# Description This role configures [`matterbridge`](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge) chat bridging software. # Details The software runs as a docker container from [`42wim/matterbridge`](https://hub.docker.com/r/42wim/matterbridge/). The configuration file template is in [`templates/matterbridge.yaml.j2`](./templates/matterbridge.yaml.j2). # Configuration ```yaml matterbridge_bridges: status: bridge: Nick: 'bridge.stateofus.eth' Token: '0x04abcXYZ...' RemoteNickFormat: '**{NICK}**@*{PROTOCOL}*: ' discord: status-pub: Token: 'super-secret-token' Server: 'Status Community' RemoteNickFormat: '{NICK}@{PROTOCOL}' matterbridge_gateways: - { status: "tech", discord: [{ srv: "status-pub", ch: "tech" }] } - { status: "music", discord: [{ srv: "status-pub", ch: "music" }] } - { status: "movies", discord: [{ srv: "status-pub", ch: "movies" }] } ``` You can also provide environment variables to the container: ``` matterbridge_cont_env: SUPER_SECRET_CREDENTIAL: 'hunter2' ``` # API To use the Matterbridge API it must be enabled with `matterbridge_api_enabled: true`. Currently only a single API (called `api`) is supported. It can be used in a gateway like this: ``` - { discord: [{ srv: "vac", ch: "waku" }], api: ["api"]} ``` The API is running on port 4242 by default (`matterbridge_api_port`). More info about the API can be found on the [Matterbridge wiki](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/wiki/Api). # Known Issues If your bridge is posting in a Discord channel but doesn't receive mesages from it you might have to adjust the channel-level permissions to give the bot message read rights. # Links * https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/blob/master/matterbridge.toml.sample * https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/wiki/How-to-create-your-config * https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/wiki/Settings * https://notes.status.im/s/slack-bridge-bot-setup