tx
giver.addr = newAddr;
giver.name = newName;
giver.url = newUrl;
giver.commitTime = newCommitTime;
event GiverUpdated(uint64 indexed idGiver);
/// @notice Creates a new Delegate
function addDelegate(string name, string url, uint64 commitTime, ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin) returns (uint64 idDelegate) { //TODO return index number
idDelegate = uint64(admins.length);
event DelegateAdded(uint64 indexed idDelegate);
///@notice Changes the address, name or commitTime associated with a specific delegate
function updateDelegate(
uint64 idDelegate,
address newAddr,
string newName,
string newUrl,
uint64 newCommitTime) {
PledgeAdmin storage delegate = findAdmin(idDelegate);
require(delegate.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Delegate);
require(delegate.addr == msg.sender);
delegate.addr = newAddr;
delegate.name = newName;
delegate.url = newUrl;
delegate.commitTime = newCommitTime;
event DelegateUpdated(uint64 indexed idDelegate);
/// @notice Creates a new Project
function addProject(string name, string url, address projectAdmin, uint64 parentProject, uint64 commitTime, ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin) returns (uint64 idProject) {
if (parentProject != 0) {
PledgeAdmin storage pa = findAdmin(parentProject);
require(pa.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project);
require(getProjectLevel(pa) < MAX_SUBPROJECT_LEVEL);
idProject = uint64(admins.length);
event ProjectAdded(uint64 indexed idProject);
///@notice Changes the address, name or commitTime associated with a specific Project
function updateProject(
uint64 idProject,
address newAddr,
string newName,
string newUrl,
uint64 newCommitTime)
PledgeAdmin storage project = findAdmin(idProject);
require(project.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project);
require(project.addr == msg.sender);
project.addr = newAddr;
project.name = newName;
project.url = newUrl;
project.commitTime = newCommitTime;
event ProjectUpdated(uint64 indexed idAdmin);
// Public constant functions
/// @notice Public constant that states how many pledgess are in the system
function numberOfPledges() constant returns (uint) {
return pledges.length - 1;
/// @notice Public constant that states the details of the specified Pledge
function getPledge(uint64 idPledge) constant returns(
uint amount,
uint64 owner,
uint64 nDelegates,
uint64 intendedProject,
uint64 commitTime,
uint64 oldPledge,
PaymentState paymentState
) {
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
amount = n.amount;
owner = n.owner;
nDelegates = uint64(n.delegationChain.length);
intendedProject = n.intendedProject;
commitTime = n.commitTime;
oldPledge = n.oldPledge;
paymentState = n.paymentState;
/// @notice Public constant that states the delegates one by one, because
/// an array cannot be returned
function getPledgeDelegate(uint64 idPledge, uint idxDelegate) constant returns(
uint64 idDelegate,
address addr,
string name
) {
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
idDelegate = n.delegationChain[idxDelegate - 1];
PledgeAdmin storage delegate = findAdmin(idDelegate);
addr = delegate.addr;
name = delegate.name;
/// @notice Public constant that states the number of admins in the system
function numberOfPledgeAdmins() constant returns(uint) {
return admins.length - 1;
/// @notice Public constant that states the details of the specified admin
function getPledgeAdmin(uint64 idAdmin) constant returns (
PledgeAdminType adminType,
address addr,
string name,
string url,
uint64 commitTime,
uint64 parentProject,
bool canceled,
address plugin)
PledgeAdmin storage m = findAdmin(idAdmin);
adminType = m.adminType;
addr = m.addr;
name = m.name;
url = m.url;
commitTime = m.commitTime;
parentProject = m.parentProject;
canceled = m.canceled;
plugin = address(m.plugin);
// Private methods
/// @notice All pledges technically exist... but if the pledge hasn't been
/// created in this system yet then it wouldn't be in the hash array
/// hPledge2idx[]; this creates a Pledge with and amount of 0 if one is not
/// created already...
