Ivan Folgueira Bande 062cb6d51a
set max_locks_per_transaction to 2160
We are using partitions in our postgres DBs. And we have one
partition per hour (24 partitions per day.)

The default max_locks_per_transaction value (64) can cause
"our of memory" and block issues in the DB because we use to
have more than 64 partitions.

With 2160 we aim to avoid that issue for 90 days (2160 == 90*24.)
if we consider a time retention policy of 90 days. Nevertheless,
we usually have time retention policy of 30 days in our Status fleets,
but we are just adding some extra margin.
2024-06-26 13:15:24 +02:00

38 lines
1.2 KiB

# Custom SSH accounts, should start from UID 8000.
- { name: ivan, uid: 8000, groups: ['docker', 'dockremap'], key: 'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJBdm8y1PfWjT1pioaWJSZ2ETrUySb+dS/ifDg+VIpLY ivansete@status.im' }
postgres_ha_service_name: 'nim-waku-store-db'
postgres_ha_cont_image: 'postgres:15.1-alpine'
postgres_ha_is_master: true
postgres_ha_replica_enabled: false
postgres_ha_replica_allowed_addresses: []
postgres_ha_admin_user: 'postgres'
postgres_ha_admin_pass: '{{lookup("bitwarden", "fleets/shards/"+stage+"/db/admin")}}'
# Disable backups since we have multiple DCs
postgres_ha_backup: false
postgres_ha_backup_enabled: false
- name: 'nim-waku'
user: 'nim-waku'
pass: '{{lookup("bitwarden", "fleets/shards/"+stage+"/db/nim-waku")}}'
# Avoid exceeding volume size with WAL log.
checkpoint_timeout: '5min'
max_wal_size: '1GB'
min_wal_size: '80MB'
max_locks_per_transaction: '2160'
# Open PostgreSQL Port
open_ports_default_comment: '{{ postgres_ha_service_name }}'
open_ports_default_chain: 'SERVICES'
open_ports_default_protocol: 'tcp'
- { port: '{{ postgres_ha_cont_port }}', ipset: '{{ env }}.{{ stage }}' }