import React from 'react' import { HashRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom' import EmbarkJS from 'Embark/EmbarkJS' import LiquidPledging from 'Embark/contracts/LiquidPledging' import web3 from 'Embark/web3' import { initVaultAndLP, vaultPledgingNeedsInit, standardTokenApproval, getLpAllowance } from './utils/initialize' import { getAuthorizedPayments } from './utils/events' import { FundingContext } from './context' import MainCointainer from './components/MainCointainer' import { getAndAddLpEvents } from './actions/lpEvents' import { getAndAddVaultEvents } from './actions/vaultEvents' import { addFormattedProfiles } from './actions/profiles' import { updateStalePledges, getAndAddPledges } from './actions/pledges' const { getNetworkType } = class App extends React.Component { state = { loading: true, lpAllowance: 0, needsInit: true, }; componentDidMount(){ EmbarkJS.onReady(async (err) => { getNetworkType().then(async network => { const { environment } = EmbarkJS const isInitialized = await vaultPledgingNeedsInit() if (!!isInitialized) { if (environment === 'development') console.log('mock_time:', await const lpAllowance = await getLpAllowance() //TODO add block based sync const authorizedPayments = await getAuthorizedPayments() const account = await web3.eth.getCoinbase() this.syncWithRemote() this.setState({ account, network, environment, lpAllowance, authorizedPayments, needsInit: false }) } }) }) } async syncWithRemote() { // not running in parallel due to possible metamask / infura limitation await getAndAddLpEvents() await getAndAddVaultEvents() // Profiles must be loaded before pledges to set profile on pledge model await addFormattedProfiles() await getAndAddPledges() await updateStalePledges() this.setState({ loading: false }) } render() { const { account, needsInit, lpAllowance, loading, authorizedPayments } = this.state const { appendFundProfile, appendPledges, transferPledgeAmounts } = this const fundingContext = { appendPledges, appendFundProfile, account, transferPledgeAmounts, authorizedPayments, needsInit, initVaultAndLP, standardTokenApproval } return ( ) } } export default App