FROM ubuntu:latest ENV NVM_VERSION v0.33.11 ENV NODE_VERSION v10.13.0 ENV IPFS_VERSION v0.4.18 # Install ethereum + required stuff for embark RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y curl git build-essential software-properties-common python \ && add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum \ && apt-get install -y ethereum \ && apt-get -y autoclean # Installing IPFS # TODO: move version number to variable RUN curl --output /tmp/go-ipfs.tar.gz \ && cd /tmp \ && tar xvfz ./go-ipfs.tar.gz \ && cd ./go-ipfs/ \ && ./ # Cleanup RUN rm -Rf /tmp/go-ipfs # Creating user: status RUN groupadd status RUN useradd -d /home/status -ms /bin/bash -g status -G sudo -p status status USER status WORKDIR /home/status # Initializing IPFS RUN ipfs init # Installing nvm ENV NVM_DIR /home/status/.nvm RUN mkdir $NVM_DIR RUN curl -o- | bash ENV NODE_PATH $NVM_DIR/v$NODE_VERSION/lib/node_modules ENV PATH $NVM_DIR/versions/node/v$NODE_VERSION/bin:$PATH # Installing embark RUN echo "source $NVM_DIR/ && \ nvm install $NODE_VERSION && \ nvm alias default $NODE_VERSION && \ nvm use default && \ npm install -g node-gyp && \ npm install -g embark" | bash # Installing and building registration dapp RUN echo "source $NVM_DIR/ && \ git clone && \ cd hackathon-registration-dapp && \ npm install" | bash # TODO: create production and testnet config # TODO: overwrite configs based on parameter # TODO: execute codegen # TODO: modify codegen to ask for confirmation # TODO: execute embark build # Help required: # TODO: nginx config # TODO: disable ssh? copy public keys?