--- - name: Verify Ansible versions hosts: all tags: always become: false run_once: true gather_facts: false tasks: - local_action: command ./versioncheck.py changed_when: false - name: Deploy pyrmont Metal beacon nodes become: true serial: '{{ serial|default(4) }}' hosts: - nimbus-pyrmont-metal roles: - role: get-geth-web3-urls tags: get-geth-web3-urls tasks: - include_role: name=infra-role-beacon-node-linux tags: beacon-node vars: # Using whole libp2p branch name would be far too long. beacon_node_service_name: 'beacon-node-{{ beacon_node_network }}-{{ node.name }}' beacon_node_build_frequency: '{{ node.build_frequency }}' # Temporary until the usual branches get the Altair changes. beacon_node_repo_branch: 'altair' beacon_node_discovery_port: '{{ 9000 + port_offset }}' beacon_node_listening_port: '{{ 9000 + port_offset }}' beacon_node_metrics_port: '{{ 9200 + port_offset }}' beacon_node_rest_port: '{{ 9300 + port_offset }}' beacon_node_rpc_port: '{{ 9900 + port_offset }}' beacon_node_dist_validators_start: '{{ validators_layout[hostname][node.name]["start"] | mandatory }}' beacon_node_dist_validators_end: '{{ validators_layout[hostname][node.name]["end"] | mandatory }}' with_items: - { name: 'stable', branch: 'stable', build_frequency: '*-*-* 11:00:00' } - { name: 'unstable', branch: 'unstable', build_frequency: '*-*-* 13:00:00' } - { name: 'testing', branch: 'testing', build_frequency: '*-*-* 15:00:00' } - { name: 'libp2p', branch: 'nim-libp2p-auto-bump-unstable', build_frequency: '*-*-* 17:00:00' } loop_control: loop_var: node index_var: port_offset