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# nim-eth - Node Discovery Protocol v5
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
## ENR implementation according to specification in EIP-778:
{.push raises: [Defect].}
std/[strutils, macros, algorithm, options],
stew/shims/net, stew/[base64, results], nimcrypto,
eth/[rlp, keys]
2022-02-15 01:04:40 +00:00
export options, results
maxEnrSize = 300 ## Maximum size of an encoded node record, in bytes.
minRlpListLen = 4 ## Minimum node record RLP list has: signature, seqId,
## "id" key and value.
FieldPair* = (string, Field)
Record* = object
seqNum*: uint64
# signature: seq[byte]
raw*: seq[byte] # RLP encoded record
pairs: seq[FieldPair] # sorted list of all key/value pairs
EnrUri* = distinct string
TypedRecord* = object
id*: string
secp256k1*: Option[array[33, byte]]
ip*: Option[array[4, byte]]
ip6*: Option[array[16, byte]]
tcp*: Option[int]
udp*: Option[int]
tcp6*: Option[int]
udp6*: Option[int]
FieldKind = enum
Field = object
case kind: FieldKind
of kString:
str: string
of kNum:
num: BiggestUInt
of kBytes:
bytes: seq[byte]
of kList:
listRaw: seq[byte] ## Differently from the other kinds, this is is stored
## as raw (encoded) RLP data, and thus treated as such further on.
EnrResult*[T] = Result[T, cstring]
template toField[T](v: T): Field =
when T is string:
Field(kind: kString, str: v)
elif T is array:
Field(kind: kBytes, bytes: @v)
elif T is seq[byte]:
Field(kind: kBytes, bytes: v)
elif T is SomeUnsignedInt:
Field(kind: kNum, num: BiggestUInt(v))
elif T is object|tuple:
Field(kind: kList, listRaw: rlp.encode(v))
{.error: "Unsupported field type".}
proc `==`(a, b: Field): bool =
if a.kind == b.kind:
case a.kind
of kString:
return a.str == b.str
of kNum:
return a.num == b.num
of kBytes:
return a.bytes == b.bytes
of kList:
return a.listRaw == b.listRaw
return false
proc cmp(a, b: FieldPair): int = cmp(a[0], b[0])
proc makeEnrRaw(seqNum: uint64, pk: PrivateKey,
pairs: openArray[FieldPair]): EnrResult[seq[byte]] =
proc append(w: var RlpWriter, seqNum: uint64,
pairs: openArray[FieldPair]): seq[byte] =
for (k, v) in pairs:
case v.kind
of kString: w.append(v.str)
of kNum: w.append(v.num)
of kBytes: w.append(v.bytes)
of kList: w.appendRawBytes(v.listRaw) # No encoding needs to happen
let toSign = block:
var w = initRlpList(pairs.len * 2 + 1)
w.append(seqNum, pairs)
let sig = signNR(pk, toSign)
var raw = block:
var w = initRlpList(pairs.len * 2 + 2)
w.append(seqNum, pairs)
if raw.len > maxEnrSize:
err("Record exceeds maximum size")
proc makeEnrAux(seqNum: uint64, pk: PrivateKey,
pairs: openArray[FieldPair]): EnrResult[Record] =
var record: Record
record.pairs = @pairs
record.seqNum = seqNum
let pubkey = pk.toPublicKey()
record.pairs.add(("id", Field(kind: kString, str: "v4")))
Field(kind: kBytes, bytes: @(pubkey.toRawCompressed()))))
# Sort by key
# TODO: Should deduplicate on keys here also. Should we error on that or just
# deal with it?
record.raw = ? makeEnrRaw(seqNum, pk, record.pairs)
macro initRecord*(seqNum: uint64, pk: PrivateKey,
pairs: untyped{nkTableConstr}): untyped =
## Initialize a `Record` with given sequence number, private key and k:v
## pairs.
## Can fail in case the record exceeds the `maxEnrSize`.
for c in pairs:
c[1] = newCall(bindSym"toField", c[1])
result = quote do:
makeEnrAux(`seqNum`, `pk`, `pairs`)
template toFieldPair*(key: string, value: auto): FieldPair =
(key, toField(value))
proc addAddress(fields: var seq[FieldPair], ip: Option[ValidIpAddress],
tcpPort, udpPort: Option[Port]) =
## Add address information in new fields. Incomplete address
## information is allowed (example: Port but not IP) as that information
## might be already in the ENR or added later.
if ip.isSome():
ipExt = ip.get()
isV6 = == IPv6
fields.add(if isV6: ("ip6", ipExt.address_v6.toField)
else: ("ip", ipExt.address_v4.toField))
if tcpPort.isSome():
fields.add(((if isV6: "tcp6" else: "tcp"), tcpPort.get().uint16.toField))
if udpPort.isSome():
fields.add(((if isV6: "udp6" else: "udp"), udpPort.get().uint16.toField))
if tcpPort.isSome():
fields.add(("tcp", tcpPort.get().uint16.toField))
if udpPort.isSome():
fields.add(("udp", udpPort.get().uint16.toField))
proc init*(T: type Record, seqNum: uint64,
pk: PrivateKey,
ip: Option[ValidIpAddress],
tcpPort, udpPort: Option[Port],
extraFields: openArray[FieldPair] = []):
