splitting protocol in lower and upper half

Protocol was actually made of two sub-protocols.
  * a lower-half handling authentication, encryption,
key exchange, and request/response. This is now called
  * an upper-half handling DHT messages. This is still
called Protocol.

Separation of these two reduces dependencies and simplifies
modifications to the protocol.
Signed-off-by: Csaba Kiraly <csaba.kiraly@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Csaba Kiraly 2022-02-14 23:44:12 +01:00
parent a33da803a5
commit fd350b4fe5
3 changed files with 228 additions and 174 deletions

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ import
stew/shims/net as stewNet, json_serialization/std/net,
stew/[endians2, results], chronicles, chronos, stint, bearssl, metrics,
".."/../[rlp, keys, async_utils],
"."/[messages, messages_encoding, encoding, node, routing_table, enr, random2, sessions, ip_vote, nodes_verification]
"."/[transport, messages, messages_encoding, encoding, node, routing_table, enr, random2, ip_vote, nodes_verification]
import nimcrypto except toHex
@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ const
ipMajorityInterval = 5.minutes ## Interval for checking the latest IP:Port
## majority and updating this when ENR auto update is set.
initialLookups = 1 ## Amount of lookups done when populating the routing table
handshakeTimeout* = 2.seconds ## timeout for the reply on the
## whoareyou message
responseTimeout* = 4.seconds ## timeout for the response of a request-response
## call
@ -121,13 +119,10 @@ type
bitsPerHop*: int
Protocol* = ref object
transp: DatagramTransport
localNode*: Node
privateKey: PrivateKey
bindAddress: Address ## UDP binding address
pendingRequests: Table[AESGCMNonce, PendingRequest]
transport*: Transport[Protocol] # exported for tests
routingTable*: RoutingTable
codec*: Codec
awaitedMessages: Table[(NodeId, RequestId), Future[Option[Message]]]
refreshLoop: Future[void]
revalidateLoop: Future[void]
@ -140,10 +135,6 @@ type
# overkill here, use sequence
rng*: ref BrHmacDrbgContext
PendingRequest = object
node: Node
message: seq[byte]
TalkProtocolHandler* = proc(p: TalkProtocol, request: seq[byte], fromId: NodeId, fromUdpAddress: Address): seq[byte]
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
@ -233,37 +224,13 @@ proc updateRecord*(
# TODO: Would it make sense to actively ping ("broadcast") to all the peers
# we stored a handshake with in order to get that ENR updated?
proc send*(d: Protocol, a: Address, data: seq[byte]) =
let ta = initTAddress(a.ip, a.port)
let f = d.transp.sendTo(ta, data)
f.callback = proc(data: pointer) {.gcsafe.} =
if f.failed:
# Could be `TransportUseClosedError` in case the transport is already
# closed, or could be `TransportOsError` in case of a socket error.
# In the latter case this would probably mostly occur if the network
# interface underneath gets disconnected or similar.
# TODO: Should this kind of error be propagated upwards? Probably, but
# it should not stop the process as that would reset the discovery
# progress in case there is even a small window of no connection.
# One case that needs this error available upwards is when revalidating
# nodes. Else the revalidation might end up clearing the routing tabl
# because of ping failures due to own network connection failure.
warn "Discovery send failed", msg = f.readError.msg
proc send(d: Protocol, n: Node, data: seq[byte]) =
d.send(n.address.get(), data)
proc sendNodes(d: Protocol, toId: NodeId, toAddr: Address, reqId: RequestId,
nodes: openArray[Node]) =
proc sendNodes(d: Protocol, toId: NodeId, toAddr: Address,
message: NodesMessage, reqId: RequestId) {.nimcall.} =
let (data, _) = encodeMessagePacket(d.rng[], d.codec, toId, toAddr,
encodeMessage(message, reqId))
trace "Respond message packet", dstId = toId, address = toAddr,
kind = MessageKind.nodes
d.send(toAddr, data)
d.transport.send(toId, toAddr, encodeMessage(message, reqId))
if nodes.len == 0:
# In case of 0 nodes, a reply is still needed
@ -289,13 +256,9 @@ proc handlePing(d: Protocol, fromId: NodeId, fromAddr: Address,
ping: PingMessage, reqId: RequestId) =
let pong = PongMessage(enrSeq: d.localNode.record.seqNum, ip: fromAddr.ip,
port: fromAddr.port.uint16)
let (data, _) = encodeMessagePacket(d.rng[], d.codec, fromId, fromAddr,
encodeMessage(pong, reqId))
trace "Respond message packet", dstId = fromId, address = fromAddr,
kind = MessageKind.pong
d.send(fromAddr, data)
d.transport.send(fromId, fromAddr, encodeMessage(pong, reqId))
proc handleFindNode(d: Protocol, fromId: NodeId, fromAddr: Address,
fn: FindNodeMessage, reqId: RequestId) =
@ -328,12 +291,10 @@ proc handleTalkReq(d: Protocol, fromId: NodeId, fromAddr: Address,
TalkRespMessage(response: talkProtocol.protocolHandler(talkProtocol,
talkreq.request, fromId, fromAddr))
let (data, _) = encodeMessagePacket(d.rng[], d.codec, fromId, fromAddr,
encodeMessage(talkresp, reqId))
trace "Respond message packet", dstId = fromId, address = fromAddr,
kind = MessageKind.talkresp
d.send(fromAddr, data)
d.transport.send(fromId, fromAddr, encodeMessage(talkresp, reqId))
proc handleMessage(d: Protocol, srcId: NodeId, fromAddr: Address,
message: Message) =
@ -369,97 +330,6 @@ proc registerTalkProtocol*(d: Protocol, protocolId: seq[byte],
proc sendWhoareyou(d: Protocol, toId: NodeId, a: Address,
requestNonce: AESGCMNonce, node: Option[Node]) =
let key = HandshakeKey(nodeId: toId, address: a)
if not d.codec.hasHandshake(key):
recordSeq = if node.isSome(): node.get().record.seqNum
else: 0
pubkey = if node.isSome(): some(node.get().pubkey)
else: none(PublicKey)
let data = encodeWhoareyouPacket(d.rng[], d.codec, toId, a, requestNonce,
recordSeq, pubkey)
sleepAsync(handshakeTimeout).addCallback() do(data: pointer):
# TODO: should we still provide cancellation in case handshake completes
# correctly?
trace "Send whoareyou", dstId = toId, address = a
d.send(a, data)
debug "Node with this id already has ongoing handshake, ignoring packet"
proc receive*(d: Protocol, a: Address, packet: openArray[byte]) =
let decoded = d.codec.decodePacket(a, packet)
if decoded.isOk:
let packet = decoded[]
case packet.flag
of OrdinaryMessage:
if packet.messageOpt.isSome():
let message = packet.messageOpt.get()
trace "Received message packet", srcId = packet.srcId, address = a,
kind = message.kind
d.handleMessage(packet.srcId, a, message)
trace "Not decryptable message packet received",
srcId = packet.srcId, address = a
d.sendWhoareyou(packet.srcId, a, packet.requestNonce,
of Flag.Whoareyou:
trace "Received whoareyou packet", address = a
var pr: PendingRequest
if d.pendingRequests.take(packet.whoareyou.requestNonce, pr):
let toNode = pr.node
# This is a node we previously contacted and thus must have an address.
let address = toNode.address.get()
let data = encodeHandshakePacket(d.rng[], d.codec, toNode.id,
address, pr.message, packet.whoareyou, toNode.pubkey)
trace "Send handshake message packet", dstId = toNode.id, address
d.send(toNode, data)
debug "Timed out or unrequested whoareyou packet", address = a
of HandshakeMessage:
trace "Received handshake message packet", srcId = packet.srcIdHs,
address = a, kind = packet.message.kind
d.handleMessage(packet.srcIdHs, a, packet.message)
# For a handshake message it is possible that we received an newer ENR.
# In that case we can add/update it to the routing table.
if packet.node.isSome():
let node = packet.node.get()
# Lets not add nodes without correct IP in the ENR to the routing table.
# The ENR could contain bogus IPs and although they would get removed
# on the next revalidation, one could spam these as the handshake
# message occurs on (first) incoming messages.
if node.address.isSome() and a == node.address.get():
if d.addNode(node):
trace "Added new node to routing table after handshake", node
trace "Packet decoding error", error = decoded.error, address = a
proc processClient(transp: DatagramTransport, raddr: TransportAddress):
Future[void] {.async.} =
let proto = getUserData[Protocol](transp)
# TODO: should we use `peekMessage()` to avoid allocation?
let buf = try: transp.getMessage()
except TransportOsError as e:
# This is likely to be local network connection issues.
warn "Transport getMessage", exception = e.name, msg = e.msg
let ip = try: raddr.address()
except ValueError as e:
error "Not a valid IpAddress", exception = e.name, msg = e.msg
let a = Address(ip: ValidIpAddress.init(ip), port: raddr.port)
proto.receive(a, buf)
proc replaceNode(d: Protocol, n: Node) =
if n.record notin d.bootstrapRecords:
@ -469,15 +339,6 @@ proc replaceNode(d: Protocol, n: Node) =
# peers in the routing table.
debug "Message request to bootstrap node failed", enr = toURI(n.record)
# TODO: This could be improved to do the clean-up immediatily in case a non
# whoareyou response does arrive, but we would need to store the AuthTag
# somewhere
proc registerRequest(d: Protocol, n: Node, message: seq[byte],
nonce: AESGCMNonce) =
let request = PendingRequest(node: n, message: message)
if not d.pendingRequests.hasKeyOrPut(nonce, request):
sleepAsync(responseTimeout).addCallback() do(data: pointer):
proc waitMessage(d: Protocol, fromNode: Node, reqId: RequestId):
Future[Option[Message]] =
@ -526,13 +387,10 @@ proc sendMessage*[T: SomeMessage](d: Protocol, toNode: Node, m: T):
reqId = RequestId.init(d.rng[])
message = encodeMessage(m, reqId)
let (data, nonce) = encodeMessagePacket(d.rng[], d.codec, toNode.id,
address, message)
d.registerRequest(toNode, message, nonce)
trace "Send message packet", dstId = toNode.id, address, kind = messageKind(T)
d.send(toNode, data)
d.transport.sendMessage(toNode, address, message)
return reqId
proc ping*(d: Protocol, toNode: Node):
@ -947,12 +805,9 @@ proc newProtocol*(
# TODO Consider whether this should be a Defect
doAssert rng != nil, "RNG initialization failed"
result = Protocol(
privateKey: privKey,
localNode: node,
bindAddress: Address(ip: ValidIpAddress.init(bindIp), port: bindPort),
codec: Codec(localNode: node, privKey: privKey,
sessions: Sessions.init(256)),
bootstrapRecords: @bootstrapRecords,
ipVote: IpVote.init(),
enrAutoUpdate: enrAutoUpdate,
@ -960,16 +815,13 @@ proc newProtocol*(
node, config.bitsPerHop, config.tableIpLimits, rng),
rng: rng)
template listeningAddress*(p: Protocol): Address =
result.transport = newTransport(result, privKey, node, bindPort, bindIp, rng)
proc open*(d: Protocol) {.raises: [Defect, CatchableError].} =
info "Starting discovery node", node = d.localNode,
bindAddress = d.bindAddress
info "Starting discovery node", node = d.localNode
# TODO allow binding to specific IP / IPv6 / etc
let ta = initTAddress(d.bindAddress.ip, d.bindAddress.port)
d.transp = newDatagramTransport(processClient, udata = d, local = ta)
@ -979,7 +831,7 @@ proc start*(d: Protocol) =
d.ipMajorityLoop = ipMajorityLoop(d)
proc close*(d: Protocol) =
doAssert(not d.transp.closed)
doAssert(not d.transport.closed)
debug "Closing discovery node", node = d.localNode
if not d.revalidateLoop.isNil:
@ -989,10 +841,10 @@ proc close*(d: Protocol) =
if not d.ipMajorityLoop.isNil:
proc closeWait*(d: Protocol) {.async.} =
doAssert(not d.transp.closed)
doAssert(not d.transport.closed)
debug "Closing discovery node", node = d.localNode
if not d.revalidateLoop.isNil:
@ -1002,4 +854,4 @@ proc closeWait*(d: Protocol) {.async.} =
if not d.ipMajorityLoop.isNil:
await d.ipMajorityLoop.cancelAndWait()
await d.transp.closeWait()
await d.transport.closeWait()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Everything below the handling of ordinary messages
std/[tables, options],
"."/[node, encoding, sessions]
handshakeTimeout* = 2.seconds ## timeout for the reply on the
## whoareyou message
responseTimeout* = 4.seconds ## timeout for the response of a request-response
## call
Transport* [Client] = ref object
client: Client
bindAddress: Address ## UDP binding address
transp: DatagramTransport
pendingRequests: Table[AESGCMNonce, PendingRequest]
codec*: Codec
rng: ref BrHmacDrbgContext
PendingRequest = object
node: Node
message: seq[byte]
proc send*(t: Transport, a: Address, data: seq[byte]) =
let ta = initTAddress(a.ip, a.port)
let f = t.transp.sendTo(ta, data)
f.callback = proc(data: pointer) {.gcsafe.} =
if f.failed:
# Could be `TransportUseClosedError` in case the transport is already
# closed, or could be `TransportOsError` in case of a socket error.
# In the latter case this would probably mostly occur if the network
# interface underneath gets disconnected or similar.
# TODO: Should this kind of error be propagated upwards? Probably, but
# it should not stop the process as that would reset the discovery
# progress in case there is even a small window of no connection.
# One case that needs this error available upwards is when revalidating
# nodes. Else the revalidation might end up clearing the routing tabl
# because of ping failures due to own network connection failure.
warn "Discovery send failed", msg = f.readError.msg
proc send(t: Transport, n: Node, data: seq[byte]) =
t.send(n.address.get(), data)
proc send*(t: Transport, toId: NodeId, toAddr: Address, message: seq[byte]) =
let (data, _) = encodeMessagePacket(t.rng[], t.codec, toId, toAddr,
t.send(toAddr, data)
# TODO: This could be improved to do the clean-up immediatily in case a non
# whoareyou response does arrive, but we would need to store the AuthTag
# somewhere
proc registerRequest(t: Transport, n: Node, message: seq[byte],
nonce: AESGCMNonce) =
let request = PendingRequest(node: n, message: message)
if not t.pendingRequests.hasKeyOrPut(nonce, request):
sleepAsync(responseTimeout).addCallback() do(data: pointer):
##Todo: remove dependence on message. This should be higher
proc sendMessage*(t: Transport, toNode: Node, address: Address, message: seq[byte]) =
let (data, nonce) = encodeMessagePacket(t.rng[], t.codec, toNode.id,
address, message)
t.registerRequest(toNode, message, nonce)
t.send(toNode, data)
proc sendWhoareyou(t: Transport, toId: NodeId, a: Address,
requestNonce: AESGCMNonce, node: Option[Node]) =
let key = HandshakeKey(nodeId: toId, address: a)
if not t.codec.hasHandshake(key):
recordSeq = if node.isSome(): node.get().record.seqNum
else: 0
pubkey = if node.isSome(): some(node.get().pubkey)
else: none(PublicKey)
let data = encodeWhoareyouPacket(t.rng[], t.codec, toId, a, requestNonce,
recordSeq, pubkey)
sleepAsync(handshakeTimeout).addCallback() do(data: pointer):
# TODO: should we still provide cancellation in case handshake completes
# correctly?
trace "Send whoareyou", dstId = toId, address = a
t.send(a, data)
debug "Node with this id already has ongoing handshake, ignoring packet"
proc receive*(t: Transport, a: Address, packet: openArray[byte]) =
let decoded = t.codec.decodePacket(a, packet)
if decoded.isOk:
let packet = decoded[]
case packet.flag
of OrdinaryMessage:
if packet.messageOpt.isSome():
let message = packet.messageOpt.get()
trace "Received message packet", srcId = packet.srcId, address = a,
kind = message.kind
t.client.handleMessage(packet.srcId, a, message)
trace "Not decryptable message packet received",
srcId = packet.srcId, address = a
t.sendWhoareyou(packet.srcId, a, packet.requestNonce,
of Flag.Whoareyou:
trace "Received whoareyou packet", address = a
var pr: PendingRequest
if t.pendingRequests.take(packet.whoareyou.requestNonce, pr):
let toNode = pr.node
# This is a node we previously contacted and thus must have an address.
let address = toNode.address.get()
let data = encodeHandshakePacket(t.rng[], t.codec, toNode.id,
address, pr.message, packet.whoareyou, toNode.pubkey)
trace "Send handshake message packet", dstId = toNode.id, address
t.send(toNode, data)
debug "Timed out or unrequested whoareyou packet", address = a
of HandshakeMessage:
trace "Received handshake message packet", srcId = packet.srcIdHs,
address = a, kind = packet.message.kind
t.client.handleMessage(packet.srcIdHs, a, packet.message)
# For a handshake message it is possible that we received an newer ENR.
# In that case we can add/update it to the routing table.
if packet.node.isSome():
let node = packet.node.get()
