
68 lines
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/* SCALING ---------------------------------------*/
variable count {
description = "Number of hosts to run."
variable nodes_per_host {
description = "Number of statsd containers to run per host."
variable size {
description = "Size of the hosts to deploy."
# cmd: doctl compute size list
default = "s-1vcpu-2gb"
variable region {
description = "Region in which to deploy hosts."
# cmd: doctl compute region list
default = "ams3"
variable image {
description = "OS image to use when deploying hosts."
# cmd: doctl compute image list --public
default = "ubuntu-18-04-x64"
variable provider {
description = "Short name of the provider used."
# DigitalOcean
default = "do"
/* GENERAL ---------------------------------------*/
variable name {
description = "Name for hosts. To be used in the DNS entry."
variable group {
description = "Ansible group to assign hosts to."
variable env {
description = "Environment for these hosts, affects DNS entries."
variable domain {
description = "DNS Domain to update"
variable eth_network {
description = "Ethereum network to connect to."
variable ssh_user {
description = "User used to log in to instance"
default = "root"
variable ssh_keys {
description = "Names of ssh public keys to add to created hosts"
type = "list"
# cmd: doctl compute ssh-key list
default = ["16822693", "18813432", "18813461", "19525749", "20671731", "20686611"]