# Testground test plans for libp2p [![Made by Protocol Labs](https://img.shields.io/badge/made%20by-Protocol%20Labs-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](http://protocol.ai) ![Go version](https://img.shields.io/badge/go-%3E%3D1.14.0-blue.svg?style=flat-square) This repository contains Testground test plans for libp2p components. ## How to add a new version to ping/go When a new version of libp2p is released, we want to make it permanent in the `ping/go` test folder. 1. In the `ping/_compositions/go.toml` file, - copy the `[master]` section and turn it into a `[[groups]]` item - update the `[master]` section with the future version 2. In the `ping/go` folder, - Add a new compatibility shim in `compat/` if needed, or add your new selector to the latest shim (see `compat/libp2p.v0.17.go` for example). - Create the new mod and sum files (`go.v0.21.mod` for example). Assuming you're updating from `v$A` to `v$B`, a simple way to do this is to: - `cp go.v$A.mod go.v$B.mod; cp go.v$A.sum go.v$B.sum` - `ln -s go.v$B.mod go.mod; ln -s go.v$B.sum go.sum` (you may also use this for local development, these files are ignored by git) - update the `go-libp2p` version, go version, and update the code if needed. - then `go get -tags v$B && go mod tidy` 3. Run the test on your machine - Do once, from the test-plans root: import the test-plans with `testground plan import ./ --name libp2p` - Run the test with `testground run composition -f ping/_compositions/go-cross-versions.toml --wait` ## How to add a new version to ping/rust When a new version of libp2p is released, we want to make it permanent in the `ping/rust` test folder. 1. In the `ping/_compositions/rust.toml` file, - Copy the `[master]` section and turn it into a item in the `[[groups]]` array - Update the `[master]` section with the new master version 2. In the `ping/rust` folder, - `Cargo.toml`: update the feature flags `libp2pvxxx` to fix the released version and add the new `master` - `src/main.rs`: Update the `mod libp2p` definition with the new master - Run `cargo update` if needed. Try to build with `cargo build --features libp2pvxxx` 3. Run the test on your machine - Do once, from the test-plans root: import the test-plans with `testground plan import ./ --name libp2p` - Run the test with `testground run composition -f ping/_compositions/rust-cross-versions.toml --wait` ## License Dual-licensed: [MIT](./LICENSE-MIT), [Apache Software License v2](./LICENSE-APACHE), by way of the [Permissive License Stack](https://protocol.ai/blog/announcing-the-permissive-license-stack/).