# Description These Jenkinsfiles are using for jobs under [`status-keycard`](https://ci.status.im/job/status-keycard/) folder. # Builds Available are: * [PR Builds](https://ci.status.im/job/status-keycard/job/prs/job/keycard-cli/) - Use separate [`Jenkinsfile.pr`](./Jenkinsfile.pr) - Run `make test` and `go build` - Create only one `keycard` binary artifact * [Manual Builds](https://ci.status.im/job/status-keycard/job/keycard-cli/) - Use separate [`Jenkinsfile`](./Jenkinsfile) - Build for 3 platforms using `xgo` - Create and replace GitHub release draft # Known Issues The manual builds remove the existing GitHub release and replease it with a new one. To avoid this update the [`VERSION`](/VERSION) file once you've created a reales you don't want removed.