# Description This role configures [`geth_exporter`](https://github.com/status-im/geth_exporter), a metrics exporter for [go-ethereum](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum). The image used by default is [statusteam/geth_exporter:latest](https://hub.docker.com/r/statusteam/geth_exporter). # Installation ```yaml - name: infra-role-geth-exporter src: git+git@github.com:status-im/infra-role-geth-exporter.git scm: git ``` # Configuration The main thing to change is name of container to connect to and IPC path: ```yaml geth_source_cont_name: 'my-geth-container' ``` The rest of the defaults should be fine, but if you want to change anything change those: ```yaml geth_expo_cont_name: 'metrics-geth-01' geth_expo_cont_port: 9300 ``` # Known Issues Currently only connecting via an IPC socket is supported by `geth_exporter`, RPC HTTP is not supported.