# Description This repo defines Geth LES nodes clusters. # Requirements In order to use this you will need secrets(passwords, certs, keys) contained within the [infra-pass](https://github.com/status-im/infra-pass) repository. If you can't see it ask jakub@status.im to get you access for it. In order for this to work first you need to install necessary Terraform plugins and get the right secrets from the [infra-pass](https://github.com/status-im/infra-pass) repo, to do that simply run: ``` make # alternatively make plugins make secrets ``` This will put the necessary certificates, keys, and passwords are in place so you can deploy and configure hosts. # Usage To deploy hosts for the subsystem you want - for example `discourse` - simply run: ``` terraform plan terraform apply ``` Then configure clusters: ``` ansible-playbook ansible/main.yml ```