const TestToken = artifacts.require('TestToken'); const ERC20Bucket = artifacts.require('ERC20Bucket'); const ERC20BucketFactory = artifacts.require('ERC20BucketFactory'); const { bucketShouldBeOwnable, factoryShouldCreateAnOwnableBucket, } = require("./helpers"); const TOTAL_SUPPLY = 10000; const GIFT_AMOUNT = 10; const REDEEM_CODE = web3.utils.sha3("hello world"); const NOW = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); const START_TIME = NOW - 1; const EXPIRATION_TIME = NOW + 60 * 60 * 24; // in 24 hours const MAX_TX_DELAY_BLOCKS = 10; async function signRedeem(contractAddress, signer, message) { const result = await; let chainId = parseInt(result); //FIXME: in tests, getChainID in the contract returns 1 so we hardcode it here to 1. chainId = 1; const domain = [ { name: "name", type: "string" }, { name: "version", type: "string" }, { name: "chainId", type: "uint256" }, { name: "verifyingContract", type: "address" } ]; const redeem = [ { name: "blockNumber", type: "uint256" }, { name: "blockHash", type: "bytes32" }, { name: "receiver", type: "address" }, { name: "code", type: "bytes32" }, ]; const domainData = { name: "KeycardERC20Bucket", version: "1", chainId: chainId, verifyingContract: contractAddress }; const data = { types: { EIP712Domain: domain, Redeem: redeem, }, primaryType: "Redeem", domain: domainData, message: message }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { web3.currentProvider.send({ jsonrpc: '2.0', id:, method: "eth_signTypedData", params: [signer, data], from: signer }, (error, res) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } resolve(res.result); }); }); } function mineAt(timestamp) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { web3.currentProvider.send({ jsonrpc: '2.0', method: "evm_mine", params: [timestamp], id: }, (error, res) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } resolve(res.result); }); }); } contract("ERC20Bucket", function () { let bucketInstance, factoryInstance, tokenInstance, shop, user, relayer, keycard_1, keycard_2; before(async () => { const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); shop = accounts[0]; user = accounts[1]; relayer = accounts[2]; keycard_1 = accounts[3]; keycard_2 = accounts[4]; const deployedTestToken = await TestToken.deployed(); tokenInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(TestToken.abi, deployedTestToken.address); }); bucketShouldBeOwnable("erc20", () => [ERC20Bucket, shop, tokenInstance, [START_TIME, EXPIRATION_TIME, MAX_TX_DELAY_BLOCKS]]); factoryShouldCreateAnOwnableBucket("erc20", () => [ERC20BucketFactory, ERC20Bucket, shop, tokenInstance, [START_TIME, EXPIRATION_TIME, MAX_TX_DELAY_BLOCKS]]); it("deploy factory", async () => { const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(ERC20BucketFactory.abi); const deploy = contract.deploy({ data: ERC20BucketFactory.bytecode }); const gas = await deploy.estimateGas(); const rec = await deploy.send({ from: shop, gas, }); factoryInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(ERC20BucketFactory.abi, rec.options.address); }); it("deploy bucket", async () => { const instance = new web3.eth.Contract(ERC20Bucket.abi); const deploy = instance.deploy({ data: ERC20Bucket.bytecode, arguments: [tokenInstance.options.address, START_TIME, EXPIRATION_TIME, MAX_TX_DELAY_BLOCKS] }); const gas = await deploy.estimateGas(); const rec = await deploy.send({ from: shop, gas, }); bucketInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(ERC20Bucket.abi, rec.options.address); }); it("deploy bucket via factory", async () => { const create = factoryInstance.methods.create(tokenInstance.options.address, START_TIME, EXPIRATION_TIME, MAX_TX_DELAY_BLOCKS); const gas = await create.estimateGas(); const receipt = await create.send({ from: shop, gas: gas, }); }); it("return correct bucket type", async function () { let bucketType = await bucketInstance.methods.bucketType().call(); assert.equal(parseInt(bucketType), 20); }); it("shop buys 100 tokens", async function () { let supply = await tokenInstance.methods.totalSupply().call(); assert.equal(parseInt(supply), 0); await{ from: shop, }); supply = await tokenInstance.methods.totalSupply().call(); assert.equal(parseInt(supply), TOTAL_SUPPLY); let shopBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(shop).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(shopBalance), TOTAL_SUPPLY); }); it("add supply", async function() { let bucketBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(bucketInstance.options.address).