# Lets not add nodes without correct IP in the ENR to the routing table.
# The ENR could contain bogus IPs and although they would get removed
# on the next revalidation, one could spam these as the handshake
# message occurs on (first) incoming messages.
if node.address.isSome() and a == node.address.get():
if t.client.addNode(node):
trace "Added new node to routing table after handshake", node
trace "Packet decoding error", error = decoded.error, address = a
proc processClient[T](transp: DatagramTransport, raddr: TransportAddress):
Future[void] {.async.} =
let t = getUserData[Transport[T]](transp)
# TODO: should we use `peekMessage()` to avoid allocation?
let buf = try: transp.getMessage()
except TransportOsError as e:
# This is likely to be local network connection issues.
warn "Transport getMessage", exception = e.name, msg = e.msg
let ip = try: raddr.address()
except ValueError as e:
error "Not a valid IpAddress", exception = e.name, msg = e.msg
let a = Address(ip: ValidIpAddress.init(ip), port: raddr.port)
t.receive(a, buf)
proc open*[T](t: Transport[T]) {.raises: [Defect, CatchableError].} =
info "Starting transport", bindAddress = t.bindAddress
# TODO allow binding to specific IP / IPv6 / etc
let ta = initTAddress(t.bindAddress.ip, t.bindAddress.port)
t.transp = newDatagramTransport(processClient[T], udata = t, local = ta)
proc close*(t: Transport) =
proc closed*(t: Transport) : bool =
proc closeWait*(t: Transport) {.async.} =
await t.transp.closeWait
proc newTransport*[T](
client: T,
privKey: PrivateKey,
localNode: Node,
bindPort: Port,
bindIp = IPv4_any(),
rng = newRng()):
# TODO Consider whether this should be a Defect
doAssert rng != nil, "RNG initialization failed"
client: client,
bindAddress: Address(ip: ValidIpAddress.init(bindIp), port: bindPort),
codec: Codec(localNode: localNode, privKey: privKey,
sessions: Sessions.init(256)),
rng: rng)

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import
chronos, chronicles, stint, testutils/unittests, stew/shims/net,
stew/byteutils, bearssl,
../../eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[enr, node, routing_table, encoding, sessions, messages, nodes_verification],
../../eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[transport, enr, node, routing_table, encoding, sessions, messages, nodes_verification],
../../eth/p2p/discoveryv5/protocol as discv5_protocol,
@ -607,15 +607,15 @@ suite "Discovery v5 Tests":
let (packet, _) = encodeMessagePacket(rng[], codec,
receiveNode.localNode.id, receiveNode.localNode.address.get(), @[])
receiveNode.receive(a, packet)
receiveNode.transport.receive(a, packet)
# Checking different nodeIds but same address
check receiveNode.codec.handshakes.len == 5
check receiveNode.transport.codec.handshakes.len == 5
# TODO: Could get rid of the sleep by storing the timeout future of the
# handshake
await sleepAsync(handshakeTimeout)
# Checking handshake cleanup
check receiveNode.codec.handshakes.len == 0
check receiveNode.transport.codec.handshakes.len == 0
await receiveNode.closeWait()
@ -637,15 +637,15 @@ suite "Discovery v5 Tests":
let a = localAddress(20303 + i)
let (packet, _) = encodeMessagePacket(rng[], codec,
receiveNode.localNode.id, receiveNode.localNode.address.get(), @[])
receiveNode.receive(a, packet)
receiveNode.transport.receive(a, packet)
# Checking different nodeIds but same address
check receiveNode.codec.handshakes.len == 5
check receiveNode.transport.codec.handshakes.len == 5
# TODO: Could get rid of the sleep by storing the timeout future of the
# handshake
await sleepAsync(handshakeTimeout)
# Checking handshake cleanup
check receiveNode.codec.handshakes.len == 0
check receiveNode.transport.codec.handshakes.len == 0
await receiveNode.closeWait()
@ -669,15 +669,15 @@ suite "Discovery v5 Tests":
for i in 0 ..< 5:
let (packet, requestNonce) = encodeMessagePacket(rng[], codec,
receiveNode.localNode.id, receiveNode.localNode.address.get(), @[])
receiveNode.receive(a, packet)
receiveNode.transport.receive(a, packet)
if i == 0:
firstRequestNonce = requestNonce
# Check handshake duplicates
check receiveNode.codec.handshakes.len == 1
check receiveNode.transport.codec.handshakes.len == 1
# Check if it is for the first packet that a handshake is stored
let key = HandshakeKey(nodeId: sendNode.id, address: a)
check receiveNode.codec.handshakes[key].whoareyouData.requestNonce ==
check receiveNode.transport.codec.handshakes[key].whoareyouData.requestNonce ==
await receiveNode.closeWait()