function findOrCreatePledge(
uint64 owner,
uint64[] delegationChain,
uint64 intendedProject,
uint64 commitTime,
uint64 oldPledge,
PaymentState paid
) internal returns (uint64)
bytes32 hPledge = sha3(owner, delegationChain, intendedProject, commitTime, oldPledge, paid);
uint64 idx = hPledge2idx[hPledge];
if (idx > 0) return idx;
idx = uint64(pledges.length);
hPledge2idx[hPledge] = idx;
pledges.push(Pledge(0, owner, delegationChain, intendedProject, commitTime, oldPledge, paid));
return idx;
function findAdmin(uint64 idAdmin) internal returns (PledgeAdmin storage) {
require(idAdmin < admins.length);
return admins[idAdmin];
function findPledge(uint64 idPledge) internal returns (Pledge storage) {
require(idPledge < pledges.length);
return pledges[idPledge];
// a constant for the case that a delegate is requested that is not a delegate in the system
// helper function that searches the delegationChain fro a specific delegate and
// level of delegation returns their idx in the delegation chain which reflect their level of authority
function getDelegateIdx(Pledge n, uint64 idDelegate) internal returns(uint64) {
for (uint i=0; i<n.delegationChain.length; i++) {
if (n.delegationChain[i] == idDelegate) return uint64(i);
return NOTFOUND;
// helper function that returns the pledge level solely to check that transfers
// between Projects not violate MAX_INTERPROJECT_LEVEL
function getPledgeLevel(Pledge n) internal returns(uint) {
if (n.oldPledge == 0) return 0; //changed
Pledge storage oldN = findPledge(n.oldPledge);
return getPledgeLevel(oldN) + 1;
// helper function that returns the max commit time of the owner and all the
// delegates
function maxCommitTime(Pledge n) internal returns(uint commitTime) {
PledgeAdmin storage m = findAdmin(n.owner);
commitTime = m.commitTime;
for (uint i=0; i<n.delegationChain.length; i++) {
m = findAdmin(n.delegationChain[i]);
if (m.commitTime > commitTime) commitTime = m.commitTime;
// helper function that returns the project level solely to check that there
// are not too many Projects that violate MAX_SUBCAMPAIGNS_LEVEL
function getProjectLevel(PledgeAdmin m) internal returns(uint) {
assert(m.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project);
if (m.parentProject == 0) return(1);
PledgeAdmin storage parentNM = findAdmin(m.parentProject);
return getProjectLevel(parentNM);
function isProjectCanceled(uint64 projectId) constant returns (bool) {
PledgeAdmin storage m = findAdmin(projectId);
if (m.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver) return false;
assert(m.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project);
if (m.canceled) return true;
if (m.parentProject == 0) return false;
return isProjectCanceled(m.parentProject);
// @notice A helper function for canceling projects
// @param idPledge the pledge that may or may not be canceled
function getOldestPledgeNotCanceled(uint64 idPledge) internal constant returns(uint64) { //todo rename
if (idPledge == 0) return 0;
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
PledgeAdmin storage admin = findAdmin(n.owner);
if (admin.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver) return idPledge;
assert(admin.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project);
if (!isProjectCanceled(n.owner)) return idPledge;
return getOldestPledgeNotCanceled(n.oldPledge);
function checkAdminOwner(PledgeAdmin m) internal constant {
require((msg.sender == m.addr) || (msg.sender == address(m.plugin)));
//File: contracts/LiquidPledging.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
contract LiquidPledging is LiquidPledgingBase {
// Constructor
// This constructor also calls the constructor for `LiquidPledgingBase`
function LiquidPledging(address _vault) LiquidPledgingBase(_vault) {
/// @notice This is how value enters into the system which creates pledges;
/// the token of value goes into the vault and the amount in the pledge
/// relevant to this Giver without delegates is increased, and a normal
/// transfer is done to the idReceiver
/// @param idGiver Identifier of the giver thats donating.
/// @param idReceiver To whom it's transfered. Can be the same giver, another
/// giver, a delegate or a project
function donate(uint64 idGiver, uint64 idReceiver) payable {
if (idGiver == 0) {
idGiver = addGiver('', '', 259200, ILiquidPledgingPlugin(0x0)); // default to 3 day commitTime
PledgeAdmin storage sender = findAdmin(idGiver);
require(sender.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver);
uint amount = msg.value;
require(amount > 0);
vault.transfer(amount); // transfers the baseToken to the Vault
uint64 idPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
new uint64[](0), //what is new?
