/* eslint-disable */ const EmbarkJS = require("/Users/iurimatias/Projects/Status/liquid-funding-console/embarkArtifacts/modules/embarkjs").default || require("/Users/iurimatias/Projects/Status/liquid-funding-console/embarkArtifacts/modules/embarkjs"); global.EmbarkJS = EmbarkJS; const Web3 = global.__Web3 || require('/Users/iurimatias/Projects/Status/liquid-funding-console/embarkArtifacts/modules/web3'); global.Web3 = Web3;/*global Web3*/ const embarkJSConnectorWeb3 = {}; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.init = function(config) { global.web3 = config.web3 || global.web3; // Check if the global web3 object uses the old web3 (0.x) if (global.web3 && typeof global.web3.version !== 'string') { // If so, use a new instance using 1.0, but use its provider this.web3 = new Web3(global.web3.currentProvider); } else { this.web3 = global.web3 || new Web3(); } global.web3 = this.web3; }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.getInstance = function () { return this.web3; }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.getAccounts = function () { return this.web3.eth.getAccounts(...arguments); }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.getNewProvider = function (providerName, ...args) { return new Web3.providers[providerName](...args); }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.setProvider = function (provider) { return this.web3.setProvider(provider); }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.getCurrentProvider = function () { return this.web3.currentProvider; }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.getDefaultAccount = function () { return this.web3.eth.defaultAccount; }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.setDefaultAccount = function (account) { this.web3.eth.defaultAccount = account; }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.newContract = function (options) { return new this.web3.eth.Contract(options.abi, options.address); }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.send = function () { return this.web3.eth.sendTransaction(...arguments); }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.toWei = function () { return this.web3.toWei(...arguments); }; embarkJSConnectorWeb3.getNetworkId = function () { return this.web3.eth.net.getId(); }; EmbarkJS.Blockchain.registerProvider('web3', embarkJSConnectorWeb3); EmbarkJS.Blockchain.setProvider('web3', {}); if (!global.__Web3) { const web3ConnectionConfig = require('/Users/iurimatias/Projects/Status/liquid-funding-console/embarkArtifacts/config/blockchain.json'); EmbarkJS.Blockchain.connect(web3ConnectionConfig, (err) => {if (err) { console.error(err); } }); } var whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) { if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null && !/comp|inter|loaded/.test(document.readyState)) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb); } else { cb(); } } var whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) { if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null && !/comp|inter|loaded/.test(document.readyState)) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb); } else { cb(); } } var whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) { if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null && !/comp|inter|loaded/.test(document.readyState)) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb); } else { cb(); } } "use strict"; if (typeof WebSocket !== 'undefined') { const ws = new WebSocket(`${location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws'}://${location.hostname}:${location.port}`); ws.addEventListener('message', evt => { if (evt.data === 'outputDone') { location.reload(true); } }); } //# sourceMappingURL=reload-on-change.js.map export default EmbarkJS; if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = EmbarkJS; } /* eslint-enable */