pragma solidity ^0.4.18; import "./ILiquidPledgingPlugin.sol"; /// @dev This is an interface for `LPVault` which serves as a secure storage for /// the ETH that backs the Pledges, only after `LiquidPledging` authorizes /// payments can Pledges be converted for ETH interface ILPVault { function authorizePayment(bytes32 _ref, address _dest, address _token, uint _amount) public; } /// This contract contains all state variables used in LiquidPledging contracts /// This is done to have everything in 1 location, b/c state variable layout /// is MUST have be the same when performing an upgrade. contract LiquidPledgingStorage { enum PledgeAdminType { Giver, Delegate, Project } enum PledgeState { Pledged, Paying, Paid } /// @dev This struct defines the details of a `PledgeAdmin` which are /// commonly referenced by their index in the `admins` array /// and can own pledges and act as delegates struct PledgeAdmin { PledgeAdminType adminType; // Giver, Delegate or Project address addr; // Account or contract address for admin uint64 commitTime; // In seconds, used for time Givers' & Delegates' have to veto uint64 parentProject; // Only for projects bool canceled; //Always false except for canceled projects /// @dev if the plugin is 0x0 then nothing happens, if its an address // than that smart contract is called when appropriate ILiquidPledgingPlugin plugin; string name; string url; // Can be IPFS hash } struct Pledge { uint amount; uint64[] delegationChain; // List of delegates in order of authority uint64 owner; // PledgeAdmin uint64 intendedProject; // Used when delegates are sending to projects uint64 commitTime; // When the intendedProject will become the owner uint64 oldPledge; // Points to the id that this Pledge was derived from address token; PledgeState pledgeState; // Pledged, Paying, Paid } PledgeAdmin[] admins; //The list of pledgeAdmins 0 means there is no admin Pledge[] pledges; /// @dev this mapping allows you to search for a specific pledge's /// index number by the hash of that pledge mapping (bytes32 => uint64) hPledge2idx; // this whitelist is for non-proxied plugins mapping (bytes32 => bool) pluginContractWhitelist; // this whitelist is for proxied plugins mapping (address => bool) pluginInstanceWhitelist; bool public whitelistDisabled = false; ILPVault public vault; // reserve 50 slots for future upgrades. uint[50] private storageOffset; }