Raúl Kripalani 4558d98653 major rewrite of go-watchdog.
This commit introduces a major rewrite of go-watchdog.

* HeapDriven and SystemDriven are now distinct run modes.
* WIP ProcessDriven that uses cgroups.
* Policies are now stateless, pure and greatly simplified.
* Policies now return the next utilization at which GC
  should run. The watchdog enforces that value differently
  depending on the run mode.
* The heap-driven run mode adjusts GOGC dynamically. This
  places the responsibility on the Go runtime to honour the
  trigger point, and results in more robust logic that is not
  vulnerable to very quick bursts within sampling periods.
* The heap-driven run mode is no longer polling (interval-driven).
  Instead, it relies entirely on GC signals.
* The Silence and Emergency features of the watermark policy
  have been removed. If utilization is above the last watermark,
  the policy will request immediate GC.
* Races removed.
2020-12-08 14:19:04 +00:00

392 lines
12 KiB

package watchdog
import (
// The watchdog is designed to be used as a singleton; global vars are OK for
// that reason.
var (
// Logger is the logger to use. If nil, it will default to a logger that
// proxies to a standard logger using the "[watchdog]" prefix.
Logger logger = &stdlog{log: log.New(log.Writer(), "[watchdog] ", log.LstdFlags|log.Lmsgprefix)}
// Clock can be used to inject a mock clock for testing.
Clock = clock.New()
// NotifyFired, if non-nil, will be called when the policy has fired,
// prior to calling GC, even if GC is disabled.
NotifyFired func() = func() {}
var (
// ReadMemStats stops the world. But as of go1.9, it should only
// take ~25µs to complete.
// Before go1.15, calls to ReadMemStats during an ongoing GC would
// block due to the worldsema lock. As of go1.15, this was optimized
// and the runtime holds on to worldsema less during GC (only during
// sweep termination and mark termination).
// For users using go1.14 and earlier, if this call happens during
// GC, it will just block for longer until serviced, but it will not
// take longer in itself. No harm done.
// Actual benchmarks
// -----------------
// In Go 1.15.5, ReadMem with no ongoing GC takes ~27µs in a MBP 16
// i9 busy with another million things. During GC, it takes an
// average of less than 175µs per op.
// goos: darwin
// goarch: amd64
// pkg: github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/api
// BenchmarkReadMemStats-16 44530 27523 ns/op
// BenchmarkReadMemStats-16 43743 26879 ns/op
// BenchmarkReadMemStats-16 45627 26791 ns/op
// BenchmarkReadMemStats-16 44538 26219 ns/op
// BenchmarkReadMemStats-16 44958 26757 ns/op
// BenchmarkReadMemStatsWithGCContention-16 10 183733 p50-ns 211859 p90-ns 211859 p99-ns
// BenchmarkReadMemStatsWithGCContention-16 7 198765 p50-ns 314873 p90-ns 314873 p99-ns
// BenchmarkReadMemStatsWithGCContention-16 10 195151 p50-ns 311408 p90-ns 311408 p99-ns
// BenchmarkReadMemStatsWithGCContention-16 10 217279 p50-ns 295308 p90-ns 295308 p99-ns
// BenchmarkReadMemStatsWithGCContention-16 10 167054 p50-ns 327072 p90-ns 327072 p99-ns
// See: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19812
// See: https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/issues/403
memstatsFn = runtime.ReadMemStats
sysmemFn = (*gosigar.Mem).Get
var (
// ErrAlreadyStarted is returned when the user tries to start the watchdog more than once.
ErrAlreadyStarted = fmt.Errorf("singleton memory watchdog was already started")
const (
// stateUnstarted represents an unstarted state.
stateUnstarted int32 = iota
// stateRunning represents an operational state.
// stateClosing represents a temporary closing state.
// _watchdog is a global singleton watchdog.
var _watchdog struct {
state int32 // guarded by atomic, one of state* constants.
scope UtilizationType
closing chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// UtilizationType is the utilization metric in use.
type UtilizationType int
const (
// UtilizationSystem specifies that the policy compares against actual used
// system memory.
