pragma solidity ^0.4.18; /* Copyright 2017, Jordi Baylina Contributors: AdriĆ  Massanet , RJ Ewing, Griff Green, Arthur Lunn This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import "./LiquidPledgingStorage.sol"; import "./PledgeAdmins.sol"; import "./Pledges.sol"; import "@aragon/os/contracts/apps/AragonApp.sol"; /// @dev `LiquidPledgingBase` is the base level contract used to carry out /// liquidPledging's most basic functions, mostly handling and searching the /// data structures contract LiquidPledgingBase is AragonApp, LiquidPledgingStorage, PledgeAdmins, Pledges { event Transfer(uint indexed from, uint indexed to, uint amount); event CancelProject(uint indexed idProject); ///////////// // Modifiers ///////////// /// @dev The `vault`is the only addresses that can call a function with this /// modifier modifier onlyVault() { require(msg.sender == address(vault)); _; } /////////////// // Constructor /////////////// /// @param _vault The vault where the ETH backing the pledges is stored function initialize(address _vault) onlyInit public { require(_vault != 0x0); initialized(); vault = ILPVault(_vault); admins.length = 1; // we reserve the 0 admin pledges.length = 1; // we reserve the 0 pledge } ///////////////////////////// // Public constant functions ///////////////////////////// /// @notice Getter to find Delegate w/ the Pledge ID & the Delegate index /// @param idPledge The id number representing the pledge being queried /// @param idxDelegate The index number for the delegate in this Pledge function getPledgeDelegate(uint64 idPledge, uint64 idxDelegate) external view returns( uint64 idDelegate, address addr, string name ) { Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); idDelegate = p.delegationChain[idxDelegate - 1]; PledgeAdmin storage delegate = _findAdmin(idDelegate); addr = delegate.addr; name =; } /////////////////// // Public functions /////////////////// /// @notice Only affects pledges with the Pledged PledgeState for 2 things: /// #1: Checks if the pledge should be committed. This means that /// if the pledge has an intendedProject and it is past the /// commitTime, it changes the owner to be the proposed project /// (The UI will have to read the commit time and manually do what /// this function does to the pledge for the end user /// at the expiration of the commitTime) /// /// #2: Checks to make sure that if there has been a cancellation in the /// chain of projects, the pledge's owner has been changed /// appropriately. /// /// This function can be called by anybody at anytime on any pledge. /// In general it can be called to force the calls of the affected /// plugins, which also need to be predicted by the UI /// @param idPledge This is the id of the pledge that will be normalized /// @return The normalized Pledge! function normalizePledge(uint64 idPledge) public returns(uint64) { Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); // Check to make sure this pledge hasn't already been used // or is in the process of being used if (p.pledgeState != PledgeState.Pledged) { return idPledge; } // First send to a project if it's proposed and committed if ((p.intendedProject > 0) && ( _getTime() > p.commitTime)) { uint64 oldPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( p.owner, p.delegationChain, 0, 0, p.oldPledge, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged ); uint64 toPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( p.intendedProject, new uint64[](0), 0, 0, oldPledge, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged ); _doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, p.amount); idPledge = toPledge; p = _findPledge(idPledge); } toPledge = _getOldestPledgeNotCanceled(idPledge); if (toPledge != idPledge) { _doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, p.amount); } return toPledge; } //////////////////// // Internal methods //////////////////// /// @notice A check to see if the msg.sender is the owner or the /// plugin contract for a specific Admin /// @param idAdmin The id of the admin being checked function _checkAdminOwner(uint64 idAdmin) internal view { PledgeAdmin storage a = _findAdmin(idAdmin); require(msg.sender == address(a.plugin) || msg.sender == a.addr); } function _transfer( uint64 idSender, uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver ) internal { require(idReceiver > 0); // prevent burning value idPledge = normalizePledge(idPledge); Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); PledgeAdmin storage receiver = _findAdmin(idReceiver); require(p.pledgeState == PledgeState.Pledged); // If the sender is the owner of the Pledge if (p.owner == idSender) { if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver) { _transferOwnershipToGiver(idPledge, amount, idReceiver); return; } else