# Description This role provisions a [Nimbus](https://nimbus.status.im/) installation that can act as an ETH2 network bootstrap node. # Introduction Each host can run multiple nodes installed as [docker containers](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus/docker). TCP and UDP ports starting from 9000 will be exposed (e.g. 9000, 9001 and 9002 if you run 3 nodes). # Installation Add to your `requirements.yml` file: ```yaml - name: infra-role-beacon-node src: git+git@github.com:status-im/infra-role-beacon-node.git scm: git ``` # Configuration The crucial settings are: ```yaml beacon_node_build_flavour: 'rlpx' beacon_node_network: 'testnet0' beacon_node_total_nodes: 1 # optional setting for debug mode beacon_node_verbose: false ``` # Requirements Due to being part of Status infra this role assumes availability of certain things: * Docker for running containers * The `iptables-persistent` module