2. Then initialize it in the `constructor` or `componentWillMount`. This line will let the Instabug SDK work with the default behavior. The SDK will be invoked when the device is shaken. You can customize this behavior through the APIs (You can skip this step if you are building an Android app only).
You should find the getPackages method looks like the following snippet. You just need to add your Android app token (You can skip this step if you are building an iOS app only). You can change the invocation event from here, simply by replacing the `"shake"` with any of the following `"button"`, `"none"`, `"screenshot"`, or `"swipe"`. You can change the primary color by replacing the `"#1D82DC"` with any colour of your choice.
In the case that you are using the floating button as an invocation event, you can change the floating button edge and the floating button offset using the last two methods, by replacing `"left"` to `"right"`, and by changing the offset number.
- **removes dependency on Cocoapods** when installing Instabug
- **ensures consistency** between the React Native SDK, and the Native SDK
### Upgrading from 1.x.x
When upgrading from version 1.x.x please make sure you do the following steps:
1. Run
npm install instabug-reactnative
2. Open your Pod file and delete this line ```pod 'Instabug', '~> 7.0'```
3. Run this command from inside the ```ios``` directory inside your root project's directory
pod install
4. Run this command from your root project's directory
react-native link instabug-reactnative
(Make sure you have [**Ruby**](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/) installed before running this command. (You can skip installing Ruby if you're building an Android app only))
For more details about the supported APIs and how to use them, you can check our [**Documentation**](https://docs.instabug.com/docs/react-native-overview).