/* eslint-env mocha */ /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ const Ganache = require('ganache-cli'); const Web3 = require('web3'); const chai = require('chai'); const { test } = require('../index'); const deployLP = require('./helpers/deployLP'); const compilerOutput = require('../dist/contracts/TestSimpleProjectPluginFactory.json'); const simpleProjectPluginFactoryAbi = compilerOutput.abiDefinition; const simpleProjectPluginFactoryByteCode = compilerOutput.code; const simpleProjectPluginRuntimeByteCode = '0x' + require('../dist/contracts/TestSimpleProjectPlugin.json').code; const assert = chai.assert; const { assertFail } = test; const printState = async liquidPledgingState => { const st = await liquidPledgingState.getState(); console.log(JSON.stringify(st, null, 2)); }; describe('LiquidPledging plugins test', function() { this.timeout(0); let ganache; let web3; let accounts; let liquidPledging; let liquidPledgingState; let vault; let giver1; let adminProject1; let adminDelegate1; before(async () => { ganache = Ganache.server({ gasLimit: 6700000, total_accounts: 10, }); ganache.listen(8545, ''); web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8545'); accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); adminProject1 = accounts[2]; adminDelegate1 = accounts[3]; const deployment = await deployLP(web3); giver1 = deployment.giver1; vault = deployment.vault; liquidPledging = deployment.liquidPledging; liquidPledgingState = deployment.liquidPledgingState; }); after(done => { ganache.close(); done(); }); it('Should create create giver with no plugin', async function() { await liquidPledging.addGiver('Giver1', '', 0, '0x0', { from: adminProject1 }); const nAdmins = await liquidPledging.numberOfPledgeAdmins(); assert.equal(nAdmins, 1); }); it('Should fail to create giver with invalid plugin', async function() { await assertFail( liquidPledging.addGiver('Giver2', '', 0, vault.$address, { from: giver1, gas: 4000000 }), ); }); it('Should fail to create delegate with invalid plugin', async function() { await assertFail( liquidPledging.addDelegate('delegate1', '', 0, liquidPledging.$address, { from: adminDelegate1, gas: 4000000, }), ); }); it('Should fail to create project with invalid plugin', async function() { await assertFail( liquidPledging.addProject('Project1', '', giver1, 0, 0, vault.$address, { from: adminProject1, gas: 4000000, }), ); }); it('Should deploy TestSimpleProjectPlugin and add project', async function() { // add plugin as valid plugin const codeHash = web3.utils.soliditySha3(simpleProjectPluginRuntimeByteCode); await liquidPledging.addValidPluginContract(codeHash, { $extraGas: 200000 }); // deploy new plugin const factoryContract = await new web3.eth.Contract(simpleProjectPluginFactoryAbi) .deploy({ data: simpleProjectPluginFactoryByteCode, arguments: [], }) .send({ from: adminProject1, gas: 5000000 }); factoryContract.setProvider(web3.currentProvider); await factoryContract.methods .deploy(liquidPledging.$address, 'SimplePlugin1', '', 0) .send({ from: adminProject1, gas: 5000000 }); const nAdmins = await liquidPledging.numberOfPledgeAdmins(); assert.equal(nAdmins, 2); }); it('Should allow all plugins', async function() { await liquidPledging.useWhitelist(false, { $extraGas: 200000 }); await liquidPledging.addGiver('Giver2', '', 0, vault.$address, { from: giver1 }); const nAdmins = await liquidPledging.numberOfPledgeAdmins(); assert.equal(nAdmins, 3); }); });