--- # Nimbus-Eth1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ nimbus_eth1_service_name: 'nimbus-eth1-{{ nimbus_eth1_network }}-{{ nimbus_eth1_repo_branch }}-trial' nimbus_eth1_repo_branch: 'master' nimbus_eth1_network: 'sepolia' nimbus_eth1_max_peers: 160 nimbus_eth1_log_level: 'DEBUG' nimbus_eth1_metrics_address: '' # Kinda hacky way to just add this as 5th node. nimbus_eth1_rpc_enabled: true nimbus_eth1_rpc_port: '{{ 8545 + idx|int + 22 }}' nimbus_eth1_ws_enabled: true nimbus_eth1_ws_port: '{{ 8646 + idx|int + 22 }}' nimbus_eth1_engine_ws_enabled: true nimbus_eth1_engine_ws_port: '{{ 8551 + idx|int + 22 }}' nimbus_eth1_graphql_port: '{{ 8848 + idx|int + 22 }}' nimbus_eth1_jwt_secret: '{{lookup("bitwarden", "nimbus/jwt-token")}}' # Beacon Nodes ----------------------------------------------------------------- beacon_node_service_name: 'beacon-node-{{ beacon_node_network }}-{{ beacon_node_repo_branch }}-trial-{{ "%02d"|format(idx|int+1) }}' beacon_node_network: 'sepolia' beacon_node_repo_branch: 'unstable' beacon_node_nim_commit: '{{ node.get("nim_commit", "") }}' beacon_node_build_nim_flags: '-d:noSignalHandler {{ node.get("nim_flags", "") }}' #Builds beacon_node_build_frequency: 'daily' # Monitoring beacon_node_validator_monitor_auto: true beacon_node_validator_monitor_details: true # Execution layer Enginer API beacon_node_exec_layer_urls: ['ws://localhost:{{ nimbus_eth1_engine_ws_port }}'] beacon_node_exec_layer_jwt_secret: '{{ nimbus_eth1_jwt_secret }}' # Validators from nimbus-private repo¬ beacon_node_dist_validators_enabled: '{{ node.start is defined and node.end is defined }}' beacon_node_dist_validators_start: '{{ node.start | mandatory }}' beacon_node_dist_validators_end: '{{ node.end | mandatory }}' # Ports beacon_node_discovery_port: '{{ 9000 + idx|int + 22 }}' beacon_node_listening_port: '{{ 9000 + idx|int + 22 }}' beacon_node_metrics_port: '{{ 9200 + idx|int + 22 }}' beacon_node_rest_port: '{{ 9300 + idx|int + 22 }}' beacon_node_rest_address: '' nodes_layout: 'linux-01.he-eu-hel1.nimbus.sepolia': - { } 'linux-01.ih-eu-mda1.nimbus.sepolia': - { }