if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project) { _transferOwnershipToProject(idPledge, amount, idReceiver); return; } else if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Delegate) { uint recieverDIdx = _getDelegateIdx(p, idReceiver); if (p.intendedProject > 0 && recieverDIdx != NOTFOUND) { // if there is an intendedProject and the receiver is in the delegationChain, // then we want to preserve the delegationChain as this is a veto of the // intendedProject by the owner if (recieverDIdx == p.delegationChain.length - 1) { uint64 toPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( p.owner, p.delegationChain, 0, 0, p.oldPledge, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged); _doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount); return; } _undelegate(idPledge, amount, p.delegationChain.length - receiverDIdx - 1); return; } // owner is not vetoing an intendedProject and is transferring the pledge to a delegate, // so we want to reset the delegationChain idPledge = _undelegate( idPledge, amount, p.delegationChain.length ); _appendDelegate(idPledge, amount, idReceiver); return; } // This should never be reached as the receiver.adminType // should always be either a Giver, Project, or Delegate assert(false); } // If the sender is a Delegate uint senderDIdx = _getDelegateIdx(p, idSender); if (senderDIdx != NOTFOUND) { // And the receiver is another Giver if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver) { // Only transfer to the Giver who owns the pledge assert(p.owner == idReceiver); _undelegate(idPledge, amount, p.delegationChain.length); return; } // And the receiver is another Delegate if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Delegate) { uint receiverDIdx = _getDelegateIdx(p, idReceiver); // And not in the delegationChain or part of the delegationChain // is after the sender, then all of the other delegates after // the sender are removed and the receiver is appended at the // end of the delegationChain if (receiverDIdx == NOTFOUND || receiverDIdx > senderDIdx) { idPledge = _undelegate( idPledge, amount, p.delegationChain.length - senderDIdx - 1 ); _appendDelegate(idPledge, amount, idReceiver); return; } // And is already part of the delegate chain but is before the // sender, then the sender and all of the other delegates after // the RECEIVER are removed from the delegationChain _undelegate( idPledge, amount, p.delegationChain.length - receiverDIdx - 1 ); return; } // And the receiver is a Project, all the delegates after the sender // are removed and the amount is pre-committed to the project if (receiver.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project) { idPledge = _undelegate( idPledge, amount, p.delegationChain.length - senderDIdx - 1 ); _proposeAssignProject(idPledge, amount, idReceiver); return; } } assert(false); // When the sender is not an owner or a delegate } /// @notice `transferOwnershipToProject` allows for the transfer of /// ownership to the project, but it can also be called by a project /// to un-delegate everyone by setting one's own id for the idReceiver /// @param idPledge the id of the pledge to be transfered. /// @param amount Quantity of value that's being transfered /// @param idReceiver The new owner of the project (or self to un-delegate) function _transferOwnershipToProject( uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver ) internal { Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); // Ensure that the pledge is not already at max pledge depth // and the project has not been canceled require(_getPledgeLevel(p) < MAX_INTERPROJECT_LEVEL); require(!isProjectCanceled(idReceiver)); uint64 oldPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( p.owner, p.delegationChain, 0, 0, p.oldPledge, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged ); uint64 toPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( idReceiver, // Set the new owner new uint64[](0), // clear the delegation chain 0, 0, oldPledge, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged ); _doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount); } /// @notice `transferOwnershipToGiver` allows for the transfer of /// value back to the Giver, value is placed in a pledged state /// without being attached to a project, delegation chain, or time line. /// @param idPledge the id of the pledge to be transferred. /// @param amount Quantity of value that's being transferred /// @param idReceiver The new owner of the pledge function _transferOwnershipToGiver( uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver ) internal { Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); uint64 toPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( idReceiver, new uint64[](0), 