#!/usr/bin/env python # source: https://github.com/nbering/terraform-inventory ''' Terraform Inventory Script ========================== This inventory script generates dynamic inventory by reading Terraform state contents. Servers and groups a defined inside the Terraform state using special resources defined by the Terraform Provider for Ansible. Configuration ============= State is fetched using the "terraform state pull" subcommand. The behaviour of this action can be configured using some environment variables. Environment Variables: ...................... ANSIBLE_TF_BIN Override the path to the Terraform command executable. This is useful if you have multiple copies or versions installed and need to specify a specific binary. The inventory script runs the `terraform state pull` command to fetch the Terraform state, so that remote state will be fetched seemlessly regardless of the backend configuration. ANSIBLE_TF_DIR Set the working directory for the `terraform` command when the scripts shells out to it. This is useful if you keep your terraform and ansible configuration in separate directories. Defaults to using the current working directory. ANSIBLE_TF_WS_NAME Sets the workspace for the `terraform` command when the scripts shells out to it, defaults to `default` workspace - if you don't use workspaces this is the one you'll be using. ''' import sys import json import os import re import traceback from subprocess import Popen, PIPE TERRAFORM_DIR = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_TF_DIR', os.getcwd()) TERRAFORM_ENV = os.path.join(TERRAFORM_DIR, '.terraform/environment') TERRAFORM_PATH = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_TF_BIN', 'terraform') TERRAFORM_BPK = os.path.join(TERRAFORM_DIR, '.terraform/terraform.tfstate.backup') def _tf_env(): # way to figure out currenly used TF workspace try: with open(TERRAFORM_ENV) as f: return f.read() except: return 'default' TERRAFORM_WS_NAME = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_TF_WS_NAME', _tf_env()) ANSIBLE_BKP = os.path.join(TERRAFORM_DIR, 'ansible/inventory', _tf_env()) class TerraformState(object): ''' TerraformState wraps the state content to provide some helpers for iterating over resources. ''' def __init__(self, state_json): self.state_json = state_json if "modules" in state_json: # uses pre-0.12 self.flat_attrs = True else: # state format for 0.12+ self.flat_attrs = False def resources(self): '''Generator method to iterate over resources in the state file.''' if self.flat_attrs: modules = self.state_json["modules"] for module in modules: for resource in module["resources"].values(): yield TerraformResource(resource, flat_attrs=True) else: resources = self.state_json["resources"] for resource in resources: for instance in resource["instances"]: yield TerraformResource(instance, resource_type=resource["type"]) class TerraformResource(object): ''' TerraformResource wraps individual resource content and provide some helper methods for reading older-style dictionary and list values from attributes defined as a single-level map. ''' DEFAULT_PRIORITIES = { 'ansible_host': 50, 'ansible_group': 50, 'ansible_host_var': 60, 'ansible_group_var': 60 } def __init__(self, source_json, flat_attrs=False, resource_type=None): self.flat_attrs = flat_attrs self._type = resource_type self._priority = None self.source_json = source_json def is_ansible(self): '''Check if the resource is provided by the ansible provider.''' return self.type().startswith("ansible_") def priority(self): '''Get the merge priority of the resource.''' if self._priority is not None: return self._priority priority = 0 if self.read_int_attr("variable_priority") is not None: priority = self.read_int_attr("variable_priority") elif self.type() in TerraformResource.DEFAULT_PRIORITIES: priority = TerraformResource.DEFAULT_PRIORITIES[self.type()] self._priority = priority return self._priority def type(self): '''Returns the Terraform resource type identifier.''' if self._type: return self._type return self.source_json["type"] def read_dict_attr(self, key): ''' Read a dictionary attribute from the resource, handling old-style Terraform state where maps are stored as multiple keys in the resource's attributes. ''' attrs = self._raw_attributes() if self.flat_attrs: out = {} for k in attrs.keys(): match = re.match(r"^" + key + r"\.(.*)", k) if not match or match.group(1) == "%": continue out[match.group(1)] = attrs[k] return out return attrs.get(key, {}) def read_list_attr(self, key): ''' Read a list attribute from the resource, handling old-style Terraform state where lists are stored as multiple keys in the resource's attributes. ''' attrs = self._raw_attributes() if self.flat_attrs: out = [] length_key = key + ".#" if length_key not in attrs.keys(): return [] length = int(attrs[length_key]) if length < 1: return [] for i in range(0, length): out.append(attrs["{}.{}".format(key, i)]) return out return attrs.get(key, None) def read_int_attr(self, key): ''' Read an attribute from state an convert it to type Int. ''' val = self.read_attr(key) if val is not None: val = int(val) return val def read_attr(self, key): ''' Read an attribute from the underlaying state content. ''' return self._raw_attributes().get(key, None) def _raw_attributes(self): if self.flat_attrs: return self.source_json["primary"]["attributes"] return self.source_json["attributes"] class AnsibleInventory(object): ''' AnsibleInventory handles conversion from Terraform resource content to Ansible inventory entities, and building of the final inventory json. ''' def __init__(self): self.groups = {} self.hosts = {} self.inner_json = {} def add_host_resource(self, resource): '''Upsert type action for host resources.''' hostname = resource.read_attr("inventory_hostname") if hostname in self.hosts: host = self.hosts[hostname] host.add_source(resource) else: host = AnsibleHost(hostname, source=resource) self.hosts[hostname] = host