# libp2p performance benchmarking This project includes the following components: - `terraform/`: a Terraform scripts to provision infrastructure - `impl/`: implementations of the [libp2p perf protocol](https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/master/perf/perf.md) running on top of e.g. go-libp2p, rust-libp2p or Go's std-library https stack - `runner/`: a set of scripts building and running the above implementations on the above infrastructure, reporting the results in `benchmark-results.json` Benchmark results can be visualized with https://observablehq.com/@mxinden-workspace/libp2p-performance-dashboard. ## Provision infrastructure ### Bootstrap 1. Save your public SSH key as the file `./terraform/modules/short_lived/files/perf.pub`; or generate a new key pair with `make ssh-keygen` and add it to your SSH agent with `make ssh-add`. 2. `cd terraform/configs/local` 3. `terraform init` 4. `terraform apply` 5. `CLIENT_IP=$(terraform output -raw client_ip)` 6. `SERVER_IP=$(terraform output -raw server_ip)` ## Build and run implementations _WARNING_: Running the perf tests might take a while. 1. `cd runner` 2. `npm ci` 3. `npm run start -- --client-public-ip $CLIENT_IP --server-public-ip $SERVER_IP` ## Deprovision infrastructure 1. `cd terraform/configs/local` 2. `terraform destroy` ## Adding a new implementation 1. Add implementation to `impl/`. - Create a folder `impl//`. - In that folder include a `Makefile` that builds an executable and stores it next to the `Makefile` under the name `perf`. - Requirements for the executable: - Running as a libp2p-perf server - Command line flags - `--run-server` - Running as a libp2p-perf client - Input via command line - `--server-ip-address` - `--transport` (see `runner/versions.ts` for possible variants) - `--upload-bytes` number of bytes to upload per stream. - `--download-bytes` number of bytes to download per stream. - Output - Logging MUST go to stderr. - Measurement output is printed to stdout as JSON in the form of: ```json {"connectionEstablishedSeconds":0.246442851,"uploadSeconds":0.000002077,"downloadSeconds":0.060712241} ``` 2. In `impl/Makefile` include your implementation in the `all` target. 3. Reference implementation in `runner/src/versions.ts`.