Pledge storage nTo = findPledge(idPledge);
nTo.amount += amount;
Transfer(0, idPledge, amount);
transfer(idGiver, idPledge, amount, idReceiver);
/// @notice Moves value between pledges
/// @param idSender ID of the giver, delegate or project admin that is transferring
/// the funds from Pledge to Pledge. This admin must have permissions to move the value
/// @param idPledge Id of the pledge that's moving the value
/// @param amount Quantity of value that's being moved
/// @param idReceiver Destination of the value, can be a giver sending to a giver or
/// a delegate, a delegate to another delegate or a project to precommit it to that project
function transfer(uint64 idSender, uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver) {
idPledge = normalizePledge(idPledge);
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
PledgeAdmin storage receiver = findAdmin(idReceiver);
PledgeAdmin storage sender = findAdmin(idSender);
require(n.paymentState == PaymentState.Pledged);
// If the sender is the owner
if (n.owner == idSender) {
if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver) {
transferOwnershipToGiver(idPledge, amount, idReceiver);
} else if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project) {
transferOwnershipToProject(idPledge, amount, idReceiver);
} else if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Delegate) {
idPledge = undelegate(idPledge, amount, n.delegationChain.length);
appendDelegate(idPledge, amount, idReceiver);
} else {
// If the sender is a delegate
uint senderDIdx = getDelegateIdx(n, idSender);
if (senderDIdx != NOTFOUND) {
// If the receiver is another giver
if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver) {
// Only accept to change to the original giver to remove all delegates
assert(n.owner == idReceiver);
undelegate(idPledge, amount, n.delegationChain.length);
// If the receiver is another delegate
if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Delegate) {
uint receiverDIdx = getDelegateIdx(n, idReceiver);
// If the receiver is not in the delegate list
if (receiverDIdx == NOTFOUND) {
idPledge = undelegate(idPledge, amount, n.delegationChain.length - senderDIdx - 1);
appendDelegate(idPledge, amount, idReceiver);
// If the receiver is already part of the delegate chain and is
// after the sender, then all of the other delegates after the sender are
// removed and the receiver is appended at the end of the delegation chain
} else if (receiverDIdx > senderDIdx) {
idPledge = undelegate(idPledge, amount, n.delegationChain.length - senderDIdx - 1);
appendDelegate(idPledge, amount, idReceiver);
// If the receiver is already part of the delegate chain and is
// before the sender, then the sender and all of the other
// delegates after the RECEIVER are revomved from the chain,
// this is interesting because the delegate undelegates from the
// delegates that delegated to this delegate... game theory issues? should this be allowed
} else if (receiverDIdx <= senderDIdx) {
undelegate(idPledge, amount, n.delegationChain.length - receiverDIdx -1);
// If the delegate wants to support a project, they undelegate all
// the delegates after them in the chain and choose a project
if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project) {
idPledge = undelegate(idPledge, amount, n.delegationChain.length - senderDIdx - 1);
proposeAssignProject(idPledge, amount, idReceiver);
assert(false); // It is not the owner nor any delegate.
/// @notice This method is used to withdraw value from the system. This can be used
/// by the givers to avoid committing the donation or by project admin to use
/// the Ether.
/// @param idPledge Id of the pledge that wants to be withdrawn.
/// @param amount Quantity of Ether that wants to be withdrawn.
function withdraw(uint64 idPledge, uint amount) {
idPledge = normalizePledge(idPledge);
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
require(n.paymentState == PaymentState.Pledged);
PledgeAdmin storage owner = findAdmin(n.owner);
uint64 idNewPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
doTransfer(idPledge, idNewPledge, amount);
vault.authorizePayment(bytes32(idNewPledge), owner.addr, amount);
/// @notice Method called by the vault to confirm a payment.
/// @param idPledge Id of the pledge that wants to be withdrawn.
/// @param amount Quantity of Ether that wants to be withdrawn.
function confirmPayment(uint64 idPledge, uint amount) onlyVault {
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
require(n.paymentState == PaymentState.Paying);
// Check the project is not canceled in the while.
require(getOldestPledgeNotCanceled(idPledge) == idPledge);
uint64 idNewPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
doTransfer(idPledge, idNewPledge, amount);
/// @notice Method called by the vault to cancel a payment.
