## The manifest file describes a test plan to Testground. ## Amongst other things, it indicates the name of the test plan, the supported builders and runners, and configurations for those. ## It describes the test cases, specifying the number of instances and test parameters each supports. name = "ping" [builders] "exec:go" = { enabled = true } [builders."docker:go"] enabled = true build_base_image = "golang:1.18-buster" [runners] "local:docker" = { enabled = true } "local:exec" = { enabled = true } "cluster:k8s" = { enabled = true } [[testcases]] name = "ping" instances = { min = 2, max = 10000, default = 5 } [testcases.params] secure_channel = { type = "enum", desc = "secure channel used", values = ["noise", "tls"], default = "noise" } max_latency_ms = { type = "int", desc = "maximum value for random local link latency", unit = "ms", default = 1000 } iterations = { type = "int", desc = "number of ping iterations we'll run against each peer", unit = "count", default = 5 }