2023-10-05 14:12:39 +11:00

33 lines
1005 B

image_name := go-v0.29
version := 0.29.2
all: image.json
image.json: verify-checksum go-libp2p-${version}
cd go-libp2p-${version} && IMAGE_NAME=${image_name} ../../../../dockerBuildWrapper.sh -f test-plans/PingDockerfile .
docker image inspect ${image_name} -f "{{.Id}}" | \
xargs -I {} echo "{\"imageID\": \"{}\"}" > $@
go-libp2p-${version}: go-libp2p-${version}.zip
unzip -o go-libp2p-${version}.zip
wget -O $@ "https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/archive/v${version}.zip"
# Run `make version.lock` to generate this lock file. This file should be commited.
# This locks the exact contents of the specified version. This lets us use the
# human readable name while still making sure the contents don't change.
version.lock: go-libp2p-${version}.zip
shasum -a 256 go-libp2p-${version}.zip > $@
verify-checksum: go-libp2p-${version}.zip
shasum -a 256 -c version.lock
.PHONY: clean all verify-checksum
rm image.json
rm go-libp2p-*.zip
rm -rf go-libp2p-*