# Description Herein lie all ansible related files __except__ for `ansible.cfg` at the root of the repo for easier usage without having to `cd` here. # Usage Simply run the play related to the specific type of configuration you want to deploy: ```sh > ls -1 ansible/*.yml ansible/bootstrap.yml ansible/upgrade.yml ansible/main.yml ``` ```sh ansible-playbook ansible/main.yml ``` # Bootstrap All hosts are bootstraped right after provisioning using these roles: * [status-im/infra-role-bootstrap-linux](https://github.com/status-im/infra-role-bootstrap-linux) * [status-im/infra-role-bootstrap-macos](https://github.com/status-im/infra-role-bootstrap-macos) * [status-im/infra-role-bootstrap-windows](https://github.com/status-im/infra-role-bootstrap-windows) If you want to re-run any bootstrap step you can do it like so: ```sh ansible-playbook ansible/bootstrap.yml -t role::bootstrap:hostname ``` In this case only the `hostname` set of tasks will be executed due to the `role::bootstrap:hostname` tag. # Inventory The inventory we use is crated by Terraform via the [`terraform-provider-ansible`](https://github.com/nbering/terraform-provider-ansible) which generates the necessary data structures in the [Consul Key/Value store](https://www.consul.io/docs/dynamic-app-config/kv) that is later used by the [`terraform.py`](./terraform.py) script to provide hosts and their variables to Ansible. Some ways to view existing hosts: ```sh ansible localhost -m debug -a 'var=groups' ansible all -o -m debug -a 'var=ansible_host' | columns -t ``` # Variables Ansible variables can be provided to Ansible using the `--extra-vars`/`-e` flag. An example of such a flag is ```yaml compose_state: 'present' compose_recreate: 'smart' compose_restart: false ``` These are used in every role that starts docker containers. You can use them to change the behaviour of roles. For example to re-create all metric related containers use: ```sh ansible-playbook ansible/main.yml -e compose_recreate=always ``` # Secrets Secrets are stored and provided in two ways: * [password-store](https://www.passwordstore.org/) through the [`passwordstore` lookup plugin](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/passwordstore_lookup.html) * [BitWarden](https://bitwarden.com/) through the [`./lookup_plugins/bitwarden.py`](./lookup_plugins/bitwarden.py) plugin.