# Description This role configures [LivePeer](https://livepeer.org/), an open-source service: >Open Source Video Infrastructure Services, Built On The Ethereum Blockchain. # Introduction A __LivePeer__ node - which runs as a [docker container](https://hub.docker.com/r/statusteam/livepeer/) - exposes 3 ports: * __CLI__ - Command line tool access, management API (`7935`) * __HTTP__ - For streaming video to web and other media players (`8080`) * __RTMP__ - For receiving media stream to transcode and broadcast (`1935`) In general the workflow is as follows: 1. A source of media(video+audio) like OBS or else is set up. 2. The source streams to the __RTMP__ TCP port. 3. The LivePeer node runs transcoding if necessary. 4. The LivePeer node broadcasts the stream via the __HTTP__ port. The __HTTP__ port is exposed via __HTTPS__ using Nginx using CloudFlare certificates.