
412 lines
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pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
Copyright 2017, Jordi Baylina, RJ Ewing
Contributors: Adrià Massanet <>, Griff Green,
Arthur Lunn
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import "./ILiquidPledgingPlugin.sol";
import "./EternallyPersistentLib.sol";
import "./LiquidPledgingStorage.sol";
import "./LiquidPledgingPlugins.sol";
contract PledgeAdmins is LiquidPledgingStorage, LiquidPledgingPlugins {
using EternallyPersistentLib for EternalStorage;
// Limits inserted to prevent large loops that could prevent canceling
uint constant MAX_SUBPROJECT_LEVEL = 20;
uint constant MAX_INTERPROJECT_LEVEL = 20;
// Constants used when dealing with storage/retrieval of PledgeAdmins
string constant PLEDGE_ADMIN = "PledgeAdmin";
bytes32 constant PLEDGE_ADMINS_ARRAY = keccak256("pledgeAdmins");
//TODO we can pack some of these struct values, which should save space. TEST THIS
//TODO making functions public may lower deployment cost, but increase gas / tx costs. TEST THIS
//TODO is it cheaper to issue a storage check before updating? where should this be done? EternalStorage?
enum PledgeAdminType { Giver, Delegate, Project }
// Events
event GiverAdded(uint indexed idGiver);
event GiverUpdated(uint indexed idGiver);
event DelegateAdded(uint indexed idDelegate);
event DelegateUpdated(uint indexed idDelegate);
event ProjectAdded(uint indexed idProject);
event ProjectUpdated(uint indexed idProject);
// Constructor
function PledgeAdmins(address _storage)
LiquidPledgingPlugins() public
// Public functions
/// @notice Creates a Giver Admin with the `msg.sender` as the Admin address
/// @param name The name used to identify the Giver
/// @param url The link to the Giver's profile often an IPFS hash
/// @param commitTime The length of time in seconds the Giver has to
/// veto when the Giver's delegates Pledge funds to a project
/// @param plugin This is Giver's liquid pledge plugin allowing for
/// extended functionality
/// @return idGiver The id number used to reference this Admin
function addGiver(
string name,
string url,
uint commitTime,
ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin
) public returns (uint idGiver)
require(isValidPlugin(plugin)); // Plugin check
idGiver = _storage.stgCollectionAddItem(PLEDGE_ADMINS_ARRAY);
// Save the fields
// don't set adminType to save gas, b/c 0 is Giver
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "addr", msg.sender);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "name", name);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "url", url);
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "commitTime", commitTime);
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "plugin", address(plugin));
/// @notice Updates a Giver's info to change the address, name, url, or
/// commitTime, it cannot be used to change a plugin, and it must be called
/// by the current address of the Giver
/// @param idGiver This is the Admin id number used to specify the Giver
/// @param newAddr The new address that represents this Giver
/// @param newName The new name used to identify the Giver
/// @param newUrl The new link to the Giver's profile often an IPFS hash
/// @param newCommitTime Sets the length of time in seconds the Giver has to
/// veto when the Giver's delegates Pledge funds to a project
function updateGiver(
uint idGiver,
address newAddr,
string newName,
string newUrl,
uint64 newCommitTime
) public
require(getAdminType(idGiver) == PledgeAdminType.Giver); // Must be a Giver
require(getAdminAddr(idGiver) == msg.sender); // Current addr had to send this tx
// Save the fields
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "addr", newAddr);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "name", newName);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "url", newUrl);
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idGiver, "commitTime", newCommitTime);
/// @notice Creates a Delegate Admin with the `msg.sender` as the Admin addr
/// @param name The name used to identify the Delegate
/// @param url The link to the Delegate's profile often an IPFS hash
/// @param commitTime Sets the length of time in seconds that this delegate
/// can be vetoed. Whenever this delegate is in a delegate chain the time
/// allowed to veto any event must be greater than or equal to this time.
