# hackathon-registration-dapp ### Prerequisites: - Geth, IPFS and Embark installed ### Installation: ``` git clone https://github.com/status-im/hackathon-registration-dapp.git cd hackathon-registration-dapp npm install ``` ### Configuring dapp Edit `./app/js/config.js`. Edit the ens-usernames dApp URL, and the API endpoint *NOTE*: The server caches the .js/.css files, so in order to see the new changes, edit `./app/index.html` to point to a new version of the files, and edit `./embark.json` so the files are generated with a new name. Then, `embark build testnet/livenet` after changes. ### Background service A nodejs service was created to receive funding requests. It requires a geth light node to run 0. `chmod 600 server/config.js` 1. Edit `server/config.js` and set the contract address and the private key of the controller address. 2. `node server/main.js` ### Running the dapp in a development environment 0. `embark run` 1. Browse http://localhost:8000/index.htm?CODE_TO_REDEEM ### Generating codes (IN DEV) To generate the codes, execute `node server/codegen.js`. This comand will output a `.\codes.txt` file, and the proof and merkle root used for the contract in `server/merkle.js`