def add_group_resource(self, resource): '''Upsert type action for group resources.''' groupname = resource.read_attr("inventory_group_name") if groupname in self.groups: group = self.groups[groupname] group.add_source(resource) else: group = AnsibleGroup(groupname, source=resource) self.groups[groupname] = group def update_groups(self, groupname, children=None, hosts=None, group_vars=None): '''Upsert type action for group resources''' if groupname in self.groups: group = self.groups[groupname] group.update(children=children, hosts=hosts, group_vars=group_vars) else: group = AnsibleGroup(groupname) group.update(children, hosts, group_vars) self.groups[groupname] = group def add_resource(self, resource): ''' Process a Terraform resource, passing to the correct handler function by type. ''' if resource.type().startswith("ansible_host"): self.add_host_resource(resource) elif resource.type().startswith("ansible_group"): self.add_group_resource(resource) def to_dict(self): ''' Generate the file Ansible inventory structure to be serialized into JSON for consumption by Ansible proper. ''' out = { "_meta": { "hostvars": {} } } for hostname, host in self.hosts.items(): host.build() for group in host.groups: self.update_groups(group, hosts=[host.hostname]) out["_meta"]["hostvars"][hostname] = host.get_vars() for groupname, group in self.groups.items(): group.build() out[groupname] = group.to_dict() return out class AnsibleHost(object): ''' AnsibleHost represents a host for the Ansible inventory. ''' def __init__(self, hostname, source=None): self.sources = [] self.hostname = hostname self.groups = set(["all"]) self.host_vars = {} if source: self.add_source(source) def update(self, groups=None, host_vars=None): '''Update host resource with additional groups and vars.''' if host_vars: self.host_vars.update(host_vars) if groups: self.groups.update(groups) def add_source(self, source): '''Add a Terraform resource to the sources list.''' self.sources.append(source) def build(self): '''Assemble host details from registered sources.''' self.sources.sort(key=lambda source: source.priority()) for source in self.sources: if source.type() == "ansible_host": groups = source.read_list_attr("groups") host_vars = source.read_dict_attr("vars") self.update(groups=groups, host_vars=host_vars) elif source.type() == "ansible_host_var": host_vars = {source.read_attr( "key"): source.read_attr("value")} self.update(host_vars=host_vars) self.groups = sorted(self.groups) def get_vars(self): '''Get the host's variable dictionary.''' return dict(self.host_vars) class AnsibleGroup(object): ''' AnsibleGroup represents a group for the Ansible inventory. ''' def __init__(self, groupname, source=None): self.groupname = groupname self.sources = [] self.hosts = set() self.children = set() self.group_vars = {} if source: self.add_source(source) def update(self, children=None, hosts=None, group_vars=None): ''' Update host resource with additional children, hosts, or group variables. ''' if hosts: self.hosts.update(hosts) if children: self.children.update(children) if group_vars: self.group_vars.update(group_vars) def add_source(self, source): '''Add a Terraform resource to the sources list.''' self.sources.append(source) def build(self): '''Assemble group details from registered sources.''' self.sources.sort(key=lambda source: source.priority()) for source in self.sources: if source.type() == "ansible_group": children = source.read_list_attr("children") group_vars = source.read_dict_attr("vars") self.update(children=children, group_vars=group_vars) elif source.type() == "ansible_group_var": group_vars = {source.read_attr( "key"): source.read_attr("value")} self.update(group_vars=group_vars) self.hosts = sorted(self.hosts) self.children = sorted(self.children) def to_dict(self): '''Prepare structure for final Ansible inventory JSON.''' return { "children": list(self.children), "hosts": list(self.hosts), "vars": dict(self.group_vars) } def _execute_shell(): encoding = 'utf-8' tf_workspace = [TERRAFORM_PATH, 'workspace', 'select', TERRAFORM_WS_NAME] proc_ws = Popen(tf_workspace, cwd=TERRAFORM_DIR, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) _, err_ws = proc_ws.communicate() if err_ws != '': sys.stderr.write(str(err_ws)+'\n') sys.exit(1) else: tf_command = [TERRAFORM_PATH, 'state', 'pull'] proc_tf_cmd = Popen(tf_command, cwd=TERRAFORM_DIR, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out_cmd, err_cmd = proc_tf_cmd.communicate() if err_cmd != '': sys.stderr.write(str(err_cmd)+'\n') sys.exit(1) else: return json.loads(out_cmd, encoding=encoding) def _backup_tf(tfstate): # Crates a state backup in case we lose Consul with open(TERRAFORM_BPK, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(tfstate.state_json)) def _backup_ansible(inventory): # Crates a state backup in Ansible inventory format text = '# NOTE: This file is generated by terraform.py\n' text += '# For emergency use when Consul fails\n' text += '[all]\n' for hostname, host in sorted(inventory.hosts.items()): text += ( '{0} hostname={0} ansible_host={1} ' ).format(hostname, host.host_vars['ansible_host']) + ( 'env={env} stage={stage} data_center={data_center} '+ 'region={region} dns_entry={dns_entry}\n' ).format(**host.host_vars) text += '\n' for name, hosts in sorted(inventory.groups.items()): if name in ['_meta', 'all']: continue text += '[{}]\n'.format(name) for hostname in sorted(hosts.hosts): text += '{}\n'.format(hostname) text += '\n' with open(ANSIBLE_BKP, 'w') as f: f.write(text) def _main(): try: tfstate = TerraformState(_execute_shell()) inventory = AnsibleInventory() for resource in tfstate.resources(): if resource.is_ansible(): inventory.add_resource(resource) sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(inventory.to_dict(), indent=2)) # backup raw TF state _backup_tf(tfstate) # backup ansible inventory _backup_ansible(inventory) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': _main()