/// @param plugin This is Delegate's liquid pledge plugin allowing for
/// extended functionality
/// @return idxDelegate The id number used to reference this Delegate within
/// the PLEDGE_ADMIN array
function addDelegate(
string name,
string url,
uint64 commitTime,
ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin
) public returns (uint idDelegate)
require(isValidPlugin(plugin)); // Plugin check
idDelegate = _storage.stgCollectionAddItem(PLEDGE_ADMINS_ARRAY);
// Save the fields
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "adminType", uint(PledgeAdminType.Delegate));
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "addr", msg.sender);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "name", name);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "url", url);
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "commitTime", commitTime);
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "plugin", address(plugin));
/// @notice Updates a Delegate's info to change the address, name, url, or
/// commitTime, it cannot be used to change a plugin, and it must be called
/// by the current address of the Delegate
/// @param idDelegate The Admin id number used to specify the Delegate
/// @param newAddr The new address that represents this Delegate
/// @param newName The new name used to identify the Delegate
/// @param newUrl The new link to the Delegate's profile often an IPFS hash
/// @param newCommitTime Sets the length of time in seconds that this
/// delegate can be vetoed. Whenever this delegate is in a delegate chain
/// the time allowed to veto any event must be greater than or equal to
/// this time.
function updateDelegate(
uint idDelegate,
address newAddr,
string newName,
string newUrl,
uint64 newCommitTime
) public
require(getAdminType(idDelegate) == PledgeAdminType.Delegate);
require(getAdminAddr(idDelegate) == msg.sender); // Current addr had to send this tx
// Save the fields
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "addr", newAddr);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "name", newName);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "url", newUrl);
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idDelegate, "commitTime", newCommitTime);
/// @notice Creates a Project Admin with the `msg.sender` as the Admin addr
/// @param name The name used to identify the Project
/// @param url The link to the Project's profile often an IPFS hash
/// @param projectAdmin The address for the trusted project manager
/// @param parentProject The Admin id number for the parent project or 0 if
/// there is no parentProject
/// @param commitTime Sets the length of time in seconds the Project has to
/// veto when the Project delegates to another Delegate and they pledge
/// those funds to a project
/// @param plugin This is Project's liquid pledge plugin allowing for
/// extended functionality
/// @return idProject The id number used to reference this Admin
function addProject(
string name,
string url,
address projectAdmin,
uint64 parentProject,
uint64 commitTime,
ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin
) public returns (uint idProject)
if (parentProject != 0) {
// getProjectLevel will check that parentProject has a `Project` adminType
require(getProjectLevel(parentProject) < MAX_SUBPROJECT_LEVEL);
idProject = _storage.stgCollectionAddItem(PLEDGE_ADMINS_ARRAY);//, idProject);
// Save the fields
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "adminType", uint(PledgeAdminType.Project));
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "addr", projectAdmin);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "name", name);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "url", url);
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "parentProject", parentProject);
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "commitTime", commitTime);
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "plugin", address(plugin));
/// @notice Updates a Project's info to change the address, name, url, or
/// commitTime, it cannot be used to change a plugin or a parentProject,
/// and it must be called by the current address of the Project
/// @param idProject The Admin id number used to specify the Project
/// @param newAddr The new address that represents this Project
/// @param newName The new name used to identify the Project
/// @param newUrl The new link to the Project's profile often an IPFS hash
/// @param newCommitTime Sets the length of time in seconds the Project has
/// to veto when the Project delegates to a Delegate and they pledge those
/// funds to a project
function updateProject(
uint idProject,
address newAddr,
string newName,
string newUrl,
uint64 newCommitTime
) public
require(getAdminType(idProject) == PledgeAdminType.Project);
require(getAdminAddr(idProject) == msg.sender); // Current addr had to send this tx
// Save the fields
_storage.stgObjectSetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "addr", newAddr);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "name", newName);
_storage.stgObjectSetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "url", newUrl);
_storage.stgObjectSetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idProject, "commitTime", newCommitTime);
// Public constant functions
/// @notice A constant getter used to check how many total Admins exist
/// @return The total number of admins (Givers, Delegates and Projects) .