EnrResult[T] =
## Initialize a `Record` with given sequence number, private key, optional
## ip address, tcp port, udp port, and optional custom k:v pairs.
## Can fail in case the record exceeds the `maxEnrSize`.
var fields = newSeq[FieldPair]()
# TODO: Allow for initializing ENR with both ip4 and ipv6 address.
fields.addAddress(ip, tcpPort, udpPort)
fields.add extraFields
makeEnrAux(seqNum, pk, fields)
proc getField(r: Record, name: string, field: var Field): bool =
# It might be more correct to do binary search,
# as the fields are sorted, but it's unlikely to
# make any difference in reality.
for (k, v) in r.pairs:
if k == name:
field = v
return true
proc requireKind(f: Field, kind: FieldKind): EnrResult[void] =
if f.kind != kind:
err("Wrong field kind")
proc get*(r: Record, key: string, T: type): EnrResult[T] =
## Get the value from the provided key.
var f: Field
if r.getField(key, f):
when T is SomeInteger:
? requireKind(f, kNum)
elif T is seq[byte]:
? requireKind(f, kBytes)
elif T is string:
? requireKind(f, kString)
elif T is PublicKey:
? requireKind(f, kBytes)
let pk = PublicKey.fromRaw(f.bytes)
if pk.isErr:
err("Invalid public key")
elif T is array:
when type(default(T)[low(T)]) is byte:
? requireKind(f, kBytes)
if f.bytes.len != T.len:
err("Invalid byte blob length")
var res: T
copyMem(addr res[0], addr f.bytes[0], res.len)
{.fatal: "Unsupported output type in enr.get".}
{.fatal: "Unsupported output type in enr.get".}
err("Key not found in ENR")
proc get*(r: Record, T: type PublicKey): Option[T] =
## Get the `PublicKey` from provided `Record`. Return `none` when there is
## no `PublicKey` in the record.
var pubkeyField: Field
if r.getField("secp256k1", pubkeyField) and pubkeyField.kind == kBytes:
let pk = PublicKey.fromRaw(pubkeyField.bytes)
if pk.isOk:
return some pk[]
proc find(r: Record, key: string): Option[int] =
## Search for key in record key:value pairs.
## Returns some(index of key) if key is found in record. Else return none.
for i, (k, v) in r.pairs:
if k == key:
return some(i)
proc update*(record: var Record, pk: PrivateKey,
fieldPairs: openArray[FieldPair]): EnrResult[void] =
## Update a `Record` k:v pairs.
## In case any of the k:v pairs is updated or added (new), the sequence number
## of the `Record` will be incremented and a new signature will be applied.
## Can fail in case of wrong `PrivateKey`, if the size of the resulting record
## exceeds `maxEnrSize` or if maximum sequence number is reached. The `Record`
## will not be altered in these cases.
var r = record
let pubkey = r.get(PublicKey)
if pubkey.isNone() or pubkey.get() != pk.toPublicKey():
return err("Public key does not correspond with given private key")
var updated = false
for fieldPair in fieldPairs:
let index = r.find(fieldPair[0])
if r.pairs[index.get()][1] == fieldPair[1]:
# Exact k:v pair is already in record, nothing to do here.
# Need to update the value.
r.pairs[index.get()] = fieldPair
updated = true
# Add new k:v pair.
r.pairs.insert(fieldPair, lowerBound(r.pairs, fieldPair, cmp))
updated = true
if updated:
if r.seqNum == high(r.seqNum): # highly unlikely
return err("Maximum sequence number reached")
r.raw = ? makeEnrRaw(r.seqNum, pk, r.pairs)
record = r
proc update*(r: var Record, pk: PrivateKey,
ip: Option[ValidIpAddress],
tcpPort, udpPort: Option[Port] = none[Port](),
extraFields: openArray[FieldPair] = []):
EnrResult[void] =
## Update a `Record` with given ip address, tcp port, udp port and optional
## custom k:v pairs.
## In case any of the k:v pairs is updated or added (new), the sequence number
## of the `Record` will be incremented and a new signature will be applied.
## Can fail in case of wrong `PrivateKey`, if the size of the resulting record
## exceeds `maxEnrSize` or if maximum sequence number is reached. The `Record`
## will not be altered in these cases.
var fields = newSeq[FieldPair]()
# TODO: Make updating of both ipv4 and ipv6 address in ENR more convenient.
fields.addAddress(ip, tcpPort, udpPort)
fields.add extraFields
r.update(pk, fields)
