# keycard-go `keycard-go` is a set of Go packages built to interact with the [Status Keycard](https://github.com/status-im/status-keycard). If you only need a tool to initialize your card, check out [keycard-cli](https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli). ## Keycard commands - [x] SELECT - [x] INIT - [x] OPEN SECURE CHANNEL - [x] MUTUALLY AUTHENTICATE - [x] PAIR - [x] UNPAIR - [x] GET STATUS - [x] STORE DATA - [x] GET DATA - [x] VERIFY PIN - [x] CHANGE PIN - [x] UNBLOCK PIN - [x] LOAD KEY - [x] DERIVE KEY - [x] GENERATE MNEMONIC - [x] REMOVE KEY - [x] GENERATE KEY - [x] INIT - [x] SIGN - [ ] SET PINLESS PATH - [x] EXPORT KEY