mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:40:30 +00:00
* migrate dht test plan from testground/testground. * dht: update module and import paths. * rm redundant scripts; rm redundant line in manifest.
225 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File
225 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File
$allFiles = $dataDir | gci -Recurse -File
$connGraphs = $allFiles | ?{$_.Name -eq "dht_graphs.out"}
$rts = $allFiles | ?{$_.Name -eq "dht_rt.out"}
$errs = $allFiles | ?{$_.Name -eq "run.err"}
$ns = 1000000000
function basicStats ($values, $reverse) {
if ($null -eq $values) {
return [PSCustomObject]@{
Average = 0
Percentile95 = 0
$obj = $values | measure-object -Average -Sum -Maximum -Minimum -StandardDeviation
if ($null -eq $reverse || $false -eq $reverse) {
$sorted = $values | Sort-Object
} else {
$sorted = $values | Sort-Object -Descending
$95percentile = $sorted[[math]::Ceiling(95 / 100 * ($sorted.Count - 1))]
if ($null -eq $95percentile) {
return [PSCustomObject]@{
Average = [math]::Round([double]$obj.Average,2)
Percentile95 = [math]::Round([double]$95percentile, 2)
function groupStats ($metrics, $groupIndex, $reverse) {
$fields = @{}
$grouped = $metrics | Group-Object -Property {$_.Name.Split("|")[$groupIndex]}
foreach ($g in $grouped) {
$v = basicStats ($g.Group | %{$_.Value}) $reverse
$fields.Add($g.Name, $v)
$ret = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $fields
return $ret
function run($groupDir) {
$groupID = $groupDir.Name
$files = $groupDir | gci -Recurse -File
$queries = $files | ?{$_.Name -eq "dht_queries.out"}
$lookups = $files | ?{$_.Name -eq "dht_lookup.out"}
$out = $files | ?{$_.Name -eq "run.out"}
$metrics = $out | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json | %{$_.event.metric} | ?{$_}
$mset =
$provs = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("time-to-provide") -and $_.value -gt 0} |
$findfirst = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("time-to-find-first")} |
%{ [pscustomobject]@{ Name=$_.name; Value= $_.value/$ns; }}
$findlast = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("time-to-find-last")} |
%{ [pscustomobject]@{ Name=$_.name; Value= $_.value/$ns; }}
$findall = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("time-to-find|")} |
%{ [pscustomobject]@{ Name=$_.name; Value= $_.value/$ns; }}
$findgood = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("time-to-find|done")} |
%{ [pscustomobject]@{ Name=$_.name; Value= $_.value/$ns; }}
$findfail = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("time-to-find|fail")} |
%{ [pscustomobject]@{ Name=$_.name; Value= $_.value/$ns; }}
$found = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("peers-found") -and $_.value -gt 0} |
%{ [pscustomobject]@{ Name=$_.name; Value= $_.value; }}
$missing = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("peers-missing")} |
%{ [pscustomobject]@{ Name=$_.name; Value= $_.value; }}
$failures = $metrics |
?{$_.name -and $_.name.StartsWith("peers-found") -and $_.value -eq 0} |
%{ [pscustomobject]@{ Name=$_.name; Value= $_.value; }}
$dials = $queries | %{Get-Content $_ | ConvertFrom-Json | ?{$_.msg -eq "dialing"} | measure-object } |
$msgs = $queries | %{Get-Content $_ | ConvertFrom-Json | ?{$_.msg -eq "send"} | measure-object } |
echo "Group $groupID :"
if ($null -ne $provs) {
echo "Time-to-Provide"
basicStats($provs) | Format-Table
if ($null -ne $findfirst) {
echo "Time-to-Find-First"
groupStats $findfirst 1 | Format-Table
echo "Time-to-Find-Last"
groupStats $findlast 2 | Format-Table
if ($null -ne $findgood) {
echo "Time-to-Find Success"
groupStats $findgood 2 | Format-Table
if ($null -ne $findfail) {
echo "Time-to-Find Fail"
groupStats $findfail 2 | Format-Table
echo "Number of Failures"
groupStats $failures 2 | Format-Table
if (($null -ne $findgood) -and ($null -ne $findfail)) {
echo "Time-to-Find"
groupStats $findall 2 | Format-Table
echo "Peers Found"
groupStats $found 2 $true | Format-Table
echo "Peers Missing"
groupStats $missing 2 | Format-Table
#if ($failures -ne $null) {
# echo "Peers Failures"
# groupStats $failures 2 | Format-Table
#} else {
# echo "No Peer Failures"
if ($dials -ne $null) {
echo "Total number of dials"
basicStats($dials) | Format-Table
} else {
echo "No DHT query dials performed"
if ($msgs -ne $null) {
echo "Total number of messages sent"
basicStats($msgs) | Format-Table
} else {
echo "No DHT query messages sent"
function condense($fileDir) {
Remove-Item $fileDir/lookupcmp.json -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Item $fileDir/runcmp.json -ErrorAction Ignore
$lookupOut = gci $fileDir/dht_lookups.out | gc | ConvertFrom-Json
$start = $lookupOut | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty ts
$lookupOut | %{
$_.ts = ($_.ts - $start)/$ns;
$_.node = -join $_.node[-4..-1];
$_.nodeKad = -join $_.nodeKad[0..4];
$_.target = -join $_.target[-4..-1];
$_.info.ID = -join $_.info.ID[0..4];
#$_.targetKad = -join $_.targetKad[0..4];
if ($null -ne $_.cause) {
sliceLast $_ cause
sliceLast $_ source
sliceFirst $_ causeKad
sliceFirst $_ sourceKad
arrslice $_ heard $false
arrslice $_ waiting $false
arrslice $_ queried $false
arrslice $_ unreachable $false
arrslice $_ heardKad $true
arrslice $_ waitingKad $true
arrslice $_ queriedKad $true
arrslice $_ unreachableKad $true
$_} | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty heard,waiting,queried,unreachable |
%{ $_ | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 10 | Add-Content $fileDir/lookupcmp.json }
$runOut = gci $fileDir/run.out | gc | ConvertFrom-Json
$runOut | %{$_.ts = ($_.ts - $start)/$ns; $_} |
%{ $_ | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 10 | Add-Content $fileDir/runcmp.json }
function sliceFirst($obj, $field) {
if ($null -eq $obj.$field) {
$obj.$field = -join $obj.$field[0..4]
function sliceLast($obj, $field) {
if ($null -eq $obj.$field) {
$obj.$field = -join $obj.$field[-4..-1]
function arrslice($obj, $field, $first) {
if ($null -eq $obj.$field) {
if ($first) {
$obj.$field = $obj.$field | %{-join $_[0..4]}
} else {
$obj.$field = $obj.$field | %{-join $_[-4..-1]}
run $dataDir
condense $dataDir |