#!/usr/bin/env python3 import yaml import logging import ansible import argparse import subprocess import functools from enum import Enum from os import path, getenv, symlink, readlink from packaging.version import parse as version_parse from concurrent import futures HELP_DESCRIPTION=''' This tool managed Ansible roles as Git repositories. It is both faster and simpler than Ansible Galaxy. By default ~/.ansible/roles is symlinked to ~/work. Override it using --roles-symlink or ROLES_SYMLINK. Installation behavior: - If no version is specified newest is pulled. - If version is matching nothing is done. - If repo is dirty or detached nothing is done. - If version is newer user is notified. ''' HELP_EXAMPLE='''Examples: ./roles.py --install ./roles.py --check ./roles.py --update ''' SCRIPT_DIR = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) # Where Ansible looks for installed roles. ROLES_PATH = path.join(path.expanduser('~'), '.ansible/roles') ROLES_SYMLINK = path.join(path.expanduser('~'), 'work') ROLES_WORKERS = 20 REQUIREMENTS_PATH = path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'requirements.yml') # Setup logging. log_format = '[%(levelname)s] %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=log_format) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Colors RST = '\033[0m' NORMAL = lambda x: f'\033[00m{x}{RST}' PURPLE = lambda x: f'\033[35m{x}{RST}' YELLOW = lambda x: f'\033[33m{x}{RST}' BLUE = lambda x: f'\033[34m{x}{RST}' GREY = lambda x: f'\033[90m{x}{RST}' RED = lambda x: f'\033[31m{x}{RST}' ORANGE = lambda x: f'\033[91m{x}{RST}' GREEN = lambda x: f'\033[32m{x}{RST}' CYAN = lambda x: f'\033[36m{x}{RST}' BOLD = lambda x: f'\033[1m{x}{RST}{RST}' class State(Enum): # Order is priority. Higher status trumps lower. UNKNOWN = 0 EXISTS = 1 WRONG_VERSION = 2 NEWER_VERSION = 3 DIRTY = 4 DETACHED = 5 NO_VERSION = 6 CLONE_FAILURE = 7 MISSING = 8 CLONED = 9 UPDATED = 10 VALID = 11 SKIPPED = 12 def __str__(self): match self: case State.NEWER_VERSION: color = BOLD case State.WRONG_VERSION: color = RED case State.DIRTY: color = YELLOW case State.DETACHED: color = YELLOW case State.NO_VERSION: color = PURPLE case State.CLONE_FAILURE: color = RED case State.MISSING: color = RED case State.CLONED: color = GREEN case State.UPDATED: color = GREEN case State.VALID: color = GREEN case State.SKIPPED: color = GREY case _: color = NORMAL return color(self.name.replace('_', ' ')) # Allow calling max() to compare with previous state. def __gt__(self, other): if other is None: return True if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self.value > other.value return NotImplemented # Decorator to manage Role state based on function return value. def update(success=None, failure=None): def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_decorator(self, *args, **kwargs): # Set state to failure one on exception. try: rval = func(self, *args, **kwargs) except: self.state = max(failure, self.state) raise # Set state based on truthiness of result, higher one wins. if rval: self.state = max(success, self.state) else: self.state = max(failure, self.state) LOG.debug('[%-27s]: %s%s: state = %s', self.name, func.__name__, args, self.state) return rval return wrapper_decorator return decorator class Role: def __init__(self, name, src, required): self.state = State.UNKNOWN self.name = name self.src = src self.required = required @classmethod def from_requirement(cls, obj): return cls(obj['name'], obj.get('src'), obj.get('version')) def __repr__(self): return 'Role(name=%s, src=%s, required=%s, state=%s)' % ( self.name, self.src, self.required, self.state, ) def to_dict(self): obj = { 'name': self.name, 'src': self.src, } if self.required: obj['version'] = self.required return obj def _git(self, *args, cwd=None): cmd = ['git'] + list(args) LOG.debug('[%-27s]: COMMAND: %s', self.name, ' '.join(cmd)) rval = subprocess.run( cmd, capture_output=True, cwd=cwd or self.path ) LOG.debug('[%-27s]: RETURN: %d', self.name, rval.returncode) if rval.stdout: LOG.debug('[%-27s]: STDOUT: %s', self.name, rval.stdout.decode().strip()) if rval.stderr: LOG.debug('[%-27s]: STDERR: %s', self.name, rval.stderr.decode().strip()) rval.check_returncode() return str(rval.stdout.strip(), 'utf-8') def _git_fail_is_false(self, *args, cwd=None): try: self._git(*args, cwd=cwd) except: return True else: return False @property def repo_parent_dir(self): return self.path.removesuffix(self.name) @property def branch(self): return self._git('rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD') @property def current_commit(self): if not self.exists(): return '........' return self._git('rev-parse', 'HEAD') @State.update(success=State.DIRTY) def is_dirty(self): return self._git_fail_is_false('diff-files', '--quiet') @State.update(success=State.DETACHED) def is_detached(self): return self._git_fail_is_false('symbolic-ref', 'HEAD') @State.update(success=State.NEWER_VERSION) def is_ancestor(self): if self.required is None or self.required == self.current_commit: return False return not self._git_fail_is_false( 'merge-base', self.required, '--is-ancestor', self.current_commit ) @property @State.update(failure=State.NO_VERSION) def version(self): return self.required @version.setter @State.update(success=State.UPDATED, failure=State.SKIPPED) def version(self, version): if self.required is not None: self.required = version return self.required @State.update(success=State.VALID, failure=State.WRONG_VERSION) def