import std/[random, math], chronicles, chronos, libp2pdht/dht, libp2pdht/discv5/crypto as dhtcrypto, libp2pdht/discv5/protocol as discv5_protocol, test_helper logScope: topics = "DAS emulator" proc bootstrapNodes( nodecount: int, bootnodes: seq[SignedPeerRecord], rng = newRng(), delay: int = 0 ) : Future[seq[(discv5_protocol.Protocol, PrivateKey)]] {.async.} = debug "---- STARTING BOOSTRAPS ---" for i in 0.. 0: await sleepAsync(chronos.milliseconds(delay)) except TransportOsError as e: echo "skipping node ",i ,":", e.msg #await allFutures(result.mapIt(it.bootstrap())) # this waits for bootstrap based on bootENode, which includes bonding with all its ping pongs proc bootstrapNetwork( nodecount: int, rng = newRng(), delay: int = 0 ) : Future[seq[(discv5_protocol.Protocol, PrivateKey)]] {.async.} = let bootNodeKey = PrivateKey.fromHex( "a2b50376a79b1a8c8a3296485572bdfbf54708bb46d3c25d73d2723aaaf6a617") .expect("Valid private key hex") bootNodeAddr = localAddress(20301) bootNode = initDiscoveryNode(rng, bootNodeKey, bootNodeAddr, @[]) # just a shortcut for new and open #waitFor bootNode.bootstrap() # immediate, since no bootnodes are defined above var res = await bootstrapNodes(nodecount - 1, @[bootnode.localNode.record], rng, delay) res.insert((bootNode, bootNodeKey), 0) return res proc toNodeId(data: openArray[byte]): NodeId = readUintBE[256](keccak256.digest(data).data) proc segmentData(s: int, segmentsize: int) : seq[byte] = result = newSeq[byte](segmentsize) var r = s i = 0 while r > 0: assert(i= all div 10: # add better algo selector var generated = newSeq[bool](all) # Initialized to false. while count != 0: let n = rand(s) if not generated[n - s.a]: generated[n - s.a] = true result.add n dec count else: while count != 0: let n = rand(s) if not (n in result): result.add n dec count when isMainModule: proc main() {.async.} = let nodecount = 100 delay_pernode = 10 # in millisec delay_init = 15*1000 # in millisec blocksize = 256 segmentsize = 2 samplesize = 3 upload_timeout = 5.seconds sampling_timeout = 5.seconds assert(log2(blocksize.float) <= segmentsize * 8 ) assert(samplesize <= blocksize) var segmentIDs = newSeq[NodeId](blocksize) # start network let rng = newRng() nodes = await bootstrapNetwork(nodecount=nodecount, delay=delay_pernode) # wait for network to settle await sleepAsync(chronos.milliseconds(delay_init)) # generate block and push data info "starting upload to DHT" let startTime = var futs = newSeq[Future[seq[Node]]]() for s in 0 ..< blocksize: let segment = segmentData(s, segmentsize) key = toNodeId(segment) segmentIDs[s] = key futs.add(nodes[0][0].addValue(key, segment)) let pass = await allFutures(futs).withTimeout(upload_timeout) info "uploaded to DHT", by = 0, pass, time = - startTime # sample proc startSamplingDA(n: discv5_protocol.Protocol): seq[Future[DiscResult[seq[byte]]]] = ## Generate random sample and start the sampling process var futs = newSeq[Future[DiscResult[seq[byte]]]]() let sample = sample(0 ..< blocksize, samplesize) debug "starting sampling", by = n, sample for s in sample: let fut = n.getValue(segmentIDs[s]) futs.add(fut) return futs proc sampleDA(n: discv5_protocol.Protocol): Future[(bool, int, Duration)] {.async.} = ## Sample and return detailed results of sampling let startTime = var futs = startSamplingDA(n) # test is passed if all segments are retrieved in time let pass = await allFutures(futs).withTimeout(sampling_timeout) var passcount: int for f in futs: if f.finished(): passcount += 1 let time = - startTime info "sample", by = n.localNode, pass, cnt = passcount, time return (pass, passcount, time) # all nodes start sampling in parallel var samplings = newSeq[Future[(bool, int, Duration)]]() for n in 1 ..< nodecount: samplings.add(sampleDA(nodes[n][0])) await allFutures(samplings) # print statistics var passed = 0 for f in samplings: if f.finished(): let (pass, passcount, time) = await f passed += debug "sampleStats", pass, cnt = passcount, time else: error "This should not happen!" info "sampleStats", passed, total = samplings.len, ratio = passed/samplings.len waitfor main() # proc teardownAll() = # for (n, _) in nodes: # if last test is enabled, we need nodes[1..^1] here # await n.closeWait()