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183 lines
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/* eslint-env mocha */
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
const TestRPC = require('ethereumjs-testrpc');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const chai = require('chai');
const liquidpledging = require('../index.js');
const LiquidPledging = liquidpledging.LiquidPledgingMock;
const LiquidPledgingState = liquidpledging.LiquidPledgingState;
const Vault = liquidpledging.LPVault;
const assertFail = require('./helpers/assertFail');
const assert = chai.assert;
const printState = async (liquidPledgingState) => {
const st = await liquidPledgingState.getState();
console.log(JSON.stringify(st, null, 2));
describe('DelegationChain test', function () {
let testrpc;
let web3;
let accounts;
let liquidPledging;
let liquidPledgingState;
let vault;
let giver1;
let giver2;
let delegate1;
let delegate2;
let delegate3;
let adminProject1;
before(async () => {
testrpc = TestRPC.server({
ws: true,
gasLimit: 5800000,
total_accounts: 10,
testrpc.listen(8546, '');
web3 = new Web3('ws://localhost:8546');
accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
giver1 = accounts[1];
delegate1 = accounts[2];
delegate2 = accounts[3];
delegate3 = accounts[4];
adminProject1 = accounts[5];
giver2 = accounts[6];
after((done) => {
it('Should deploy LiquidPledging contract', async () => {
vault = await Vault.new(web3);
liquidPledging = await LiquidPledging.new(web3, vault.$address, { gas: 5800000 });
await vault.setLiquidPledging(liquidPledging.$address);
liquidPledgingState = new LiquidPledgingState(liquidPledging);
it('Should add pledgeAdmins', async () => {
await liquidPledging.addGiver('Giver1', 'URLGiver1', 86400, 0, { from: giver1 }); // pledgeAdmin 1
await liquidPledging.addDelegate('Delegate1', 'URLDelegate1', 259200, 0, { from: delegate1 }); // pledgeAdmin 2
await liquidPledging.addDelegate('Delegate2', 'URLDelegate2', 0, 0, { from: delegate2 }); // pledgeAdmin 3
await liquidPledging.addDelegate('Delegate3', 'URLDelegate3', 0, 0, { from: delegate3 }); // pledgeAdmin 4
await liquidPledging.addProject('Project1', 'URLProject1', adminProject1, 0, 0, 0, { from: adminProject1 }); // pledgeAdmin 5
await liquidPledging.addGiver('Giver2', 'URLGiver2', 0, 0, { from: giver2 }); // pledgeAdmin 6
const nAdmins = await liquidPledging.numberOfPledgeAdmins();
assert.equal(nAdmins, 6);
it('Should allow previous delegate to transfer pledge', async () => {
await liquidPledging.donate(1, 2, {from: giver1, value: 1000, $extraGas: 50000});
// add delegate2 to chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 2, 1000, 3, {from: delegate1, $extraGas: 100000});
// delegate 1 transfer pledge back to self, thus undelegating delegate2
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 3, 1000, 2, {from: delegate1, $extraGas: 100000});
const st = await liquidPledgingState.getState();
assert.equal(st.pledges[2].amount, 1000);
assert.equal(st.pledges[3].amount, 0);
it('Should allow any delegate in chain to transfer pledge and undelegate all delegates occurring later in chain', async () => {
// add delegate2 to chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 2, 1000, 3, {from: delegate1, $extraGas: 100000});
// add delegate3 to chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(3, 3, 1000, 4, {from: delegate2, $extraGas: 100000});
// delegate 1 transfer pledge to project1. should also undelegate all delegates occurring later in chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 4, 1000, 5, {from: delegate1, $extraGas: 200000});
const st = await liquidPledgingState.getState();
assert.equal(st.pledges[5].amount, 1000);
assert.equal(st.pledges[5].intendedProject, 5);
assert.equal(st.pledges[5].delegates.length, 1);
assert.equal(st.pledges[5].delegates[0].id, 2);
assert.equal(st.pledges[3].amount, 0);
assert.equal(st.pledges[4].amount, 0);
it('Should throw if delegate2 is not in delegationChain', async () => {
await assertFail(async () => await liquidPledging.transfer(3, 5, 1000, 1, {from: delegate2}));
it('Delegate1 should not be able to transfer to another giver', async () => {
await assertFail(async () => await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 5, 1000, 6, {from: delegate1}));
it('Delegate1 should be able to transfer pledge back to owner', async () => {
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 5, 1000, 1, {from: delegate1, $extraGas: 100000});
const st = await liquidPledgingState.getState();
assert.equal(st.pledges[1].amount, 1000);
assert.equal(st.pledges[1].delegates.length, 0);
assert.equal(st.pledges[5].amount, 0);
it('Delegate1 should be able to change delegation', async () => {
// add delegate1 to chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(1, 1, 1000, 2, {from: giver1, $extraGas: 100000});
// delegate1 add delegate2 to chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 2, 1000, 3, {from: delegate1, $extraGas: 100000});
// delegate1 remove delegate2 and add delegate3 to chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 3, 1000, 4, {from: delegate1, $extraGas: 100000});
const st = await liquidPledgingState.getState();
assert.equal(st.pledges[1].amount, 0);
assert.equal(st.pledges[6].amount, 1000);
assert.equal(st.pledges[6].delegates.length, 2);
assert.equal(st.pledges[6].delegates[0].id, 2);
assert.equal(st.pledges[6].delegates[1].id, 4);
it('delegate in chain should be able to delegate to previous delegate, thus undelegating themselves and any delegate after the previous delegate', async () => {
// add delegate2 to chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(4, 6, 1000, 3, {from: delegate3, $extraGas: 100000});
// delegate2 transfer back to delegate1, thus undelegating delegate2 & delegate3
await liquidPledging.transfer(3, 7, 1000, 2, {from: delegate2, $extraGas: 100000});
const st = await liquidPledgingState.getState();
assert.equal(st.pledges[7].amount, 0);
assert.equal(st.pledges[2].amount, 1000);
assert.equal(st.pledges[2].delegates.length, 1);
assert.equal(st.pledges[2].delegates[0].id, 2);
it('Should not append delegate on veto delegation', async () => {
// propose the delegation
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 2, 1000, 5, { from: delegate1, $extraGas: 100000 });
const origPledge = await liquidPledging.getPledge(2);
assert.equal(origPledge.amount, '0');
// veto the delegation
await liquidPledging.transfer(1, 5, 1000, 2, { from: giver1, $extraGas: 100000 });
const currentPledge = await liquidPledging.getPledge(2);
assert.equal(currentPledge.amount, '1000');
assert.equal(currentPledge.nDelegates, 1);
it('Pledge should have longest commitTime in delegation chain', async () => {
// delegate1 add delegate2 to chain
await liquidPledging.transfer(2, 2, 1000, 3, {from: delegate1, $extraGas: 100000});
// set the time
const now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
await liquidPledging.setMockedTime(now);
// propose project delegation
await liquidPledging.transfer(3, 3, 1000, 5, { from: delegate2, $extraGas: 100000 });
const pledge = await liquidPledging.getPledge(8);
assert.equal(pledge.commitTime, now + 259200); // 259200 is longest commitTime in delegationChain