mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 12:58:16 +00:00
120 lines
3.7 KiB
120 lines
3.7 KiB
/* DERIVED --------------------------------------*/
locals {
stage = "${terraform.workspace}"
dc = "${var.provider}-${var.zone}"
/* always add SSH, Tinc, Netdata, and Consul to allowed ports */
open_ports = [
"22", "655", "8000", "8301",
/* RESOURCES ------------------------------------*/
locals = {
tags = [
"${var.name}", "${local.stage}", "${var.env}",
/* for precise targeting with firewall rules */
tags_sorted = "${sort(distinct(local.tags))}"
resource "google_compute_address" "host" {
name = "${var.name}-${format("%02d", count.index+1)}-${local.dc}-${var.env}-${local.stage}"
count = "${var.count}"
/*lifecycle = { prevent_destroy = true }*/
resource "google_compute_firewall" "host" {
name = "allow-${var.name}-${var.zone}-${var.env}-${local.stage}"
network = "default"
target_tags = ["${var.name}-${var.env}-${local.stage}"]
allow {
protocol = "tcp"
ports = ["${local.open_ports}"]
allow {
protocol = "udp"
ports = ["${local.open_ports}"]
resource "google_compute_instance" "host" {
name = "${var.name}-${format("%02d", count.index+1)}-${local.dc}-${var.env}-${local.stage}"
zone = "${var.zone}"
count = "${var.count}"
machine_type = "${var.machine_type}"
/* enable changing machine_type */
allow_stopping_for_update = true
tags = ["${local.tags_sorted}"]
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "${var.image}"
network_interface {
network = "default"
access_config {
nat_ip = "${element(google_compute_address.host.*.address, count.index)}"
metadata {
node = "${var.name}"
env = "${var.env}"
group = "${var.group}"
/* This is a hack because we can't use dots in actual instance name */
hostname = "${var.name}-${format("%02d", count.index+1)}.${local.dc}.${var.env}.${local.stage}"
/* Enable SSH access */
sshKeys = "${var.ssh_user}:${file(var.ssh_key)}"
/* bootstrap access to host and basic resources */
provisioner "ansible" {
plays {
playbook = "${path.cwd}/ansible/bootstrap.yml"
groups = ["${var.group}"]
extra_vars = {
hostname = "${var.name}-${format("%02d", count.index+1)}.${local.dc}.${var.env}.${local.stage}"
ansible_ssh_user = "${var.ssh_user}"
data_center = "${local.dc}"
stage = "${local.stage}"
env = "${var.env}"
local = "yes"
resource "cloudflare_record" "host" {
domain = "${var.domain}"
count = "${var.count}"
name = "${element(google_compute_instance.host.*.metadata.hostname, count.index)}"
value = "${element(google_compute_instance.host.*.network_interface.0.access_config.0.assigned_nat_ip , count.index)}"
type = "A"
ttl = 3600
resource "ansible_host" "host" {
inventory_hostname = "${element(google_compute_instance.host.*.metadata.hostname, count.index)}"
groups = ["${var.group}", "${local.dc}"]
count = "${var.count}"
vars {
ansible_user = "admin"
ansible_host = "${element(google_compute_instance.host.*.network_interface.0.access_config.0.assigned_nat_ip , count.index)}"
hostname = "${element(google_compute_instance.host.*.metadata.hostname, count.index)}"
region = "${element(google_compute_instance.host.*.zone, count.index)}"
dns_entry = "${element(google_compute_instance.host.*.metadata.hostname, count.index)}.${var.domain}"
nodes_per_host = "${var.nodes_per_host}"
eth_network = "${var.eth_network}"
data_center = "${local.dc}"
stage = "${local.stage}"
env = "${var.env}"