0, 0, 0, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged ); _doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount); } /// @notice `appendDelegate` allows for a delegate to be added onto the /// end of the delegate chain for a given Pledge. /// @param idPledge the id of the pledge thats delegate chain will be modified. /// @param amount Quantity of value that's being chained. /// @param idReceiver The delegate to be added at the end of the chain function _appendDelegate( uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver ) internal { Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); require(p.delegationChain.length < MAX_DELEGATES); uint64[] memory newDelegationChain = new uint64[]( p.delegationChain.length + 1 ); for (uint i = 0; i < p.delegationChain.length; i++) { newDelegationChain[i] = p.delegationChain[i]; } // Make the last item in the array the idReceiver newDelegationChain[p.delegationChain.length] = idReceiver; uint64 toPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( p.owner, newDelegationChain, 0, 0, p.oldPledge, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged ); _doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount); } /// @notice `appendDelegate` allows for a delegate to be added onto the /// end of the delegate chain for a given Pledge. /// @param idPledge the id of the pledge thats delegate chain will be modified. /// @param amount Quantity of value that's shifted from delegates. /// @param q Number (or depth) of delegates to remove /// @return toPledge The id for the pledge being adjusted or created function _undelegate( uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint q ) internal returns (uint64 toPledge) { Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); uint64[] memory newDelegationChain = new uint64[]( p.delegationChain.length - q ); for (uint i = 0; i < p.delegationChain.length - q; i++) { newDelegationChain[i] = p.delegationChain[i]; } toPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( p.owner, newDelegationChain, 0, 0, p.oldPledge, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged ); _doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount); } /// @notice `proposeAssignProject` proposes the assignment of a pledge /// to a specific project. /// @dev This function should potentially be named more specifically. /// @param idPledge the id of the pledge that will be assigned. /// @param amount Quantity of value this pledge leader would be assigned. /// @param idReceiver The project this pledge will potentially /// be assigned to. function _proposeAssignProject( uint64 idPledge, uint amount, uint64 idReceiver ) internal { Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); require(_getPledgeLevel(p) < MAX_INTERPROJECT_LEVEL); require(!isProjectCanceled(idReceiver)); uint64 toPledge = _findOrCreatePledge( p.owner, p.delegationChain, idReceiver, uint64(_getTime() + _maxCommitTime(p)), p.oldPledge, p.token, PledgeState.Pledged ); _doTransfer(idPledge, toPledge, amount); } /// @notice `doTransfer` is designed to allow for pledge amounts to be /// shifted around internally. /// @param from This is the id of the pledge from which value will be transferred. /// @param to This is the id of the pledge that value will be transferred to. /// @param _amount The amount of value that will be transferred. function _doTransfer(uint64 from, uint64 to, uint _amount) internal { uint amount = _callPlugins(true, from, to, _amount); if (from == to) { return; } if (amount == 0) { return; } Pledge storage pFrom = _findPledge(from); Pledge storage pTo = _findPledge(to); require(pFrom.amount >= amount); pFrom.amount -= amount; pTo.amount += amount; require(pTo.amount >= amount); Transfer(from, to, amount); _callPlugins(false, from, to, amount); } /// @notice A getter to find the longest commitTime out of the owner and all /// the delegates for a specified pledge /// @param p The Pledge being queried /// @return The maximum commitTime out of the owner and all the delegates function _maxCommitTime(Pledge p) internal view returns(uint64 commitTime) { PledgeAdmin storage a = _findAdmin(p.owner); commitTime = a.commitTime; // start with the owner's commitTime for (uint i = 0; i < p.delegationChain.length; i++) { a = _findAdmin(p.delegationChain[i]); // If a delegate's commitTime is longer, make it the new commitTime if (a.commitTime > commitTime) { commitTime = a.commitTime; } } } /// @notice A getter to find the oldest pledge that hasn't been canceled /// @param idPledge The starting place to lookup the pledges /// @return The oldest idPledge that hasn't been canceled (DUH!) function _getOldestPledgeNotCanceled( uint64 idPledge ) internal view returns(uint64) { if (idPledge == 0) { return 0; } Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); PledgeAdmin storage admin = _findAdmin(p.owner); if (admin.