function numberOfPledgeAdmins() public constant returns(uint) {
return _storage.stgCollectionLength(PLEDGE_ADMINS_ARRAY);
/// @notice A constant getter to check the details of a specified Admin
/// @return addr Account or contract address for admin
/// @return name Name of the pledgeAdmin
/// @return url The link to the Project's profile often an IPFS hash
/// @return commitTime The length of time in seconds the Admin has to veto
/// when the Admin delegates to a Delegate and that Delegate pledges those
/// funds to a project
/// @return parentProject The Admin id number for the parent project or 0
/// if there is no parentProject
/// @return canceled 0 for Delegates & Givers, true if a Project has been
/// canceled
/// @return plugin This is Project's liquidPledging plugin allowing for
/// extended functionality
function getPledgeAdmin(uint idAdmin) public view returns (
PledgeAdminType adminType,
address addr,
string name,
string url,
uint64 commitTime,
uint64 parentProject,
bool canceled,
address plugin
) {
adminType = getAdminType(idAdmin);
addr = getAdminAddr(idAdmin);
name = getAdminName(idAdmin);
url = _storage.stgObjectGetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idAdmin, "url");
commitTime = uint64(getAdminCommitTime(idAdmin));
// parentProject & canceled only belong to Project admins,
// so don't waste the gas to fetch the data
if (adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project) {
parentProject = uint64(getAdminParentProject(idAdmin));
canceled = getAdminCanceled(idAdmin);
plugin = getAdminPlugin(idAdmin);
// Internal methods
/// @notice A getter to find if a specified Project has been canceled
/// @param projectId The Admin id number used to specify the Project
/// @return True if the Project has been canceled
function isProjectCanceled(uint projectId)
internal constant returns (bool)
require(numberOfPledgeAdmins() >= projectId);
PledgeAdminType adminType = getAdminType(projectId);
if (adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver) {
return false;
assert(adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project);
if (getAdminCanceled(projectId)) {
return true;
uint parentProject = getAdminParentProject(projectId);
if (parentProject == 0) {
return false;
return isProjectCanceled(parentProject);
/// @notice Find the level of authority a specific Project has
/// using a recursive loop
/// @param idProject The id of the Project being queried
/// @return The level of authority a specific Project has
function getProjectLevel(uint idProject) internal returns(uint) {
assert(getAdminType(idProject) == PledgeAdminType.Project);
uint parentProject = getAdminParentProject(idProject);
if (parentProject == 0) {
return getProjectLevel(parentProject) + 1;
// Getters for individual attributes of a PledgeAdmin
function getAdminType(
uint idAdmin
) internal view returns (PledgeAdminType)
return PledgeAdminType(_storage.stgObjectGetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idAdmin, "adminType"));
function getAdminAddr(
uint idAdmin
) internal view returns (address)
return _storage.stgObjectGetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idAdmin, "addr");
function getAdminName(
uint idAdmin
) internal view returns (string)
return _storage.stgObjectGetString(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idAdmin, "name");
function getAdminParentProject(
uint idAdmin
) internal view returns (uint)
return _storage.stgObjectGetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idAdmin, "parentProject");
function getAdminCanceled(
uint idAdmin
) internal view returns (bool)
return _storage.stgObjectGetBoolean(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idAdmin, "canceled");
function getAdminPlugin(
uint idAdmin
) internal view returns (address)
return _storage.stgObjectGetAddress(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idAdmin, "plugin");
function getAdminCommitTime(
uint idAdmin
) internal view returns (uint)
return _storage.stgObjectGetUInt(PLEDGE_ADMIN, idAdmin, "commitTime");