pragma solidity ^0.4.11; import "./ILiquidPledgingPlugin.sol"; contract Vault { function authorizePayment(bytes32 _ref, address _dest, uint _amount); function () payable; } contract LiquidPledgingBase { uint constant MAX_DELEGATES = 20; uint constant MAX_SUBPROJECT_LEVEL = 20; uint constant MAX_INTERPROJECT_LEVEL = 20; enum NoteManagerType { Donor, Delegate, Project }// todo change name enum PaymentState { NotPaid, Paying, Paid } // This struct defines the details of each the NoteManager, these NoteManagers can create struct NoteManager {// change manager NoteManagerType managerType; address addr; string name; uint64 commitTime; // Only used in donors and projects, its the precommitment time uint64 parentProject; // Only for projects bool canceled; // Only for project ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin; // Handler that is called when one call is affected. } struct Note { uint amount; uint64 owner; uint64[] delegationChain; //index numbers!!!!! uint64 proposedProject; // TODO change the name only used for when delegates are precommiting to a project uint64 commitTime; // At what time the upcoming time will become an owner. uint64 oldNote; // this points to the Note[] index that the Note was derived from PaymentState paymentState; } Note[] notes; NoteManager[] managers; // the list of all the note managers 0 is reserved for no manager Vault public vault; // this mapping allows you to search for a specific note's index number by the hash of that note mapping (bytes32 => uint64) hNote2ddx;//TODO Fix typo ///// // Modifiers ///// modifier onlyVault() { require(msg.sender == address(vault)); _; } ////// // Constructor ////// function LiquidPledgingBase(address _vault) { managers.length = 1; // we reserve the 0 manager notes.length = 1; // we reserve the 0 note vault = Vault(_vault); } /////// // Managers functions ////// function addDonor(string name, uint64 commitTime, ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin) returns (uint64 idDonor) { idDonor = uint64(managers.length); managers.push(NoteManager( NoteManagerType.Donor, msg.sender, name, commitTime, 0, false, plugin)); DonorAdded(idDonor); } event DonorAdded(uint64 indexed idDonor); function updateDonor( uint64 idDonor, address newAddr, string newName, uint64 newCommitTime) { NoteManager storage donor = findManager(idDonor); require(donor.managerType == NoteManagerType.Donor); require(donor.addr == msg.sender); donor.addr = newAddr; = newName; donor.commitTime = newCommitTime; DonorUpdated(idDonor); } event DonorUpdated(uint64 indexed idDonor); function addDelegate(string name, uint64 commitTime, ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin) returns (uint64 idDelegate) { //TODO return index number idDelegate = uint64(managers.length); managers.push(NoteManager( NoteManagerType.Delegate, msg.sender, name, commitTime, 0, false, plugin)); DelegateAdded(idDelegate); } event DelegateAdded(uint64 indexed idDelegate); function updateDelegate( uint64 idDelegate, address newAddr, string newName, uint64 newCommitTime) { NoteManager storage delegate = findManager(idDelegate); require(delegate.managerType == NoteManagerType.Delegate); require(delegate.addr == msg.sender); delegate.addr = newAddr; = newName; delegate.commitTime = newCommitTime; DelegateUpdated(idDelegate); } event DelegateUpdated(uint64 indexed idDelegate); function addProject(string name, address projectManager, uint64 parentProject, uint64 commitTime, ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin) returns (uint64 idProject) { if (parentProject != 0) { NoteManager storage pm = findManager(parentProject); require(pm.managerType == NoteManagerType.Project); require(pm.addr == msg.sender); require(getProjectLevel(pm) < MAX_SUBPROJECT_LEVEL); } idProject = uint64(managers.length); managers.push(NoteManager( NoteManagerType.Project, projectManager, name, commitTime, parentProject, false, plugin)); ProjectAdded(idProject); } event ProjectAdded(uint64 indexed idProject); function updateProject( uint64 idProject, address newAddr, string newName, uint64 newCommitTime) { NoteManager storage project = findManager(idProject); require(project.managerType == NoteManagerType.Project); require(project.addr == msg.sender); project.addr = newAddr; = newName; project.commitTime = newCommitTime; ProjectUpdated(idProject); } event ProjectUpdated(uint64 indexed idManager); ////////// // Public constant functions ////////// function numberOfNotes() constant returns (uint) { return notes.length - 1; } function getNote(uint64 idNote) constant returns( uint amount, uint64 owner, uint64 nDelegates, uint64 proposedProject, uint64 commitTime, uint64 oldNote, PaymentState paymentState ) { Note storage n = findNote(idNote); amount = n.amount; owner = n.owner; nDelegates = uint64(n.delegationChain.length); proposedProject = n.proposedProject; commitTime = n.commitTime; oldNote = n.oldNote; paymentState = n.paymentState; } // This is to return the delegates one by one, because you can not return an array function getNoteDelegate(uint64 idNote, uint idxDelegate) constant returns( uint64 idDelegate, address addr, string name ) { Note storage n = findNote(idNote); idDelegate = n.delegationChain[idxDelegate - 1]; NoteManager storage delegate = findManager(idDelegate); addr = delegate.addr; name =; } function numberOfNoteManagers() constant returns(uint) { return managers.length - 1; } function getNoteManager(uint64 idManager) constant returns ( NoteManagerType managerType, address addr, string name, uint64 commitTime, uint64 parentProject, bool canceled) { NoteManager storage m = findManager(idManager); managerType = m.managerType; addr = m.addr; name =; commitTime = m.commitTime; parentProject = m.parentProject; canceled = m.canceled; } //////// // Private methods /////// // All notes exist... but if the note hasn't been created in this system yet then it wouldn't // be in the hash array hNoteddx[] // this function creates a balloon if one is not created already... this ballon has 0 for the amount function findNote( uint64 owner, uint64[] delegationChain, uint64 proposedProject, uint64 commitTime, uint64 oldNote, PaymentState paid ) internal returns (uint64) { bytes32 hNote = sha3(owner, delegationChain, proposedProject, commitTime, oldNote, paid); uint64 idx = hNote2ddx[hNote]; if (idx > 0) return idx; idx = uint64(notes.length); hNote2ddx[hNote] = idx; notes.push(Note(0, owner, delegationChain, proposedProject, commitTime, oldNote, paid)); return idx; } function findManager(uint64 idManager) internal returns (NoteManager storage) { require(idManager < managers.length); return managers[idManager]; } function findNote(uint64 idNote) internal returns (Note storage) { require(idNote < notes.length); return notes[idNote]; } // a constant for the case that a delegate is requested that is not a delegate in the system uint64 constant NOTFOUND = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; // helper function that searches the delegationChain fro a specific delegate and // level of delegation returns their idx in the delegation cahin which reflect their level of authority function getDelegateIdx(Note n, uint64 idDelegate) internal returns(uint64) { for (uint i=0; i commitTime) commitTime = m.commitTime; } } // helper function that returns the project level solely to check that there // are not too many Projects that violate MAX_SUBPROJECT_LEVEL function getProjectLevel(NoteManager m) internal returns(uint) { assert(m.managerType == NoteManagerType.Project); if (m.parentProject == 0) return(1); NoteManager storage parentNM = findManager(m.parentProject); return getProjectLevel(parentNM); } function isProjectCanceled(uint64 projectId) constant returns (bool) { NoteManager storage m = findManager(projectId); if (m.managerType == NoteManagerType.Donor) return false; assert(m.managerType == NoteManagerType.Project); if (m.canceled) return true; if (m.parentProject == 0) return false; return isProjectCanceled(m.parentProject); } function isProjectCanceled2(uint64 projectId) constant returns (bool) { NoteManager storage m = findManager(projectId); return false; if (m.managerType == NoteManagerType.Donor) return false; assert(m.managerType == NoteManagerType.Project); if (m.canceled) return true; if (m.parentProject == 0) return false; return isProjectCanceled2(m.parentProject); } // this makes it easy to cancel projects // @param idNote the note that may or may not be cancelled function getOldestNoteNotCanceled(uint64 idNote) internal constant returns(uint64) { //todo rename if (idNote == 0) return 0; Note storage n = findNote(idNote); NoteManager storage manager = findManager(n.owner); if (manager.managerType == NoteManagerType.Donor) return idNote; assert(manager.managerType == NoteManagerType.Project); if (!isProjectCanceled(n.owner)) return idNote; return getOldestNoteNotCanceled(n.oldNote); } function checkManagerOwner(NoteManager m) internal constant { require((msg.sender == m.addr) || (msg.sender == address(m.plugin))); } }