Sasha 85d8156b7a
feat: re-work rln-js (#281)
* use next.js tempalte

* use next lint rules

* alight UI

* fix problem with margins

* remove old page, rename to hooks

* add constants

* create RLN service, add utils

* add RLN init

* refactor a bit

* add init for Keystore

* add store functions

* add styles

* add contract hooks, add store fields, fix multiple downloads issue

* add features

* add keystore read logic

* add import export

* combine to useContract

* add useWaku stub, add state to Waku block, styles

* add creation of a node

* add messages functionality

* up readme

* update CI

* update readme

* remove and rename, address comments

* update readme

* move const
2023-11-20 19:00:11 +03:00

99 lines
2.6 KiB

pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
label 'linux'
dir 'ci'
options {
/* manage how many builds we keep */
numToKeepStr: '20',
daysToKeepStr: '30',
environment {
SITE_DOMAIN = 'examples.waku.org'
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = 'status-im-auto'
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL = 'auto@status.im'
GIT_SSH_COMMAND = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
stages {
stage('Pre') {
steps {
sh 'npm install --silent'
/* TODO: Build the main page. */
sh 'mkdir -p build/docs'
sh 'cp index.html build/docs/'
stage('Examples') {
parallel {
stage('eth-pm') { steps { script { buildExample() } } }
stage('relay-angular-chat') { steps { script { buildExample() } } }
stage('relay-reactjs-chat') { steps { script { buildExample() } } }
stage('store-reactjs-chat') { steps { script { buildExample() } } }
stage('web-chat') { steps { script { buildExample() } } }
stage('noise-js') { steps { script { buildExample() } } }
stage('noise-rtc') { steps { script { buildExample() } } }
stage('relay-direct-rtc') { steps { script { buildExample() } } }
stage('rln-js') { steps { script { buildNextJSExample() } } }
stage('HTML Examples') {
parallel {
stage('relay-js') { steps { script { copyExample() } } }
stage('store-js') { steps { script { copyExample() } } }
stage('light-js') { steps { script { copyExample() } } }
stage('light-chat') { steps { script { copyExample() } } }
stage('Publish') {
steps { script {
sh "echo ${SITE_DOMAIN} > build/docs/CNAME"
sshagent(credentials: ['status-im-auto-ssh']) {
sh 'node ci/deploy.js'
} }
post {
always { cleanWs() }
def buildExample(example=STAGE_NAME) {
def dest = "${WORKSPACE}/build/docs/${example}"
dir("examples/${example}") {
sh 'npm install --silent'
sh 'npm run build'
sh "mkdir -p ${dest}"
sh "cp -r build/. ${dest}"
def copyExample(example=STAGE_NAME) {
def source = "examples/${example}"
def dest = "build/docs/${example}"
sh "mkdir -p ${dest}"
sh "cp -r ${source}/. ${dest}"
def buildNextJSExample(example=STAGE_NAME) {
def dest = "${WORKSPACE}/build/docs/${example}"
dir("examples/${example}") {
sh 'npm install --silent'
sh 'npm run build'
sh "mkdir -p ${dest}"
sh "cp -r out/. ${dest}"