const AWS_BUCKET = process.env.AWS_BUCKET || 'libp2p-by-tf-aws-bootstrap'; const scriptDir = __dirname; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as child_process from 'child_process'; import ignore, { Ignore } from 'ignore' const multidimInteropDir = path.join(scriptDir, '..') const arch = child_process.execSync('docker info -f "{{.Architecture}}"').toString().trim(); enum Mode { LoadCache = 1, PushCache, } const modeStr = process.argv[2]; let mode: Mode switch (modeStr) { case "push": mode = Mode.PushCache break case "load": mode = Mode.LoadCache break default: throw new Error(`Unknown mode: ${modeStr}`) } (async () => { for (const implFamily of fs.readdirSync(path.join(multidimInteropDir, 'impl'))) { const ig = ignore() addGitignoreIfPresent(ig, path.join(multidimInteropDir, ".gitignore")) addGitignoreIfPresent(ig, path.join(multidimInteropDir, "..", ".gitignore")) const implFamilyDir = path.join(multidimInteropDir, 'impl', implFamily) addGitignoreIfPresent(ig, path.join(implFamilyDir, ".gitignore")) for (const impl of fs.readdirSync(implFamilyDir)) { const implFolder = fs.realpathSync(path.join(implFamilyDir, impl)); if (!fs.statSync(implFolder).isDirectory()) { continue } addGitignoreIfPresent(ig, path.join(implFolder, ".gitignore")) // Get all the files in the implFolder: let files = walkDir(implFolder) // Turn them into relative paths: files = => f.replace(implFolder + "/", "")) // Ignore files that are in the .gitignore: files = files.filter(ig.createFilter()) // Sort them to be deterministic files = files.sort() console.log(implFolder) console.log("Files:", files) // Turn them back into absolute paths: files = => path.join(implFolder, f)) const cacheKey = await hashFiles(files) console.log("Cache key:", cacheKey) if (mode == Mode.PushCache) { console.log("Pushing cache") try { const res = await fetch(`${AWS_BUCKET}/imageCache/${cacheKey}-${arch}.tar.gz`, { method: "HEAD" }) if (res.ok) { console.log("Cache already exists") } else { // Read image id from image.json const imageID = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(implFolder, 'image.json')).toString()).imageID; console.log(`Pushing cache for ${impl}: ${imageID}`) child_process.execSync(`docker image save ${imageID} | gzip | aws s3 cp - s3://${AWS_BUCKET}/imageCache/${cacheKey}-${arch}.tar.gz`); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to push image cache:", e) } } else if (mode == Mode.LoadCache) { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(implFolder, 'image.json'))) { console.log("Already built") continue } console.log("Loading cache") let cacheHit = false try { // Check if the cache exists const res = await fetch(`${AWS_BUCKET}/imageCache/${cacheKey}-${arch}.tar.gz`, { method: "HEAD" }) if (res.ok) { const dockerLoadedMsg = child_process.execSync(`curl${AWS_BUCKET}/imageCache/${cacheKey}-${arch}.tar.gz | docker image load`).toString(); const loadedImageId = dockerLoadedMsg.match(/Loaded image( ID)?: (.*)/)[2]; if (loadedImageId) { console.log(`Cache hit for ${loadedImageId}`); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(implFolder, 'image.json'), JSON.stringify({ imageID: loadedImageId }) + "\n"); cacheHit = true } } else { console.log("Cache not found") } } catch (e) { console.log("Cache not found:", e) } if (cacheHit) { console.log("Building any remaining things from image.json") // We're building using -o image.json. This tells make to // not bother building image.json or anything it depends on. child_process.execSync(`make -o image.json`, { cwd: implFolder }) } else { console.log("No cache, building from scratch") child_process.execSync(`make`, { cwd: implFolder }) } } } } })() function walkDir(dir: string) { let results = []; fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(f => { let dirPath = path.join(dir, f); let isDirectory = fs.statSync(dirPath).isDirectory(); results = isDirectory ? results.concat(walkDir(dirPath)) : results.concat(path.join(dir, f)); }); return results; }; async function hashFiles(files: string[]): Promise { const fileHashes = await Promise.all( (file) => { const data = await fs.promises.readFile(file); return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(data).digest('hex'); }) ); return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(fileHashes.join('')).digest('hex'); } function addGitignoreIfPresent(ig: Ignore, pathStr: string): boolean { try { if (fs.statSync(pathStr).isFile()) { ig.add(fs.readFileSync(pathStr).toString()) } return true } catch { return false } }