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synced 2025-02-23 10:58:06 +00:00
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* This is just creating the inventory entries
* the same way I do it for other hosts so
* Ansible can use them during provisioning.
/* DERIVED --------------------------------------*/
locals {
stage = var.stage != "" ? var.stage : terraform.workspace
tokens = split(".", local.stage)
dc = "${var.prefix}-${var.region}"
# map of hostname => ip
hostnames = { for i, ip in var.ips :
"${var.name}-${format("%02d", i + 1)}.${local.dc}.${var.env}.${local.stage}" => ip
/* RESOURCES ------------------------------------*/
resource "ansible_host" "host" {
for_each = local.hostnames
inventory_hostname = each.key
groups = [var.group, local.dc, "${var.env}.${local.stage}"]
vars = {
hostname = each.key
dns_entry = "${each.key}.${var.domain}"
dns_domain = var.domain
data_center = local.dc
region = var.region
env = var.env
stage = local.stage
ansible_host = each.value
/* Optional extra Ansible variables necessary for Windows */
ansible_shell_type = (var.shell_type == null ? null : var.shell_type)
ansible_become_user = (var.become_user == null ? null : var.become_user)
ansible_become_method = (var.become_method == null ? null : var.become_method)
resource "cloudflare_record" "host" {
for_each = local.hostnames
zone_id = var.zone_id
name = each.key
value = each.value
type = "A"