UtilizationSystem UtilizationType = iota
// UtilizationHeap specifies that the policy compares against heap used.
// PolicyCtor is a policy constructor.
type PolicyCtor func(limit uint64) (Policy, error)
// Policy is polled by the watchdog to determine the next utilisation at which
// a GC should be forced.
type Policy interface {
// Evaluate determines when the next GC should take place. It receives the
// current usage, and it returns the next usage at which to trigger GC.
// The policy can request immediate GC, in which case next should match the
// used memory.
Evaluate(scope UtilizationType, used uint64) (next uint64, immediate bool)
// HeapDriven starts a singleton heap-driven watchdog.
// The heap-driven watchdog adjusts GOGC dynamically after every GC, to honour
// the policy. When an immediate GC is requested, runtime.GC() is called, and
// the policy is re-evaluated at the end of GC.
// It is entirely possible for the policy to keep requesting immediate GC
// repeateadly. This usually signals an emergency situation, and won't prevent
// the program from making progress, since the Go's garbage collection is not
// stop-the-world (for the major part).
// A limit value of 0 will error.
func HeapDriven(limit uint64, policyCtor PolicyCtor) (err error, stopFn func()) {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&_watchdog.state, stateUnstarted, stateRunning) {
return ErrAlreadyStarted, nil
if limit == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use zero limit for heap-driven watchdog"), nil
policy, err := policyCtor(limit)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to construct policy with limit %d: %w", limit, err), nil
_watchdog.scope = UtilizationHeap
_watchdog.closing = make(chan struct{})
var gcTriggered = make(chan struct{}, 16)
go func() {
defer _watchdog.wg.Done()
// get the initial effective GOGC; guess it's 100 (default), and restore
// it to whatever it actually was. This works because SetGCPercent
// returns the previous value.
originalGOGC := debug.SetGCPercent(debug.SetGCPercent(100))
currGOGC := originalGOGC
var memstats runtime.MemStats
for {
select {
case <-gcTriggered:
case <-_watchdog.closing:
// recompute the next trigger.
// heapMarked is the amount of heap that was marked as live by GC.
// it is inferred from our current GOGC and the new target picked.
heapMarked := uint64(float64(memstats.NextGC) / (1 + float64(currGOGC)/100))
if heapMarked == 0 {
// this shouldn't happen, but just in case; avoiding a div by 0.
// evaluate the policy.
next, immediate := policy.Evaluate(UtilizationHeap, memstats.HeapAlloc)
if immediate {
// trigger a forced GC; because we're not making the finalizer
// skip sending to the trigger channel, we will get fired again.
// at this stage, the program is under significant pressure, and
// given that Go GC is not STW for the largest part, the worse
// thing that could happen from infinitely GC'ing is that the
// program will run in a degrated state for longer, possibly
// long enough for an operator to intervene.
Logger.Warnf("heap-driven watchdog requested immediate GC; " +
"system is probably under significant pressure; " +
"performance compromised")
// calculate how much to set GOGC to honour the next trigger point.
currGOGC = int(((float64(next) / float64(heapMarked)) - float64(1)) * 100)
if currGOGC >= originalGOGC {
Logger.Infof("heap watchdog: requested GOGC percent higher than default; capping at default; requested: %d; default: %d", currGOGC, originalGOGC)
currGOGC = originalGOGC
} else {
if currGOGC < 1 {
currGOGC = 1
Logger.Infof("heap watchdog: setting GOGC percent: %d", currGOGC)
Logger.Infof("heap watchdog stats: heap_alloc: %d, heap_marked: %d, next_gc: %d, policy_next_gc: %d, gogc: %d",
memstats.HeapAlloc, heapMarked, memstats.NextGC, next, currGOGC)
return nil, stop
// SystemDriven starts a singleton system-driven watchdog.
// The system-driven watchdog keeps a threshold, above which GC will be forced.
// The watchdog polls the system utilization at the specified frequency. When
// the actual utilization exceeds the threshold, a GC is forced.