valid_version(self): return self.required == self.current_commit @State.update(success=State.VALID, failure=State.WRONG_VERSION) def pull(self): self._git('remote', 'update') status = self._git('status', '--untracked-files=no') if 'branch is behind' not in status: return None rval = self._git('pull') return self.valid_version() @State.update(success=State.CLONED, failure=State.CLONE_FAILURE) def clone(self): LOG.debug('Clogning: %s', self.src) try: self._git( 'clone', self.src, self.name, cwd=self.repo_parent_dir ) except Exception as ex: LOG.error('Clone failed: %s', ex.stderr.decode()) return False return True @property def path(self): return path.join(ROLES_PATH, self.name) @State.update(success=State.EXISTS, failure=State.MISSING) def exists(self): return path.isdir(self.path) def handle_role(role, check=False, update=False, install=False): LOG.debug('[%-27s]: Processing role...', role.name) if not role.exists(): if not check and not update: role.clone() return role # Check if current version is newer. if not update and role.is_ancestor(): return role # Check if current version matches required. if role.valid_version(): return role # Verify if git repo is not dirty or has detached head. if not update and (role.is_dirty() or role.is_detached()): return role # No need to fail if no version is set. if check and not role.version: return role # Update config version or pull new changes. if update: role.version = role.current_commit elif install: # If version is not specified we just want the newest. role.pull() return role # Special function to preserve order and separating newlines. def roles_to_yaml(old_reqs, processed_roles): # Get processed role when available, use original one when not. return '\n'.join([ yaml.dump([processed_roles.get(role.name, role).to_dict()]) for role in old_reqs ]) def commit_or_any(commit): return '*' if commit is None else commit[:8] # Symlink only if folder or link doesn't exist. def symlink_roles_dir(roles_symlink): if path.islink(ROLES_PATH): dest = readlink(ROLES_PATH) if dest != roles_symlink: LOG.error('Roles path is already a link to: %s', dest) exit(1) else: return elif path.isdir(ROLES_PATH): LOG.error('Roles path is a directory, cannot symlink!') exit(1) symlink(roles_symlink, ROLES_PATH) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( epilog=HELP_EXAMPLE, description=HELP_DESCRIPTION, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', default='', help='Filter role repo names.') parser.add_argument('-w', '--workers', default=getenv('ROLES_WORKERS', ROLES_WORKERS), type=int, help='Max workers to run in parallel.') parser.add_argument('-r', '--requirements', default=getenv('REQUIREMENTS_PATH', REQUIREMENTS_PATH), help='Location of requirements.yml file.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--roles-symlink', default=getenv('ROLES_SYMLINK', ROLES_SYMLINK), help='Actual location of installed roles.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-level', default='INFO', help='Logging level.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--fail-dirty', action='store_true', help='Fail if repo is dirty.') parser.add_argument('-a', '--fail-detached', action='store_true', help='Fail if repo has detached head.') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('-i', '--install', action='store_true', help='Clone and update required roles.') group.add_argument('-c', '--check', action='store_true', help='Only check roles, no installing.') group.add_argument('-u', '--update', action='store_true', help='Update requirements with current commits.') args = parser.parse_args() assert args.install or args.check or args.update, \ parser.error('Pick one: --install, --check, --update') return args def main(): args = parse_args() LOG.setLevel(args.log_level.upper()) # Verify Ansible version is 2.8 or newer. if version_parse(ansible.__version__) < version_parse("2.8"): LOG.error('Your Ansible version is lower than 2.8. Upgrade it.') exit(1) # Symlink ansible roles directory to work directory. symlink_roles_dir(args.roles_symlink) # Read Ansible requirements file. with open(args.requirements, 'r') as f: requirements = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) requirements = [ Role.from_requirement(req) for req in requirements ] # Check if each Ansible role is installed and has correct version. with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.workers) as executor: these_futures = [ executor.submit(handle_role, role, args.check, args.update, args.install) for role in requirements if args.filter in role.name ] # Wait for all the workers to finishe and return their role. processed_roles = { r.name: r for r in [r.result() for r in futures.as_completed(these_futures)] } # Use the same order as requirements.yml file. for req in requirements: if args.filter not in req.name: continue role = processed_roles[req.name] print('%s%-44s --- %22s (Git: %s | Req: %s)' % (RST, BOLD(role.name), role.state, CYAN(role.current_commit[:8]), commit_or_any(role.required))) if args.update: with open(args.requirements, 'w') as f: f.write(roles_to_yaml(requirements, processed_roles)) fail_states = set([State.MISSING, State.WRONG_VERSION]) if args.fail_dirty: fail_states.append(State.DIRTY) if args.fail_detached: fail_states.append(State.DETACHED) if fail_states.intersection([r.state for r in processed_roles.values()]): exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()