/// @param idPledge Id of the pledge that wants to be canceled for withdraw.
/// @param amount Quantity of Ether that wants to be rolled back.
function cancelPayment(uint64 idPledge, uint amount) onlyVault {
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
require(n.paymentState == PaymentState.Paying); //TODO change to revert
// When a payment is canceled, never is assigned to a project.
uint64 oldPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
oldPledge = normalizePledge(oldPledge);
doTransfer(idPledge, oldPledge, amount);
/// @notice Method called to cancel this project.
/// @param idProject Id of the projct that wants to be canceled.
function cancelProject(uint64 idProject) {
PledgeAdmin storage project = findAdmin(idProject);
project.canceled = true;
function cancelPledge(uint64 idPledge, uint amount) {
idPledge = normalizePledge(idPledge);
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
require(n.oldPledge != 0);
PledgeAdmin storage m = findAdmin(n.owner);
uint64 oldPledge = getOldestPledgeNotCanceled(n.oldPledge);
doTransfer(idPledge, oldPledge, amount);
// Multi pledge methods
// This set of functions makes moving a lot of pledges around much more
// efficient (saves gas) than calling these functions in series
uint constant D64 = 0x10000000000000000;
function mTransfer(uint64 idSender, uint[] pledgesAmounts, uint64 idReceiver) {
for (uint i = 0; i < pledgesAmounts.length; i++ ) {
uint64 idPledge = uint64( pledgesAmounts[i] & (D64-1) );
uint amount = pledgesAmounts[i] / D64;
transfer(idSender, idPledge, amount, idReceiver);
function mWithdraw(uint[] pledgesAmounts) {
for (uint i = 0; i < pledgesAmounts.length; i++ ) {
uint64 idPledge = uint64( pledgesAmounts[i] & (D64-1) );
uint amount = pledgesAmounts[i] / D64;
withdraw(idPledge, amount);
function mConfirmPayment(uint[] pledgesAmounts) {
for (uint i = 0; i < pledgesAmounts.length; i++ ) {
uint64 idPledge = uint64( pledgesAmounts[i] & (D64-1) );
uint amount = pledgesAmounts[i] / D64;
confirmPayment(idPledge, amount);
function mCancelPayment(uint[] pledgesAmounts) {
for (uint i = 0; i < pledgesAmounts.length; i++ ) {
uint64 idPledge = uint64( pledgesAmounts[i] & (D64-1) );
uint amount = pledgesAmounts[i] / D64;
cancelPayment(idPledge, amount);
function mNormalizePledge(uint[] pledges) returns(uint64) {
for (uint i = 0; i < pledges.length; i++ ) {
uint64 idPledge = uint64( pledges[i] & (D64-1) );
// Private methods
// this function is obvious, but it can also be called to undelegate everyone
// by setting yourself as the idReceiver
function transferOwnershipToProject(uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver) internal {
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
require(getPledgeLevel(n) < MAX_INTERPROJECT_LEVEL);
uint64 oldPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
uint64 toPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
new uint64[](0),
doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount);
function transferOwnershipToGiver(uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver) internal {
uint64 toPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
new uint64[](0),
doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount);
function appendDelegate(uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver) internal {
Pledge storage n= findPledge(idPledge);
require(n.delegationChain.length < MAX_DELEGATES); //TODO change to revert and say the error
uint64[] memory newDelegationChain = new uint64[](n.delegationChain.length + 1);
for (uint i=0; i<n.delegationChain.length; i++) {
newDelegationChain[i] = n.delegationChain[i];
// Make the last item in the array the idReceiver
newDelegationChain[n.delegationChain.length] = idReceiver;
uint64 toPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount);
/// @param q Number of undelegations
function undelegate(uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint q) internal returns (uint64){
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
uint64[] memory newDelegationChain = new uint64[](n.delegationChain.length - q);
for (uint i=0; i<n.delegationChain.length - q; i++) {
newDelegationChain[i] = n.delegationChain[i];
uint64 toPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount);
return toPledge;
function proposeAssignProject(uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver) internal {// Todo rename
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
require(getPledgeLevel(n) < MAX_SUBPROJECT_LEVEL);
uint64 toPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
uint64(getTime() + maxCommitTime(n)),
doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount);
function doTransfer(uint64 from, uint64 to, uint _amount) internal {
uint amount = callPlugins(true, from, to, _amount);
if (from == to) return;
if (amount == 0) return;
Pledge storage nFrom = findPledge(from);
Pledge storage nTo = findPledge(to);
require(nFrom.amount >= amount);
nFrom.amount -= amount;
nTo.amount += amount;
Transfer(from, to, amount);
callPlugins(false, from, to, amount);
// This function does 2 things, #1: it checks to make sure that the pledges are correct
// if the a pledged project has already been committed then it changes the owner
// to be the proposed project (Pledge that the UI will have to read the commit time and manually
// do what this function does to the pledge for the end user at the expiration of the commitTime)
// #2: It checks to make sure that if there has been a cancellation in the chain of projects,
// then it adjusts the pledge's owner appropriately.