proc tryGet*(r: Record, key: string, T: type): Option[T] =
## Get the value from the provided key.
## Return `none` if the key does not exist or if the value is invalid
## according to type `T`.
let val = get(r, key, T)
if val.isOk():
proc toTypedRecord*(r: Record): EnrResult[TypedRecord] =
let id = r.tryGet("id", string)
if id.isSome:
var tr: TypedRecord = id.get
template readField(fieldName: untyped) {.dirty.} =
tr.fieldName = tryGet(r, astToStr(fieldName), type(tr.fieldName.get))
readField secp256k1
readField ip
readField ip6
readField tcp
readField tcp6
readField udp
readField udp6
err("Record without id field")
proc contains*(r: Record, fp: (string, seq[byte])): bool =
# TODO: use FieldPair for this, but that is a bit cumbersome. Perhaps the
# `get` call can be improved to make this easier.
let field = r.tryGet(fp[0], seq[byte])
if field.isSome():
if field.get() == fp[1]:
return true
proc verifySignatureV4(r: Record, sigData: openArray[byte], content: seq[byte]):
bool =
let publicKey = r.get(PublicKey)
if publicKey.isSome:
let sig = SignatureNR.fromRaw(sigData)
if sig.isOk:
var h = keccak256.digest(content)
return verify(sig[], SkMessage(, publicKey.get)
proc verifySignature(r: Record): bool {.raises: [RlpError, Defect].} =
var rlp = rlpFromBytes(r.raw)
let sz = rlp.listLen
if not rlp.enterList:
return false
let sigData =[byte])
let content = block:
var writer = initRlpList(sz - 1)
var reader = rlp
for i in 1 ..< sz:
var id: Field
if r.getField("id", id) and id.kind == kString:
case id.str
of "v4":
result = verifySignatureV4(r, sigData, content)
# Unknown Identity Scheme
proc fromBytesAux(r: var Record): bool {.raises: [RlpError, Defect].} =
if r.raw.len > maxEnrSize:
return false
var rlp = rlpFromBytes(r.raw)
if not rlp.isList:
return false
let sz = rlp.listLen
if sz < minRlpListLen or sz mod 2 != 0:
# Wrong rlp object
return false
# We already know we are working with a list
doAssert rlp.enterList()
rlp.skipElem() # Skip signature
r.seqNum =
let numPairs = (sz - 2) div 2
for i in 0 ..< numPairs:
let k =
case k
of "id":
let id =
r.pairs.add((k, Field(kind: kString, str: id)))
of "secp256k1":
let pubkeyData =[byte])
r.pairs.add((k, Field(kind: kBytes, bytes: pubkeyData)))
of "tcp", "udp", "tcp6", "udp6":
let v =
r.pairs.add((k, Field(kind: kNum, num: v)))
# Don't know really what this is supposed to represent so drop it in
# `kBytes` field pair when a single byte or blob.
if rlp.isSingleByte() or rlp.isBlob():
r.pairs.add((k, Field(kind: kBytes, bytes:[byte]))))
elif rlp.isList():
# Not supporting decoding lists as value (especially unknown ones),
# just drop the raw RLP value in there.
r.pairs.add((k, Field(kind: kList, listRaw: @(rlp.rawData()))))
# Need to skip the element still.
proc fromBytes*(r: var Record, s: openArray[byte]): bool =
## Loads ENR from rlp-encoded bytes, and validates the signature.
r.raw = @s
result = fromBytesAux(r)
except RlpError:
proc fromBase64*(r: var Record, s: string): bool =
## Loads ENR from base64-encoded rlp-encoded bytes, and validates the
## signature.
r.raw = Base64Url.decode(s)
result = fromBytesAux(r)
except RlpError, Base64Error:
proc fromURI*(r: var Record, s: string): bool =
## Loads ENR from its text encoding: base64-encoded rlp-encoded bytes,
## prefixed with "enr:". Validates the signature.
const prefix = "enr:"
if s.startsWith(prefix):
result = r.fromBase64(s[prefix.len .. ^1])
template fromURI*(r: var Record, url: EnrUri): bool =
fromURI(r, string(url))
proc toBase64*(r: Record): string =
result = Base64Url.encode(r.raw)
proc toURI*(r: Record): string = "enr:" & r.toBase64
proc `$`(f: Field): string =
case f.kind
of kNum:
of kBytes:
"0x" & f.bytes.toHex
of kString:
"\"" & f.str & "\""
of kList:
"(Raw RLP list) " & "0x" & f.listRaw.toHex
proc `$`*(r: Record): string =
result = "("
result &= $r.seqNum
for (k, v) in r.pairs:
result &= ", "
result &= k
result &= ": "
# For IP addresses we print something prettier than the default kinds
# Note: Could disallow for invalid IPs in ENR also.
if k == "ip":
let ip = r.tryGet("ip", array[4, byte])
if ip.isSome():
result &= $ipv4(ip.get())
result &= "(Invalid) " & $v
elif k == "ip6":
let ip = r.tryGet("ip6", array[16, byte])
if ip.isSome():
result &= $ipv6(ip.get())
result &= "(Invalid) " & $v
result &= $v
result &= ')'
proc `==`*(a, b: Record): bool = a.raw == b.raw
proc read*(rlp: var Rlp, T: typedesc[Record]):
T {.raises: [RlpError, ValueError, Defect].} =
if not rlp.hasData() or not result.fromBytes(rlp.rawData):
# TODO: This could also just be an invalid signature, would be cleaner to
# split of RLP deserialisation errors from this.
raise newException(ValueError, "Could not deserialize")
proc append*(rlpWriter: var RlpWriter, value: Record) =