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This role configures LivePeer, an open-source service:

Open Source Video Infrastructure Services, Built On The Ethereum Blockchain.


A LivePeer node - which runs as a docker container - exposes 3 ports:

  • CLI - Command line tool access, management API (7935)
  • HTTP - For streaming video to web and other media players (8080)
  • RTMP - For receiving media stream to transcode and broadcast (1935)

In general the workflow is as follows:

  1. A source of media(video+audio) like OBS or else is set up.
  2. The source streams to the RTMP TCP port.
  3. The LivePeer node runs transcoding if necessary.
  4. The LivePeer node broadcasts the stream via the HTTP port.

The HTTP port is exposed via HTTPS using Nginx using CloudFlare certificates.


Due to being part of Status infra this role assumes availability of certain things:

  • Docker for running containers
  • Nginx full installation
  • The iptables-persistent module