--- # Build x-check-mailserver from git repo ----------------------- - name: Download statusd-bots to deploy x-check-mailserver git: repo: '{{ statusd_bots_repo }}' dest: '{{ statusd_bots_path }}' version: '{{ statusd_bots_version }}' depth: 1 update: true force: true umask: '0000' register: repo tags: ['icinga::x-check'] # We use Buster because of host newer GLibC version - name: Build x-check-mailserver docker_container: name: 'build-x-check-mailserver' image: 'golang:1.14-buster' detach: false command: 'make x-check-mailserver' working_dir: '/repo' volumes: - '{{ statusd_bots_path }}:/repo' tags: ['icinga::x-check'] - name: Copy over the node-canary binary copy: remote_src: true src: '{{ statusd_bots_path }}/bin/x-check-mailserver' dest: '{{ icinga_cont_vol }}/plugins/x-check-mailserver' owner: '{{ icinga_api_host_uid }}' group: docker mode: 0775 tags: ['icinga::x-check'] - name: Create a wrapper for cleaning pipes from canary output copy: src: 'x-check-mail-wrap.sh' dest: '{{ icinga_cont_vol }}/plugins/x-check-mail-wrap' owner: '{{ icinga_api_host_uid }}' group: docker mode: 0775 tags: ['icinga::x-check']