let secret = {}; try { secret = require('../.secret.json'); } catch(err) { console.dir("warning: .secret.json file not found; this is only needed to deploy to testnet or livenet etc.."); } module.exports = { // applies to all environments default: { enabled: true, client: "geth", accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true, numAddresses: 1, password: "embarkConfig/development/devpassword" } ] }, // default environment, merges with the settings in default // assumed to be the intended environment by `embark run` and `embark blockchain` development: { clientConfig: { miningMode: 'dev' }, accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true, numAddresses: 2, password: "embarkConfig/development/devpassword" } ] }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run privatenet" and/or "embark blockchain privatenet" privatenet: { accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true, password: "embarkConfig/privatenet/password" } ], clientConfig: { datadir: ".embark/privatenet/datadir", miningMode: 'auto', genesisBlock: "embarkConfig/privatenet/genesis.json", // Genesis block to initiate on first creation of a development node } }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run privatparityenet" and/or "embark blockchain privateparitynet" privateparitynet: { client: "parity", genesisBlock: "embarkConfig/privatenet/genesis-parity.json", datadir: ".embark/privatenet/datadir", miningMode: 'off' }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run testnet" and/or "embark blockchain testnet" testnet: { networkType: "testnet", syncMode: "light", accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true, numAddresses: "1", password: "embarkConfig/testnet/password" } ] }, rinkeby: { networkType: "rinkeby", syncMode: "light", accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true, numAddresses: "1", password: "embarkConfig/testnet/password" } ] }, rinkebyInfura: { endpoint: `https://rinkeby.infura.io/${secret.infuraKey}`, accounts: [ { mnemonic: secret.mnemonic, numAddresses: 10 } ] }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run livenet" and/or "embark blockchain livenet" livenet: { networkType: "livenet", syncMode: "light", endpoint: "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/a2687d7078ff46d3b5f3f58cb97d3e44", accounts: [ { privateKeyFile: secret.privateKeyFile, password: secret.password } ], } // you can name an environment with specific settings and then specify with // "embark run custom_name" or "embark blockchain custom_name" //custom_name: { //} };