pragma solidity ^0.4.11; contract ILiquidPledging { enum NoteManagerType { Donor, Delegate, Project } enum PaymentState {NotPaid, Paying, Paid} function numberOfNotes() constant returns (uint); function getNote(uint64 idNote) constant returns( uint amount, uint64 owner, uint64 nDelegates, uint64 proposedProject, uint64 commmitTime, uint64 oldNote, PaymentState paymentState ); function getNoteDelegate(uint64 idNote, uint idxDelegate) constant returns( uint64 idDelegate, address addr, string name ); function numberOfNoteManagers() constant returns(uint); function getNoteManager(uint64 idManager) constant returns ( NoteManagerType managerType, address addr, string name, uint64 commitTime, address reviewer, bool canceled); event DonorAdded(uint64 indexed idMember); function addDonor(string name, uint64 commitTime); function updateDonor( uint64 idDonor, address newAddr, string newName, uint64 newCommitTime); function addDelegate(string name); function updateDelegate(uint64 idDelegate, address newAddr, string newName); function addProject(string name, address canceler, uint64 commitTime) ; function updateProject(uint64 idProject, address newAddr, string newName, uint64 newCommitTime); function updateProjectCanceler(uint64 idProject, address newCanceler); function donate(uint64 idDonor, uint64 idReceiver) payable; /// @param idSender idDonor or idDelegate that executes the action /// @param idReceiver idDonor or idCampaign that wants to be transfered. /// @param note piece That wants to be transfered. /// @param amount quantity of the state that wants to be transfered. function transfer(uint64 idSender, uint64 note, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver); function mTransfer(uint64 idSender, uint[] notesAmounts, uint64 idReceiver); function withdraw(uint64 note, uint amount, string concept); function mWithdraw(uint[] notesAmounts, string concept); function confirmPayment(uint64 idNote, uint amount); function mConfirmPayment(uint[] notesAmounts); function cancelPayment(uint64 idNote, uint amount); function mCancelPayment(uint[] notesAmounts); function cancelProject(int64 idCampaign); }