import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import EmbarkJS from 'Embark/EmbarkJS'; import web3 from 'Embark/web3' import SNTGiveaway from 'Embark/contracts/SNTGiveaway'; import SNT from 'Embark/contracts/SNT'; import axios from 'axios'; import config from './config'; window.SNTGiveaway = SNTGiveaway; window.SNT = SNT; class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { error: false, errorMessage: '', ready: false, showENSLink: false, intervalCheck: false, showError: false }; } componentDidMount(){ EmbarkJS.onReady(async (error) => { if(error){ this.setState({error: true, errorMessage: "Error loading the DAPP - Contact your nearest Status Core Developer"}); console.error(error); return; } try { await this.start(); } catch (error) { this.setState({error: true, errorMessage: "Error loading the DAPP - Contact your nearest Status Core Developer"}); console.error(error); return; } }); } async redirectIfProcessed(code, intervalCheck){ const sentToAddress = await SNTGiveaway.methods.sentToAddress(web3.eth.defaultAccount).call(); const usedCode = await SNTGiveaway.methods.codeUsed( '0x' + code,).call(); if(sentToAddress && usedCode){ this.setState({showENSLink: true, intervalCheck}); setTimeout(() => { window.location = config.ENSDappURL; }, 7000); } } async start(){ const code ="?", ''); const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0]; if(!code) { this.setState({error: true, errorMessage: "Code is required"}); return; } await this.redirectIfProcessed(code); if(!this.state.showENSLink){ const response = await axios.get(config.APIServer + '/isProcessing/' + code); if(!{ const record = { code, address: web3.eth.defaultAccount } const response = await + '/requestFunds/', record); if({ this.setState({error: true, errorMessage:}); } // TODO: avoid people spamming with localstorage } setInterval(async () => { await this.redirectIfProcessed(code, true); }, 10000); } this.setState({ready: true}); } showErrorMessage(){ this.setState({showErrorMessage: !this.state.showErrorMessage}); } render(){ const {error, errorMessage, ready, showENSLink, showErrorMessage, intervalCheck} = this.state; let className = "blue"; if(error) className = "red"; if(!ready && !error) className = "blue"; if(ready && !error && showENSLink && !intervalCheck) className = "yellow"; if(ready && !error && showENSLink && intervalCheck) className = "green"; let messageTitle; let messageBody; switch(className){ case "blue": messageTitle = "Transaction is being processed"; messageBody =

You will shortly receive some ETH and SNT, just for attending #CryptoLife! Use it to register an ENS Name and buy food.

We hope you have a wonderful time bringing crypto closer to life with us.

break; case "red": messageTitle = "Shit, there was an error"; messageBody =

Please ask a volunteer for help in person.

; break; case "yellow": messageTitle = "You've already been funded!"; messageBody =

We're redirecting you to ENS to register your own username! Ask a volunteer for help if you get lost.

break; case "green": messageTitle = "Great success! Such future!"; messageBody =

We're redirecting you to ENS to register your own username! Ask a volunteer for help if you get lost.

break; } return
this.showErrorMessage()}> {messageTitle}
{ error && showErrorMessage &&
} } ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('app'));