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(bucketBalance), 0, `bucket balance before is ${bucketBalance} instead of 0`); let shopBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(shop).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(shopBalance), TOTAL_SUPPLY, `shop balance before is ${shopBalance} instead of ${TOTAL_SUPPLY}`); const transfer = tokenInstance.methods.transfer(bucketInstance.options.address, TOTAL_SUPPLY); const transferGas = await transfer.estimateGas(); await transfer.send({ from: shop, gas: transferGas, }); bucketBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(bucketInstance.options.address).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(bucketBalance), TOTAL_SUPPLY, `bucket balance after is ${bucketBalance} instead of ${TOTAL_SUPPLY}`); shopBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(shop).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(shopBalance), 0, `shop balance after is ${shopBalance} instead of 0`); let totalSupply = await bucketInstance.methods.totalSupply().call(); assert.equal(parseInt(totalSupply), TOTAL_SUPPLY, `total contract supply is ${totalSupply} instead of ${TOTAL_SUPPLY}`); let availableSupply = await bucketInstance.methods.availableSupply().call(); assert.equal(parseInt(availableSupply), TOTAL_SUPPLY, `available contract supply is ${availableSupply} instead of ${TOTAL_SUPPLY}`); }); async function testCreateRedeemable(keycard, amount) { let initialSupply = await bucketInstance.methods.totalSupply().call(); let initialAvailableSupply = await bucketInstance.methods.availableSupply().call(); const redeemCodeHash = web3.utils.sha3(REDEEM_CODE); const createRedeemable = bucketInstance.methods.createRedeemable(keycard, amount, redeemCodeHash); const createRedeemableGas = await createRedeemable.estimateGas(); await createRedeemable.send({ from: shop, gas: createRedeemableGas, }); let totalSupply = await bucketInstance.methods.totalSupply().call(); assert.equal(parseInt(totalSupply), parseInt(initialSupply), `totalSupply is ${totalSupply} instead of ${initialSupply}`); let availableSupply = await bucketInstance.methods.availableSupply().call(); assert.equal(parseInt(availableSupply), parseInt(initialAvailableSupply) - amount); } it("createRedeemable should fail if amount is zero", async function() { try { await testCreateRedeemable(keycard_1, 0);"createRedeemable should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /invalid amount/); } }); it("createRedeemable fails if amount > totalSupply", async function() { try { await testCreateRedeemable(keycard_1, TOTAL_SUPPLY + 1);"createRedeemable should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /low supply/); } }); it("createRedeemable", async function() { await testCreateRedeemable(keycard_1, GIFT_AMOUNT); }); it("createRedeemable should fail if keycard has already been used", async function() { try { await testCreateRedeemable(keycard_1, 1);"createRedeemable should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /recipient already used/); } }); it("createRedeemable amount > availableSupply", async function() { try { await testCreateRedeemable(keycard_2, TOTAL_SUPPLY - GIFT_AMOUNT + 1);"createRedeemable should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /low supply/); } }); async function testRedeem(receiver, recipient, signer, relayer, redeemCode, blockNumber, blockHash) { let initialBucketBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(bucketInstance.options.address).call(); let initialUserBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(user).call(); let initialRedeemableSupply = await bucketInstance.methods.redeemableSupply().call(); let redeemable = await bucketInstance.methods.redeemables(recipient).call(); const amount = parseInt(; const message = { blockNumber: blockNumber, blockHash: blockHash, receiver: receiver, code: redeemCode, }; const sig = await signRedeem(bucketInstance.options.address, signer, message); const redeem = bucketInstance.methods.redeem(message, sig); const redeemGas = await redeem.estimateGas(); let receipt = await redeem.send({ from: relayer, gas: redeemGas, }); assert.equal(, recipient); assert.equal(,; let expectedBucketBalance = parseInt(initialBucketBalance) - amount; let bucketBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(bucketInstance.options.address).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(bucketBalance), expectedBucketBalance, `bucketBalance after redeem should be ${expectedBucketBalance} instead of ${bucketBalance}`); let expectedUserBalance = parseInt(initialUserBalance + amount); userBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(user).