import { createLightNode } from "@waku/create"; import * as utils from "@waku/utils/bytes"; import { waitForRemotePeer } from "@waku/core"; import * as noise from "@waku/noise"; import protobuf from "protobufjs"; import QRCode from "qrcode"; // Protobuf const ProtoChatMessage = new protobuf.Type("ChatMessage") .add(new protobuf.Field("timestamp", 1, "uint64")) .add(new protobuf.Field("nick", 2, "string")) .add(new protobuf.Field("text", 3, "bytes")); main(); async function main() { const ui = initUI(); ui.waku.connecting(); // Starting the node const node = await createLightNode({ defaultBootstrap: true, }); try { await node.start(); await waitForRemotePeer(node, ["filter", "lightpush"]); ui.waku.connected(); const myStaticKey = noise.generateX25519KeyPair(); const urlPairingInfo = getPairingInfoFromURL(); const pairingObj = new noise.WakuPairing( node.lightPush, node.filter, myStaticKey, urlPairingInfo || new noise.ResponderParameters() ); const pExecute = pairingObj.execute(120000); // timeout after 2m scheduleHandshakeAuthConfirmation(pairingObj, ui); let encoder; let decoder; try { ui.handshake.waiting(); if (!urlPairingInfo) { const pairingURL = buildPairingURLFromObj(pairingObj); ui.shareInfo.setURL(pairingURL); ui.shareInfo.renderQR(pairingURL);; } [encoder, decoder] = await pExecute; ui.handshake.connected(); ui.shareInfo.hide(); } catch (err) { ui.handshake.error(err.message); ui.hide(); } ui.message.display(); await node.filter.subscribe( [decoder], ui.message.onReceive.bind(ui.message) ); ui.message.onSend(async (text, nick) => { const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000); const message = ProtoChatMessage.create({ nick, timestamp, text: utils.utf8ToBytes(text), }); const payload = ProtoChatMessage.encode(message).finish(); await node.lightPush.send(encoder, { payload, timestamp }); }); } catch (err) { ui.waku.error(err.message); ui.hide(); } } function buildPairingURLFromObj(pairingObj) { const pInfo = pairingObj.getPairingInfo(); // Data to encode in the QR code. The qrMessageNametag too to the QR string (separated by ) const messageNameTagParam = `messageNameTag=${utils.bytesToHex( pInfo.qrMessageNameTag )}`; const qrCodeParam = `qrCode=${encodeURIComponent(pInfo.qrCode)}`; return `${window.location.href}?${messageNameTagParam}&${qrCodeParam}`; } function getPairingInfoFromURL() { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const messageNameTag = urlParams.get("messageNameTag"); const qrCodeString = urlParams.get("qrCode"); if (!(messageNameTag && qrCodeString)) { return undefined; } return new noise.InitiatorParameters( decodeURIComponent(qrCodeString), utils.hexToBytes(messageNameTag) ); } async function scheduleHandshakeAuthConfirmation(pairingObj, ui) { const authCode = await pairingObj.getAuthCode(); ui.handshake.connecting(); pairingObj.validateAuthCode(confirm("Confirm that authcode is: " + authCode)); } function initUI() { const messagesList = document.getElementById("messages"); const nicknameInput = document.getElementById("nick-input"); const textInput = document.getElementById("text-input"); const sendButton = document.getElementById("send-btn"); const chatArea = document.getElementById("chat-area"); const wakuStatusSpan = document.getElementById("waku-status"); const handshakeStatusSpan = document.getElementById("handshake-status"); const qrCanvas = document.getElementById("qr-canvas"); const qrUrlContainer = document.getElementById("qr-url-container"); const qrUrl = document.getElementById("qr-url"); const copyURLButton = document.getElementById("copy-url"); const openTabButton = document.getElementById("open-tab"); copyURLButton.onclick = () => { const copyText = document.getElementById("qr-url"); // need to get it each time otherwise copying does not work; copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText.value); }; openTabButton.onclick = () => {, "_blank"); }; const disableChatUIStateIfNeeded = () => { const readyToSend = nicknameInput.value !== ""; textInput.disabled = !readyToSend; sendButton.disabled = !readyToSend; }; nicknameInput.onchange = disableChatUIStateIfNeeded; nicknameInput.onblur = disableChatUIStateIfNeeded; return { shareInfo: { setURL(url) { qrUrl.value = url; }, hide() { = "none"; }, show() { = "flex"; }, renderQR(url) { QRCode.toCanvas(qrCanvas, url, (err) => { if (err) { throw err; } }); }, }, waku: { _val(msg) { wakuStatusSpan.innerText = msg; }, _class(name) { wakuStatusSpan.className = name; }, connecting() { this._val("connecting..."); this._class("progress"); }, connected() { this._val("connected"); this._class("success"); }, error(msg) { this._val(msg); this._class("error"); }, }, handshake: { _val(val) { handshakeStatusSpan.innerText = val; }, _class(name) { handshakeStatusSpan.className = name; }, error(msg) { this._val(msg); this._class("error"); }, waiting() { this._val("waiting for handshake..."); this._class("progress"); }, generating() { this._val("generating QR code..."); this._class("progress"); }, connecting() { this._val("executing handshake..."); this._class("progress"); }, connected() { this._val("handshake completed!"); this._class("success"); }, }, message: { _render({ time, text, nick }) { messagesList.innerHTML += `