--- grafana_domain: ~ # Main configuration for sources grafana_prometheus_sources: [] # - { name: 'node-01', addr: '', port: 8080, path: 'proxy/' } grafana_version: '7.3.4' grafana_image: 'grafana/grafana:{{ grafana_version }}' grafana_cont_name: grafana grafana_cont_vol: '/docker/grafana' grafana_cont_links: [] grafana_port: 9400 # see: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/docker/#migration-from-a-previous-version-of-the-docker-container-to-5-1-or-later grafana_cont_uid: 472 # adjust for dockremap grafana_host_uid: '{{ 100000 + grafana_cont_uid | int }}' # Admin user grafana_username: ~ grafana_password: ~ # OAuth secrets grafana_oauth_id: ~ grafana_oauth_secret: ~ grafana_oauth_gh_org: 'status-im' grafana_oauth_gh_team_ids: [] # SMTP for invite emails grafana_smtp_enabled: false grafana_smtp_from_addr: ~ grafana_smtp_from_name: ~ grafana_smtp_host: ~ grafana_smtp_port: ~ grafana_smtp_user: ~ grafana_smtp_pass: ~ # optional anonymous access grafana_anonymous: false # for disabling graph snapshots grafana_snaphots_enabled: true # plugins to clone into the plugins directory grafana_plugins: - https://github.com/GoshPosh/grafana-meta-queries/archive/0.0.3.zip # generic container settings cont_state: started cont_restart: false cont_recreate: false