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(userBalance), expectedUserBalance, `user`, `userBalance after redeem should be ${expectedUserBalance} instead of ${userBalance}`); let expectedRedeemableSupply = initialRedeemableSupply - amount; let redeemableSupply = await bucketInstance.methods.redeemableSupply().call(); assert.equal(parseInt(redeemableSupply), expectedRedeemableSupply, `redeemableSupply after redeem should be ${expectedRedeemableSupply} instead of ${redeemableSupply}`); } it("cannot redeem before start date", async function() { const block = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest"); await mineAt(START_TIME); try { await testRedeem(user, keycard_1, keycard_1, relayer, REDEEM_CODE, block.number, block.hash);"redeem should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /not yet started/); } }); it("cannot redeem after expiration date", async function() { const block = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest"); await mineAt(EXPIRATION_TIME); try { await testRedeem(user, keycard_1, keycard_1, relayer, REDEEM_CODE, block.number, block.hash);"redeem should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /expired/); } }); it("cannot redeem with invalid code", async function() { const block = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest"); await mineAt(NOW); try { await testRedeem(user, keycard_1, keycard_1, relayer, web3.utils.sha3("bad-code"), block.number, block.hash);"redeem should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /invalid code/); } }); it("cannot redeem with invalid recipient", async function() { const block = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest"); await mineAt(NOW); try { await testRedeem(user, keycard_1, keycard_2, relayer, REDEEM_CODE, block.number, block.hash);"redeem should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /not found/); } }); it("cannot redeem with a block in the future", async function() { const block = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest"); await mineAt(NOW); try { await testRedeem(user, keycard_1, keycard_1, relayer, REDEEM_CODE, (block.number + 2), "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); } catch (e) { assert.match(e.message, /future/); } }); it("cannot redeem with an old block", async function() { const currentBlock = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest"); const block = await web3.eth.getBlock(currentBlock.number - 10); await mineAt(NOW); try { await testRedeem(user, keycard_1, keycard_1, relayer, REDEEM_CODE, block.number, block.hash); } catch (e) { assert.match(e.message, /too old/); } }); it("cannot redeem with an invalid hash", async function() { const block = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest"); await mineAt(NOW); try { await testRedeem(user, keycard_1, keycard_1, relayer, REDEEM_CODE, block.number, "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); } catch (e) { assert.match(e.message, /invalid block hash/); } }); it("can redeem before expiration date", async function() { const block = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest"); await mineAt(NOW); await testRedeem(user, keycard_1, keycard_1, relayer, REDEEM_CODE, block.number, block.hash); }); async function testKill() { let initialShopBalance = parseInt(await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(shop).call()); let initialBucketBalance = parseInt(await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(bucketInstance.options.address).call()); await bucketInstance.methods.kill().send({ from: shop, }); let expectedShopBalance = initialShopBalance + initialBucketBalance; let shopBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(shop).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(shopBalance), expectedShopBalance, `shop balance after kill is ${shopBalance} instead of ${expectedShopBalance}`); let bucketBalance = await tokenInstance.methods.balanceOf(bucketInstance.options.address).call(); assert.equal(parseInt(bucketBalance), 0, `bucketBalance after kill is ${bucketBalance} instead of 0`); } it("shop cannot kill contract before expirationTime", async function() { await mineAt(NOW); try { await testKill();"redeem should have failed"); } catch(e) { assert.match(e.message, /not expired yet/); } }); it("shop can kill contract after expirationTime", async function() { await mineAt(EXPIRATION_TIME); await testKill(); await mineAt(NOW); }); });