// This threshold is calculated by querying the policy every time that GC runs,
// either triggered by the runtime, or forced by us.
func SystemDriven(limit uint64, frequency time.Duration, policyCtor PolicyCtor) (err error, stopFn func()) {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&_watchdog.state, stateUnstarted, stateRunning) {
return ErrAlreadyStarted, nil
if limit == 0 {
limit, err = determineLimit(false)
if err != nil {
return err, nil
policy, err := policyCtor(limit)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to construct policy with limit %d: %w", limit, err), nil
_watchdog.scope = UtilizationSystem
_watchdog.closing = make(chan struct{})
var gcTriggered = make(chan struct{}, 16)
go func() {
defer _watchdog.wg.Done()
var (
memstats runtime.MemStats
sysmem gosigar.Mem
threshold uint64
// initialize the threshold.
threshold, immediate := policy.Evaluate(UtilizationSystem, sysmem.ActualUsed)
if immediate {
Logger.Warnf("system-driven watchdog requested immediate GC upon startup; " +
"policy is probably misconfigured; " +
"performance compromised")
for {
select {
case <-Clock.After(frequency):
// get the current usage.
if err := sysmemFn(&sysmem); err != nil {
Logger.Warnf("failed to obtain system memory stats; err: %s", err)
actual := sysmem.ActualUsed
if actual < threshold {
// nothing to do.
// trigger GC; this will emit a gcTriggered event which we'll
// consume next to readjust the threshold.
Logger.Warnf("system-driven watchdog triggering GC; %d/%d bytes (used/threshold)", actual, threshold)
case <-gcTriggered:
// get the current usage.
if err := sysmemFn(&sysmem); err != nil {
Logger.Warnf("failed to obtain system memory stats; err: %s", err)
// adjust the threshold.
threshold, immediate = policy.Evaluate(UtilizationSystem, sysmem.ActualUsed)
if immediate {
Logger.Warnf("system-driven watchdog triggering immediate GC; %d used bytes", sysmem.ActualUsed)
case <-_watchdog.closing:
return nil, stop
func determineLimit(restrictByProcess bool) (uint64, error) {
// TODO.
// if restrictByProcess {
// if pmem := ProcessMemoryLimit(); pmem > 0 {
// Logger.Infof("watchdog using process limit: %d bytes", pmem)
// return pmem, nil
// }
// Logger.Infof("watchdog was unable to determine process limit; falling back to total system memory")
// }
// populate initial utilisation and system stats.
var sysmem gosigar.Mem
if err := sysmemFn(&sysmem); err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get system memory stats: %w", err)
return sysmem.Total, nil
// forceGC forces a manual GC.
func forceGC(memstats *runtime.MemStats) {
Logger.Infof("watchdog is forcing GC")
// it's safe to assume that the finalizer will attempt to run before
// runtime.GC() returns because runtime.GC() waits for the sweep phase to
// finish before returning.
// finalizers are run in the sweep phase.
start := time.Now()
took := time.Since(start)
Logger.Infof("watchdog-triggered GC finished; took: %s; current heap allocated: %d bytes", took, memstats.HeapAlloc)
func setupGCSentinel(gcTriggered chan struct{}) {
logger := Logger
// this non-zero sized struct is used as a sentinel to detect when a GC
// run has finished, by setting and resetting a finalizer on it.
// it essentially creates a GC notification "flywheel"; every GC will
// trigger this finalizer, which will reset itself so it gets notified
// of the next GC, breaking the cycle when the watchdog is stopped.
type sentinel struct{ a *int }
var finalizer func(o *sentinel)
finalizer = func(o *sentinel) {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&_watchdog.state) != stateRunning {
// this GC triggered after the watchdog was stopped; ignore
// and do not reset the finalizer.
// reset so it triggers on the next GC.
runtime.SetFinalizer(o, finalizer)
select {
case gcTriggered <- struct{}{}:
logger.Warnf("failed to queue gc trigger; channel backlogged")
runtime.SetFinalizer(&sentinel{}, finalizer) // start the flywheel.
func stop() {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&_watchdog.state, stateRunning, stateClosing) {
atomic.StoreInt32(&_watchdog.state, stateUnstarted)