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Giver) { return idPledge; } assert(admin.adminType == PledgeAdminType.Project); if (!isProjectCanceled(p.owner)) { return idPledge; } return _getOldestPledgeNotCanceled(p.oldPledge); } /// @notice `callPlugin` is used to trigger the general functions in the /// plugin for any actions needed before and after a transfer happens. /// Specifically what this does in relation to the plugin is something /// that largely depends on the functions of that plugin. This function /// is generally called in pairs, once before, and once after a transfer. /// @param before This toggle determines whether the plugin call is occurring /// before or after a transfer. /// @param adminId This should be the Id of the *trusted* individual /// who has control over this plugin. /// @param fromPledge This is the Id from which value is being transfered. /// @param toPledge This is the Id that value is being transfered to. /// @param context The situation that is triggering the plugin. See plugin /// for a full description of contexts. /// @param amount The amount of value that is being transfered. function _callPlugin( bool before, uint64 adminId, uint64 fromPledge, uint64 toPledge, uint64 context, address token, uint amount ) internal returns (uint allowedAmount) { uint newAmount; allowedAmount = amount; PledgeAdmin storage admin = _findAdmin(adminId); // Checks admin has a plugin assigned and a non-zero amount is requested if (address(admin.plugin) != 0 && allowedAmount > 0) { // There are two separate functions called in the plugin. // One is called before the transfer and one after if (before) { newAmount = admin.plugin.beforeTransfer( adminId, fromPledge, toPledge, context, token, amount ); require(newAmount <= allowedAmount); allowedAmount = newAmount; } else { admin.plugin.afterTransfer( adminId, fromPledge, toPledge, context, token, amount ); } } } /// @notice `callPluginsPledge` is used to apply plugin calls to /// the delegate chain and the intended project if there is one. /// It does so in either a transferring or receiving context based /// on the `p` and `fromPledge` parameters. /// @param before This toggle determines whether the plugin call is occuring /// before or after a transfer. /// @param idPledge This is the id of the pledge on which this plugin /// is being called. /// @param fromPledge This is the Id from which value is being transfered. /// @param toPledge This is the Id that value is being transfered to. /// @param amount The amount of value that is being transfered. function _callPluginsPledge( bool before, uint64 idPledge, uint64 fromPledge, uint64 toPledge, uint amount ) internal returns (uint allowedAmount) { // Determine if callPlugin is being applied in a receiving // or transferring context uint64 offset = idPledge == fromPledge ? 0 : 256; allowedAmount = amount; Pledge storage p = _findPledge(idPledge); // Always call the plugin on the owner allowedAmount = _callPlugin( before, p.owner, fromPledge, toPledge, offset, p.token, allowedAmount ); // Apply call plugin to all delegates for (uint64 i = 0; i < p.delegationChain.length; i++) { allowedAmount = _callPlugin( before, p.delegationChain[i], fromPledge, toPledge, offset + i + 1, p.token, allowedAmount ); } // If there is an intended project also call the plugin in // either a transferring or receiving context based on offset // on the intended project if (p.intendedProject > 0) { allowedAmount = _callPlugin( before, p.intendedProject, fromPledge, toPledge, offset + 255, p.token, allowedAmount ); } } /// @notice `callPlugins` calls `callPluginsPledge` once for the transfer /// context and once for the receiving context. The aggregated /// allowed amount is then returned. /// @param before This toggle determines whether the plugin call is occurring /// before or after a transfer. /// @param fromPledge This is the Id from which value is being transferred. /// @param toPledge This is the Id that value is being transferred to. /// @param amount The amount of value that is being transferred. function _callPlugins( bool before, uint64 fromPledge, uint64 toPledge, uint amount ) internal returns (uint allowedAmount) { allowedAmount = amount; // Call the plugins in the transfer context allowedAmount = _callPluginsPledge( before, fromPledge, fromPledge, toPledge, allowedAmount ); // Call the plugins in the receive context allowedAmount = _callPluginsPledge( before, toPledge, fromPledge, toPledge, allowedAmount ); } ///////////// // Test functions ///////////// /// @notice Basic helper function to return the current time function _getTime() internal view returns (uint) { return now; } }