// This call can be called from any body at any time on any pledge. In general it can be called
// to force the calls of the affected plugins, which also need to be predicted by the UI
function normalizePledge(uint64 idPledge) returns(uint64) {
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
// Check to make sure this pledge hasnt already been used or is in the process of being used
if (n.paymentState != PaymentState.Pledged) return idPledge;
// First send to a project if it's proposed and commited
if ((n.intendedProject > 0) && ( getTime() > n.commitTime)) {
uint64 oldPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
uint64 toPledge = findOrCreatePledge(
new uint64[](0),
doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, n.amount);
idPledge = toPledge;
n = findPledge(idPledge);
toPledge = getOldestPledgeNotCanceled(idPledge);// TODO toPledge is pledge defined
if (toPledge != idPledge) {
doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, n.amount);
return toPledge;
// Plugins
function callPlugin(bool before, uint64 adminId, uint64 fromPledge, uint64 toPledge, uint64 context, uint amount) internal returns (uint allowedAmount) {
uint newAmount;
allowedAmount = amount;
PledgeAdmin storage admin = findAdmin(adminId);
if ((address(admin.plugin) != 0) && (allowedAmount > 0)) {
if (before) {
newAmount = admin.plugin.beforeTransfer(adminId, fromPledge, toPledge, context, amount);
require(newAmount <= allowedAmount);
allowedAmount = newAmount;
} else {
admin.plugin.afterTransfer(adminId, fromPledge, toPledge, context, amount);
function callPluginsPledge(bool before, uint64 idPledge, uint64 fromPledge, uint64 toPledge, uint amount) internal returns (uint allowedAmount) {
uint64 offset = idPledge == fromPledge ? 0 : 256;
allowedAmount = amount;
Pledge storage n = findPledge(idPledge);
allowedAmount = callPlugin(before, n.owner, fromPledge, toPledge, offset, allowedAmount);
for (uint64 i=0; i<n.delegationChain.length; i++) {
allowedAmount = callPlugin(before, n.delegationChain[i], fromPledge, toPledge, offset + i+1, allowedAmount);
if (n.intendedProject > 0) {
allowedAmount = callPlugin(before, n.intendedProject, fromPledge, toPledge, offset + 255, allowedAmount);
function callPlugins(bool before, uint64 fromPledge, uint64 toPledge, uint amount) internal returns (uint allowedAmount) {
allowedAmount = amount;
allowedAmount = callPluginsPledge(before, fromPledge, fromPledge, toPledge, allowedAmount);
allowedAmount = callPluginsPledge(before, toPledge, fromPledge, toPledge, allowedAmount);
// Test functions
function getTime() internal returns (uint) {
return now;
event Transfer(uint64 indexed from, uint64 indexed to, uint amount);
event CancelProject(uint64 indexed idProject);
//File: ./contracts/LiquidPledgingMock.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
// @dev LiquidPledgingMock mocks current block number
contract LiquidPledgingMock is LiquidPledging {
uint public mock_time;
function LiquidPledgingMock(address _vault) LiquidPledging(_vault) {
mock_time = now;
function getTime() internal returns (uint) {
return mock_time;
function setMockedTime(uint _t) {
mock_time = _t;