#! /usr/bin/env python2 import json import os import re import subprocess import sys TERRAFORM_PATH = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_TF_BIN', 'terraform') TERRAFORM_DIR = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_TF_DIR', os.getcwd()) def _extract_dict(attrs, key): out = {} for k in attrs.keys(): match = re.match(r"^" + key + r"\.(.*)", k) if not match or match.group(1) == "%": continue out[match.group(1)] = attrs[k] return out def _extract_list(attrs, key): out = [] length_key = key + ".#" if length_key not in attrs.keys(): return [] length = int(attrs[length_key]) if length < 1: return [] for i in range(0, length): out.append(attrs["{}.{}".format(key, i)]) return out def _init_group(children=None, hosts=None, vars=None): return { "hosts": [] if hosts is None else hosts, "vars": {} if vars is None else vars, "children": [] if children is None else children } def _add_host(inventory, hostname, groups, host_vars): inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][hostname] = host_vars for group in groups: if group not in inventory.keys(): inventory[group] = _init_group(hosts=[hostname]) elif hostname not in inventory[group]: inventory[group]["hosts"].append(hostname) def _add_group(inventory, group_name, children, group_vars): if group_name not in inventory.keys(): inventory[group_name] = _init_group(children=children, vars=group_vars) else: # Start out with support for only one "group" with a given name # If there's a second group by the name, last in wins inventory[group_name]["children"] = children inventory[group_name]["vars"] = group_vars def _init_inventory(): return { "all": _init_group(), "_meta": { "hostvars": {} } } def _handle_host(attrs, inventory): host_vars = _extract_dict(attrs, "vars") groups = _extract_list(attrs, "groups") hostname = attrs["inventory_hostname"] if "all" not in groups: groups.append("all") _add_host(inventory, hostname, groups, host_vars) def _handle_group(attrs, inventory): group_vars = _extract_dict(attrs, "vars") children = _extract_list(attrs, "children") group_name = attrs["inventory_group_name"] _add_group(inventory, group_name, children, group_vars) def _walk_state(tfstate, inventory): for module in tfstate["modules"]: for resource in module["resources"].values(): if not resource["type"].startswith("ansible_"): continue attrs = resource["primary"]["attributes"] if resource["type"] == "ansible_host": _handle_host(attrs, inventory) if resource["type"] == "ansible_group": _handle_group(attrs, inventory) return inventory def _main(): try: tf_command = [TERRAFORM_PATH, 'state', 'pull', '-input=false'] proc = subprocess.Popen(tf_command, cwd=TERRAFORM_DIR, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) tfstate = json.load(proc.stdout) inventory = _walk_state(tfstate, _init_inventory()) sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(inventory, indent=2)) except: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': _main()