--- - name: Verify Ansible versions hosts: all tags: always become: false run_once: true gather_facts: false tasks: - local_action: command ./versioncheck.py changed_when: false - name: Configure ElasticSearch servers become: true hosts: logs.nimbus roles: - { role: infra-role-swap-file, tags: swap-file } - { role: infra-role-open-ports, tags: open-ports } - { role: infra-role-elasticsearch, tags: elasticsearch } - name: Configure ElasticSearch servers become: true hosts: dash.nimbus pre_tasks: - name: Fetch available elasticsearch nodes uri: url: '{{ consul_catalog_url }}/service/elasticsearch?dc={{ es_lb_cluster_dc }}&tag={{ es_lb_cluster_name }}' register: es_services - name: Extract ElasticSearch hostnames set_fact: # we also need to remove our own node from the list es_lb_master_nodes: | {{ es_services.json | rejectattr("Node", "equalto", hostname) | list | json_query( '[].{ name: Node, addr: ServiceAddress, port: to_string(ServiceMeta.cluster_port) }') }} roles: - { role: infra-role-swap-file, tags: swap-file } - { role: infra-role-open-ports, tags: open-ports } - { role: infra-role-elasticsearch-lb, tags: elasticsearch-lb } - { role: infra-role-logclean-job, tags: logclean-job } - { role: infra-role-kibana, tags: kibana } - { role: infra-role-oauth-proxy, tags: oauth-proxy }