--- - name: Geth | Create container directories file: path: '{{ item }}' owner: dockremap group: docker state: directory recurse: true with_items: - '{{ geth_data_path }}' - '{{ geth_keys_path }}' - name: Geth | Check if account file exists stat: path: '{{ geth_account_json_file }}' register: account_file when: geth_account_json is not defined - name: Geth | Create password file copy: dest: '{{ geth_account_pass_file }}' content: '{{ geth_account_pass | mandatory }}' owner: dockremap group: docker mode: 0600 - name: Geth | Write account JSON copy: dest: '{{ geth_account_json_file }}' content: '{{ geth_account_json | mandatory }}' owner: dockremap group: docker mode: 0640 when: > geth_account_json is defined and geth_account_json != "" - name: Geth | Generate account when: > geth_account_json is not defined and geth_account_addr is not defined and not account_file.stat.exists block: - name: Geth | Generate account JSON docker_container: name: '{{ geth_cont_name }}' image: '{{ geth_cont_image }}' pull: true auto_remove: yes command: | account new --keystore=/keys --password=/keys/account.pass volumes: - '{{ geth_cont_vol }}/keys:/keys:rw' - name: Geth | Find newly generate account file find: paths: '{{ geth_keys_path }}' patterns: 'UTC--*' file_type: file register: found_account_files - name: Geth | Symlink generated account file file: src: '{{ found_account_files.files[0].path }}' dest: '{{ geth_account_json_file }}' owner: dockremap group: docker state: link - name: Geth | Save account address slurp: src: '{{ geth_account_json_file }}' when: geth_account_json is not defined register: geth_account - name: Geth | Extract account JSON set_fact: geth_account_json: '{{ (geth_account.content | b64decode | from_json) }}' when: geth_account_json is not defined - name: Geth | Extract account address set_fact: geth_account_addr: '{{ geth_account_json["address"] }}' - name: Geth | Verify account data is available assert: that: - geth_account_json is defined - geth_account_addr is defined - name: Geth | Save account address to file copy: dest: '{{ geth_account_addr_file }}' content: '{{ geth_account_addr | mandatory }}' owner: dockremap group: docker